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Qiskit Quantum Espresso Driver



The interface to Qiskit is not working❗ Since qiskit_nature does indirectly not support complex expansion coefficients (see this issue) the provided code does currently not work with qiskit_nature. Since the Kohn-Sham orbitals are expanded in plane-waves with complex expansion coeffiecients, the overlap matrix is complex. As described in this issue, the overlap matrix is calculated the wrong way and needs to be casted to a real matrix. This is especially relavant if the qiskit_algorithm NumPyMinimumEigensolver in combination with the default filter criterion is used. The default filter criterion enforces that the ground state has the correct number of particles, a magnetization of zero and an angular momentum of zero. The angular momentum operator is defined by the overlap matrix between spin-up and spin-down molecular orbitals, i.e. Kohn-Sham orbitals in our case.

Besides that, spin-polarized DFT calculations result in a non-zero ($\sim10^{-8}$) angular momentum of the ground-state. This causes the NumPyMinimumEigensolver in combination with the default filter criterion to not find the ground-state. After the above mentionend issue is resolved, we will work on fixing spin-polarized DFT calculations.


This repository provides an interface between the QuantumEspresso DFT software and Qiskit. QuantumEspresso uses a plane-wave basis to express the Kohn-Sham orbitals. We extract the Kohn-Sham orbitals from a QuantumEspresso calculation to construct a many-body hamiltonian in Qiskit by calculating the necessary matrix elements.

We start from a DFT calculation done with QuantumEspresso and extract the Kohn-Sham orbitals expressed in the momentum basis. Then, we select a set of orbitals around the. We formulate the electronic structure problem in second quantization with the selected Kohn-Sham orbitals. For this we need to calculate one-electron and two-electron matrix elements $h_{ij}$ and $h_{ijkl}$, respectively. Botrh are calculated in Python using the Numpy package. The calculated matrix elements are then used to create a electronic structure problem in Qiskit which is solved with the variational quantum eigensolver (VQE) algorithm using different classical optimizers. For reference we solve the same electronic structure problem in a exact manner via exact diagonalization with the Python package PySCF with their full configuration interaction (FCI) solver. When using VQE to solve the problem we use the unitary coupled cluster (UCC) ansatz, which is a physically motivated ansatz but results in a deep ansatz circuit.


  • Tested Python version: 3.11.5
  • See requirements.txt for Python packages.
  • Tested QuantumEspresso version: 7.1 compiled with HDF5 1.14.0 (HDF5 support is not needed)
  • Only normconserving pseudopotentials can be currently used because then the Kohn-Sham orbitals are orthonormal. For ultrasoft pseudopotentials a generalized eigenvalue problem is solved in DFT and the wavefunctions are only orthonormal w.r.t. to an overlap matrix.


  1. Run a QuantumEspresso SCF DFT calculation with the pw.x -i > H2.scf.out.
  2. The and scripts created a qiskit ElectronicStructureProblem (see by calculating the electron repulsion integrals via pair densities (see and by calculating the one-electron part of the Hamiltonian (see and using the QuantumEspresso DFT output. The ground state of the problem is then found with the numpy ground-state solver in qiskit.

Note that the QE_Driver class in also provides a function solve_fci which uses PySCF to perform exact diagonalization of the electronic structure Hamiltonian.


ERIs via pair densities

We calculate the electron repulsion integrals (ERIs) given as $$h_{tuvw} = \int \int \frac{\psi^\ast_t(r_1) \psi^\ast_u(r_2) \psi_v(r_2) \psi_w(r_1)}{|r_1-r_2|}dr_1dr_2$$ In we calculate the ERIs via pair densities $\rho_{tu}(r)=\psi^\ast_t(r)\psi_u(r)$ of real space wavefunctions $\psi_t(r)$. Note that all real space coordinates $r$ are vectors but we ommit the vector arrow for brevity. With this the ERIs $h_{tuvw}$ in the Kohn-Sham basis can be written as $$h_{tuvw} = 4\pi \sum_{\substack{p, p\neq 0}} \frac{\rho^\ast_{tw}(p) \rho_{uv}(p)}{|p|^2}$$ with $\rho_{tu}(p)=\int\rho_{tu}(r) e^{-ip\cdot r}\mathrm{d}r$ which is the Fourier transform of $\rho_{tu}(r)$. Therefore $\rho_{tu}(p)$ is the convolution between $\psi^\ast_t(p)$ and $\psi_u(p)$: $\rho_{tu}(p)=\psi^\ast_t(p)*\psi_u(p)$.

