All notable changes to this project performed by the Edubadges team will be documented in this file.
- shows badge expiration date
- when adding staff members email is sent as confirmation
- django updates
- student surfconext login block
- adds enrollment counter for badgeclasses
- adds expiration date to awarding
- multilugual terms and agreement
- terms versioning
- multilingual pricavy policy
- multilingual accept term on enrolment
- fixes all tests
- implements management dashboard endpoints
- lti
- added theming
- baking extension into badgeinstances
- initial integration of IMS package
- making IMS package compatible with python 2.7
- enables enrolling again after revokation of assertion
- improves revokation without permission error message
- improves error message when adding existing email to account
- fixes emails sent to wrong address
- changes email to Edubadges format
- auto fills institution when creating faculty in admin
- adds all faculties to institution scoped users at issuer creation
- split front end permission form admin permissions
- fixes add staff with duplicate email bug
- superuser made exempt of faculty filtering in Issuer admin
- makes it possible for teachers to deny enrollments
- makes faculties visible in badgeuser admin page
- initial version