Solve problem using simplest and basic features
If you know - Super Cool Latest Advanced method
- comment your supercode down (in proj file) below using COMMENTED-ADVANCED-CODE-TEMPLATE
* Amend (Replace) *
// your code
// your code
// your code
// your code
1. How it must looks in real Project
Tasks can be much more simplest, example is worst case
// Simple feature vesrion
const express = require ( "express" ) ;
const router = express . Router ( ) ;
const Post = require ( "../../models/Post" ) ;
// const Profile = require('../../models/Profile');
router . post ( "/" ,
async ( req , res ) => {
try {
const newPost = new Post ( {
text : req . body . text ,
} ) ;
const post = newPost . save ( ) ;
res . json ( post ) ;
} catch ( err ) {
res . status ( 500 ) . send ( { msg : err . message } ) ;
) ;
module . exports = router ;
* Amend (Replace) *
// const { check, validationResult } = require("express-validator"); // add validation
// const auth = require("../../middleware/auth"); //add autentification, middleware/auth already exist
// Solve autentification issue 123
// [
// auth,
// [
// check("text", "Text is required")
// .not()
// .isEmpty()
// ]
// ],
// async (req, res) => {
2. How it must looks in real Project nexttask
const express = require ( "express" ) ;
const router = express . Router ( ) ;
const { check, validationResult } = require ( "express-validator" ) ;
const auth = require ( "../../middleware/auth" ) ;
const User = require ( "../../models/User" ) ;
const Post = require ( "../../models/Post" ) ;
router . post (
"/" ,
auth ,
check ( "text" , "Text is required" )
. not ( )
. isEmpty ( )
] ,
async ( req , res ) => {
const errors = validationResult ( req ) ;
if ( ! errors . isEmpty ( ) ) {
return res . status ( 400 ) . json ( { errors : errors . array ( ) } ) ;
try {
const user = await User . findById ( req . user . id ) . select ( "-password" ) ;
const newPost = new Post ( {
text : req . body . text ,
username : user . username ,
} ) ;
const post = await newPost . save ( ) ;
res . json ( post ) ;
} catch ( err ) {
console . error ( err . message ) ;
res . status ( 500 ) . send ( { msg : err . message } ) ;
) ;
module . exports = router ;
* Amend (Replace) *
//Add new router.get issue 124