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Building a SPA interface using Angular 2


In this demo you will go through the steps required to build the web front end portion of GeekQuiz, focusing on the single page application interaction using Angular 2, and the CSS3 flip animation.


In this demo, you will see how to:

  1. Create a single page application using Angular 2 and ASP.NET Web API
  2. Use CSS3 to perform rich animations

Key Technologies

Setup and Configuration

Follow these steps to setup your environment for the demo.

  1. Open Visual Studio 2015.

  2. Open the GeekQuiz.sln solution located under source\begin.

  3. If you don't have one, create a user account for the application. To do that, press F5, click Register and provide the information required. After that, close the browser window.

    Note: Remember the information you provided as you will be using it during the demo.

  4. In Visual Studio, close all open files.

  5. Make sure that you have an Internet connection, as this demo requires it to download the npm packages.


This demo is composed of the following segments:

  1. Consuming data from a Web API in an Angular 2 app
  2. Creating a flip animation using CSS3

Consuming data from a Web API in an Angular 2 app

  1. Press CTRL + , and search for "_Layout.cshtml" (without the quotes).

    Opening the layout file

    Opening the layout file

  2. Press Enter. The "_Layout.cshtml" file is opened in the editor.

  3. Add the following code inside the <environment names="Development"> tag located inside the head tag.

    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
  4. Add the following code inside the <environment names="Staging,Production"> tag located inside the head tag.

    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>

    Updating the layout file to include the new dependencies

    Updating the layout file to include the new dependencies

  5. Now, press CTRL + , again and search for "index.cshtml" (without the quotes).

    Opening the index view

    Opening the index view

  6. Press Enter. The Index.cshtml file is opened in the editor.

  7. Add the following code at the bottom of the file. This code will be used as the root of the SPA application.

    <section id="content">
    	 <div class="container">
    		  <div class="row">
  8. Add the following code snippet at the bottom of the file. This code will include the app.js file that will be created during the next steps.

    @section Scripts {
    				packages: { 'js': { defaultExtension: 'js' } }
  9. Right-click the js folder located under wwwroot and select New Item... under Add.

    Creating a new item

    Creating a new item

  10. Select TypeScript File under the DNX | Client-Side menu, change the name to app.ts and click Add.

    Adding a new TypeScript file

    Adding a new TypeScript file

  11. Add the following code in the app.ts file you just created.

    import {bootstrap, Component, View, NgFor, NgClass, AfterViewInit, Inject} from 'angular2/angular2';
    import {Http, HTTP_BINDINGS, Headers} from 'angular2/http';
        selector: 'geekquiz-app',
        viewBindings: [HTTP_BINDINGS]
    class AppComponent implements AfterViewInit {
        public answered = false;
        public title = "loading question...";
        public options = [];
        public correctAnswer = false;
        public working = false;
        constructor( @Inject(Http) private http: Http) {
        answer() {
            return this.correctAnswer ? 'correct' : 'incorrect';
        nextQuestion() {
            this.working = true;
            this.answered = false;
            this.title = "loading question...";
            this.options = [];
            var headers = new Headers();
            headers.append('If-Modified-Since', 'Mon, 27 Mar 1972 00:00:00 GMT');
            this.http.get("/api/trivia", { headers: headers })
                .map(res => res.json())
                    question => {
                        this.options = question.options;
                        this.title = question.title;
                        this.answered = false;
                        this.working = false;
                    err => {
                        this.title = "Oops... something went wrong";
                        this.working = false;
        sendAnswer(option) {
            this.working = true;
            var answer = { 'questionId': option.questionId, 'optionId': };
            var headers = new Headers();
            headers.append('Content-Type', 'application/json');
  '/api/trivia', JSON.stringify(answer), { headers: headers })
                .map(res => res.json())
                    answerIsCorrect => {
                        this.answered = true;
                        this.correctAnswer = (answerIsCorrect === true);
                        this.working = false;
                    err => {
                        this.title = "Oops... something went wrong";
                        this.working = false;
        afterViewInit() {
  12. Add the following View decorator to the AppComponent class below the Component decorator.

    	 directives: [NgFor, NgClass],
    	 template: `
    		  <div class="flip-container text-center col-md-12">
    				<div class="front" [ng-class]="{flip: answered}">
    					 <p class="lead">{{title}}</p>
    					 <div class="row text-center">
    						  <button class="btn btn-info btn-lg option" *ng-for="#option of options" [disabled]="working">{{option.title}}</button>
  13. Save the changes and show that Visual Studio compiles the TypeScript files generating JavaScript code.

    Showing the generated code

    Showing the generated code

  14. Press F5.

    Note: If the Log in page is displayed, provide the credentials you created during the setup steps.

    Logging in the site

  15. As shown in the following figure, the buttons will be displayed. Click any of the buttons. Nothing will happen.

    Showing the app running

    Showing the app running

Creating a flip animation using CSS3###

  1. Dock the Visual Studio window to the left, and the browser window to the right.

    Docking the windows

    Docking the windows

  2. In Visual Studio, press CTRL + , again and search for "flip.css" (without the quotes).

    Opening the flip.css file

    Opening the flip.css file

  3. Press Enter. The flip.css file is opened in the editor.

  4. Show the flip.css file.

  5. Go back to the app.ts file, add the (click)="sendAnswer(option)" to the <button> element inside the each loop. The resulting <button> element is the one from the following code snippet.

    <button class="btn btn-info btn-lg option" *ng-for="#option of options" (click)="sendAnswer(option)" [disabled]="working">{{option.title}}</button>
  6. Add the following code snippet as the first child of <div class="flip-container text-center col-md-12"> and save the changes.

    <div class="back" [ng-class]="{flip: answered, correct: correctAnswer, incorrect:!correctAnswer}">
    	<p class="lead">{{answer()}}</p>
    		  <button class="btn btn-info btn-lg next option" (click)="nextQuestion()" [disabled]="working">Next Question</button>

1. Click **Refresh Browser Link**.

	![Refreshing the Browser using Browser Link](images/refreshing-using-browser-link.png?raw=true "Refreshing the Browser using Browser Link")

	_Refreshing the Browser using Browser Link_

1. In the web browser, click any of the buttons. The flip animation will take place and the result (correct/incorrect) will be displayed.

	![Showing the flip animation](images/showing-the-flip-animation.png?raw=true "Showing the flip animation")

	_Showing the flip animation_


<a name="summary"></a>
## Summary ##

By completing this demo you should have:

1. Create a single page application using Angular 2 and ASP.NET Web API
1. Set up the CSS3 flip animation