In the following we present a derivation of the pair density representation of the ERIs. We start from the real space representation: $$h_{tuvw}=\int \int \psi^\ast_t(r_1)\psi^\ast_u(r_2)\psi_v(r_2)\psi_w(r_1) \frac{1}{|r_1-r_2|} \mathrm{d}r_1 \mathrm{d}r_2$$ Using the definition of pair densities $\rho_{tu}(r)=\psi^\ast_t(r)\psi_u(r)$ and the Fourier transformation of the Coulomb potential $$\frac{1}{|r_1-r_2|}=\int\frac{4\pi}{|p|^2}e^{ip\cdot (r_1-r_2)}\mathrm{d}p$$ we find $$h_{tuvw}=\int \int \rho_{tw}(r_1) \rho_{uv}(r_2) \int\frac{4\pi}{|p|^2}e^{ip\cdot (r_1-r_2)}\mathrm{d}p \mathrm{d}r_1 \mathrm{d}r_2$$ Swapping integrals and using $e^{ip\cdot (r_1-r_2)}=e^{ip\cdot r_1}e^{-ip\cdot r_2}$ yields $$h_{tuvw}=\int \frac{4\pi}{|p|^2} \int \rho_{tw}(r_1) e^{ip\cdot r_1} \mathrm{d}r_1 \int \rho_{uv}(r_2) e^{-ip\cdot r_2} \mathrm{d}r_2 \mathrm{d}p $$ Using the Fourier transformation of the pair densities $\rho_{tu}(p)=\int\rho_{tu}(r) e^{-ip\cdot r}\mathrm{d}r$ results in $$h_{tuvw}=\int \frac{4\pi}{|p|^2} \rho^\ast_{tw}(p) \rho_{uv}(p) \mathrm{d}p$$ For numerical calculation the integral turns into a sum over all momentum vector. To avoid the singularity at $p=0$ we ommit this momentum in the numerical summation: $$h_{tuvw}=\sum_{\substack{p, p \neq 0}} \frac{4\pi}{|p|^2} \rho^\ast_{tw}(p) \rho_{uv}(p)$$

One-Electron Integrals

The one-electron integrals $$h_{tu}=\int \psi^\ast_t(r) \left( -\frac{1}{2} \nabla^2 - \sum_{I} \frac{Z_I}{R_I- r} + \sum_{I\lt J} \frac{Z_I Z_J}{|R_I-R_J|} \right) \psi_u(r)\mathrm{d}r$$ are also calculated in the plane-wave basis. We split the above formula into its three parts: $$h_{tu}=t_{tu} - u_{tu} +c_{tu}$$ with $$t_{tu}=\int \psi^\ast_t(r) \left( -\frac{1}{2} \nabla^2 \right) \psi_u(r)\mathrm{d}r$$ $$u_{tu}=\int \psi^\ast_t(r) \left( \sum_{I} \frac{Z_I}{R_I- r} \right) \psi_u(r)\mathrm{d}r$$ $$c_{tu}=\int \psi^\ast_t(r) \psi_u(r)\mathrm{d}r \left( \sum_{I\lt J} \frac{Z_I Z_J}{|R_I-R_J|} \right)=\sum_{I\lt J} \frac{Z_I Z_J}{|R_I-R_J|}$$ where we assumed a orthonormal basis in the last step in defining $c_{tu}$. In the momentum basis using the Fourier transformation of kinetic energy and the coulomb potential we find: $$t_{tu}= \frac{1}{2}\int\psi_t(p)p^2 \psi_u(p)\mathrm{d}p$$ $$u_{tu} = \frac{4\pi}{\Omega} \sum_{p,q,p\neq q} \psi_t(p)^\ast \psi_t(q) \frac{1}{|q-p|^2} \sum_I e^{-i (q-p) \cdot R_I} $$ where we again avoid the singularity at $p=q$ by ommitting these momenta.




This software was developed within the QuantiCoM project which is part of the DLR Quantum Computing Initiative (QCI). We acknowledge the support of the DLR Quantum Computing Initiative (QCI).