make use of weakref (iterable weakmap)
migrate tests to github
publish to microjs
reogranize building
use sube as dependency?
Split h, v, and $ into separate components:
- it's confusing now to have mix of 3 separate purpose funtions
- often we need just value ref, or dom builder, not aspector
- spect better reflects aspecting purpose of library, not mix of 3 tools
- allows <5kb entry for microjs
- $ can act directly with templize, not necessary own h
- less tests
- reduces complexity/messiness of project, separates concerns of benchmarking etc. → hyperf, vref, spect
- it's confusing now to have mix of 3 separate purpose funtions
swap spect(cnt, sel, fn) to spect(sel, fn, cnt?) ?- cnt at the end is too far
- cnt is optional
- cnt specifies sel naturally... → no: makes more sense as first arg, aslo api-compatible