PEGParser is a PEG Parser for Julia with Packrat capabilties. PEGParser was inspired by pyparsing, parsimonious, boost::spirit, as well as several others.
To define a grammar you can write:
@grammar <name> begin
rule1 = ...
rule2 = ...
The following rules can be used:
- Terminals: Strings and characters
- Or:
a | b | c
- And:
a + b + c
- Grouping:
(a + b) | (c + d)
- Optional: ?(a + b)
- One or more:
+((a + b) | (c + d))
- Zero or more:
*((a + b) | (c + d))
- Regular expressions:
- Lists:
list(a+b, c)
Multiple: (a+b)^(3, 5)
Suppose you want a parser that takes input and converts [text]
into <b>text<>
. You can write the following grammar:
@grammar markup begin
# this is the standard start rule
start = bold_text
# compose a sequence
bold_text = bold_open + text + bold_code
# use a regular expression to define the text
text = r"[a-zA-z]"
bold_open = '['
bold_close = ']'
The first step in using the grammar is to create an AST from a given input:
(ast, pos, error) = parse(markup, "[test]")
The variable ast
contains the AST which can be transformed to the desired result. To do so, first a mapping of the node names to transform has to established:
tohtml(node, cvalues, ::MatchRule{:bold_open}) = "<b>"
tohtml(node, cvalues, ::MatchRule{:bold_close}) = "</b>"
tohtml(node, cvalues, ::MatchRule{:text}) = node.value
tohtml(node, cvalues, ::MatchRule{:bold_text}) = join(cvalues)
And finally:
result = transform(tohtml, ast)
println(result) # "<b>test</b>"
Transforms can also be used to calculate a value from the tree. Consider the standard calculator app:
@grammar calc begin
start = expr
number = r"([0-9]+)"
expr = (term + op1 + expr) | term
term = (factor + op2 + term) | factor
factor = number | pfactor
pfactor = lparen + expr + rparen
op1 = '+' | '-'
op2 = '*' | '/'
lparen = "("
rparen = ")"
And to use the grammar:
(node, pos, error) = parse(grammar, "5*(42+3+6+10+2)")
# A ::MatchRule{:default} can be specified and will be used for anything that isn't
# explicitely defined and is not on the ignore list
evaluate(node, cvalues, ::MatchRule{:number}) = float(node.value)
evaluate(node, cvalues, ::MatchRule{:expr}) =
length(children) == 1 ? children : eval(Expr(:call, cvalues[2], cvalues[1], cvalues[3]))
evaluate(node, cvalues, ::MatchRule{:factor}) = cvalues
evaluate(node, cvalues, ::MatchRule{:pfactor}) = cvalue
evaluate(node, cvalues, ::MatchRule{:term}) =
length(children) == 1 ? children : eval(Expr(:call, cvalues[2], cvalues[1], cvalues[3]))
evaluate(node, cvalues, ::MatchRule{:op1}) = symbol(node.value)
evaluate(node, cvalues, ::MatchRule{:op2}) = symbol(node.value)
# Note: the ignore list -- these will produce no output when encountered.
result = transform(math, node, ignore=[:lparen, :rparen])
println(result) # 315.0
This is still very much a work in progress and doesn't yet have as much test coverage as I would like.
The error handling still needs a lot of work. Currently only a single error will be emitted, but the hope is to allow multiple errors to be returned.