For the long version See Adding Bundles to Orbit
This is for primarily meant as a guide for contributing a bundle to make its way into a release. This guide assumes all the steps to get approval for the bundle itself have already been performed.
See readme and Adding a bundle for a more thorough explanation
- Fork and Clone this repository
- Choose a folder under which to create the recipe and then create it there using the below mvn command or the create-* if any:
$ cd github/mongodb
$ mvn ebr:create-recipe -DgroupId=org.mongodb -DartifactId=mongo-java-driver -Dversion=3.4.1 -DbundleSymbolicName=org.mongodb.mongo-java-driver
- Modify recipe pom and osgi.bnd to suite the needs of the bundle. If the bundles has dependencies, make sure to specify them under the Import-Package header in the osgi.bnd as opposed to just leaving it as '*;resolution:=optional'.
$ cd org.mongodb.mongo-java-driver_3.4.1
$ $EDITOR pom.xml
$ $EDITOR osgi.bnd
- Perform a test build of the package.
$ mvn -U clean package -DdirtyWorkingTree=warning
- Add the new recipe to the category pom as a module
(eg. org.mongodb.mongo-java-driver_3.4.1
$ cd ../
$ $EDITOR pom.xml
- Add the recipe bundle to the aggregation feature to ensure it ends up in the generated repository
$ cd ../../
$ EDITOR releng/aggregationfeature/feature.xml
(eg. )
- Add and commit the new recipe and changes to the aggregation feature.
$ git add github/mongodb/org.mongodb.mongo-java-driver_3.4.1 releng/aggregationfeature/feature.xml
$ git commit
- We should also test that our new recipe builds successfully prior to submitting for review
First we test that our recipe builds alongside all other recipes and install them locally to be discovered later by our aggregation feature
$ mvn clean install
Next we test that the aggregation feature builds successfully
$ mvn clean install -f releng/aggregationfeature/pom.xml
Finally, we test that the generated repository containing all bundle recipes builds successfully
$ mvn clean package -f releng/repository/pom.xml
- Lastly, we push to review by creating a Pull Request.
Once a change has been reviewed and approved, a build should be triggered within about an hour at . Once the build succeeds, information about where to find the build page, as well as the generated p2 repository can be found at the bottom of the build's logs.
The automated builds are analogous to nightly builds, in that they are not usually retained for long and are generally used merely for testing purposes. For more stable repositories, committers have the ability to push integration, milestone, and recommended (I, S, R) builds that can also be promoted to the downloads page for visibility.