- BUG: show_on_new_message in hidden to taskbar window state
- NEW: incoming call hook with dialog to answer
- BUG: appIcon click closes unfocused win
- BUG: screenshare cause DOM error in console and not working
- BUG: (macos) new run_at_startup function
- BUG: iconPath fix for about menu
- NEW: system-idle-time for away status prevent in hidden and unfocused app
- BUG: clear localstorage cachedConversations if logged out to clear unread counter
- BUG: remove seguibli.ttf (Segoe UI Black Italic (TrueType)) font requrement from app (force sans-serif font ?)
- GUI: check new version (show in about menu)
- cache new version in store
- BUG: (macos) turn off minimize window button to prevent unpredictable behaviour
- BUG: (macos) white server icon on restore and unread
- (macos) no unread counter badge in dock - check OS permissions for badge and notifications
- BUG: waiting for 2nd unread console message to update unread in app places
- BUG: do not hide search
- do not hide #contactsmenu
- BUG: in popup window check already opened window before open it again (show_on_new_message func)
- BUG: profile browserWindow - show tel and other info
- BUG: slow down alive check (to 10s?)
- BUG: unread counter drops when dialog icons with counter is not visible in gui
- add dev separate conf folder
- BUG: remove version from autorun (Mac/Win)
- SSO NC openid call from app observer instead of server side js script (with option to try auto login)
- BUG (linux): try to create autostart + check if there is autostart created
- add new auto_login setting in README
- BUG: settings css GUI fix
- IMPROVE: close navi menu when narrow width window (<= 1024 px) and focus is lost
- BUG: (linux) openAtLogin as creation/deletion of talk-electron.desktop file with the following content in ~/.config/autostart:
- show NC version in about, window title and tray title
- localization support
- close navi menu when narrow width window (< 512 px) and focus is lost
- GUI: show app window if not logged in at startup
- BUG: close navi menu when upload file
- BUG: broken context menu (right-click double click) with Nexctloud 29
- BUG: no white unread counter in tray, only empty red badge (linux)
- add badged app icon to taskbar (linux, test on VM at work)
- BUG: memory leak due to multiple loading windows
- BUG: force open Talk after logout and login fix
- add server address to app windows title and tray title
- BUG: delayed page refresh after reload loader disappear (macos only?)
- error hadle if no connection with NC or Talk (pinger) - add spinner
- always on the top option
- BUG: fix light/dark nextcloud style "Open Nextcloud" link in user menu
- BUG: fix macos theme taskbar icon (make sure to turn off macos taskbar transparency to proper usage)
- show number of notifications on icon
- BUG: double reload after login only apperas in case of non-cookie session login (SSO for example)
- BUG: if show_on_new_message is true - show on every new message
- electron promts for server and allow domains input
- replace notification process by the number of unread messages
- BUG: no notifications in hidden app after dismissed notifications
- BUG: close navi menu when create new conference or settings clicked (maybe add auto close navi on every non navi click or action?)
- BUG: on pinned/maximized main window hide (not close) it opens again (windows)
- ia32 win version
- BUG: process no spreed app found (404) in nextcloud_check.js
- add access to user settings of NC from the app user-menu
- BUG: make all new windows only one instance (single)
- BUG: change devtools toggle label on devtools close
- BUG: close navi menu when user-menu clicked
- BUG: fix iconPath in linux and windows
- toggle devtools on F12 and in main menu
- process maximize and unmaximize main window
- BUG: user input blocks (mouse, keyboard) in case of narrow width window (< 512 px) after resize. and in case of opened conversations list menu with narrow width window (< 512 px). Prevent resize to less then 512px because of 12236 and others.
- BUG: prevent running multiple app instances
- add NTLM/kerberos SSO support
- BUG: NC link add multiple times in user-menu
- help link change to Talk
- go to Nextcloud link/button in GUI menus
- save maximized and pinned main window bounds and size
- open new links in default system browser instead of electron app (files for example)
- app prevents OS logout and crashes with error in this case:(use electron-shutdown-handler but no ia32 support for now)
- Help (F1) open htps://docs.nextcloud.com/server/latest/user_manual/ru in new modal
- auto start option
- settings menu
- initial context menu for some text and link operations
- dialog to fix server_url if url error appears
- check NC version on start (logged in and logged out)
- save win bounds
- config.json for installer or config launch parametres?
- add talk app icon
- ability to get app icon from cloud server
- set server_url dialog if not set
- check loaded cloud or throw error
- respect existed config.json
- pre-process logo icon for Mac client
- prevent NC loading stripe on profile link click
- unsupported browser localstorage addition on logout to prevent message appear when login
- add profile and help titles to openPopup windows
- no taskbar icon in mac compiled app
- remove other gui elements that lead out from /apps/spreed
- force /apps/spreed path after logout and following login (or remove logout from user menu)
- config file to read some options from (like server url and so on)
- make notification symbol on app icon smaller
- add notification symbol to trayIcon if notification happened (
check notify icon in NC BrowserWindowon some event) - about for linux
- browser notification process (calling, new messages)
- override help->about with app version and name