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File metadata and controls

98 lines (67 loc) · 4.71 KB - variables defined in make files

1. Manual variables


Please specify the appropriate identifier for your container registry; defaults to whoami. This variable should be changed prior to attempting to push a Docker image.


This variable controls which organization services and patterns are directed. This variable should be changed prior to attempting to service-publish or pattern-publish.


These variables control identification and naming as well as architecture for build:

  • TAG - tag, if any, for build artefacts; defaults to empty unless TAG file found or specified as environment variable
  • BUILD_ARCH - defined in the build.json configuration file

They may be used on the command-line to control the build, for example:

% make BUILD_ARCH=arm64 TAG=test publish-service

1.1 Code signing

These variables indicate the files used for code signing. These files are generated using the hzn command-line-interface and preferably stored in the open-horizon/ directory. These keys are necessary for any service-publish or pattern-publish targets.

  • PRIVATE_KEY_FILE - filename of private key for code signing; defaults to IBM-*.key or PRIVATE_KEY_FILE
  • PUBLIC_KEY_FILE - filename of public key for code signing; defaults to IBM-*.pem or PUBLIC_KEY_FILE

Use the following command with appropriate alternatives; any values are acceptable:

hzn key create ${HZN_ORG_ID} ${USER}@${HOST}
mv -f *.key ${HZN_ORG_ID}.key
mv -f *.pem ${HZN_ORG_ID}.pem

1.2 IBM Cloud API Key

This variable provides the IBM Cloud API key; it is the contents of the APIKEY file which itself is derived fromapiKey if an IBM Cloud API key JSON file is stored in open-horizon/apiKey.json IBM Cloud API keys can be generated and downloaded from the IBM Cloud IAM service.

  • APIKEY- contents of APIKEY file; created from apiKey in apiKey.json

2. Automatic variables

Service definitions

  • SERVICE_ORG - organization for service; defaults to org from service.json
  • SERVICE_LABEL - label for service; defaults to label from service.json
  • SERVICE_NAME - name to use for service artefacts w/ TAG if exists; defaults to SERVICE_LABEL
  • SERVICE_VERSION - semantic version #.#.# for service; defaults to version from service.json
  • SERVICE_TAG - identifier for service as recorded in Open Horizon exchange
  • SERVICE_PORT - status port for service; identified as first entry from specific_ports in service.json
  • SERVICE_URI - unique identifier for service in exchange; defaults to url from service.json
  • SERVICE_URL - unique identifier for service in exchange w/ TAG if exists; defaults to SERVICE_URI
  • SERVICE_REQVARS - list of required variables from service.json


  • DOCKER_NAMESPACE - identifier for login to container registry; defaults to output of whoami
  • DOCKER_NAME - identifier for container; defaults to ${BUILD_ARCH}/${SERVICE_NAME}
  • DOCKER_TAG - tag for container; defaults to $(DOCKER_ID)/$(DOCKER_NAME):$(SERVICE_VERSION)
  • DOCKER_PORT - port mapping for local container; from default is first from ports in service.json


These variables control the testing of the service or pattern:

  • TEST_JQ_FILTER - filter to apply to jq command when testing the service; defaults to first line of TEST_JQ_FILTER file
  • TEST_NODE_FILTER - filter to apply when testing nodes; defaults to first line of TEST_NODE_FILTER file
  • TEST_NODE_TIMEOUT - number of seconds to wait for a node connection
  • TEST_NODE_NAMES - list of nodes or contents of file TEST_TMP_MACHINES; defaults to localhost
TEST_JQ_FILTER ?= $(if $(wildcard TEST_JQ_FILTER),$(shell head -1 TEST_JQ_FILTER),)
TEST_NODE_FILTER ?= $(if $(wildcard TEST_NODE_FILTER),$(shell head -1 TEST_NODE_FILTER),)
TEST_NODE_NAMES = $(if $(wildcard TEST_TMP_MACHINES),$(shell cat TEST_TMP_MACHINES),localhost)


These variables are complicated and subject to change.

Define BUILD_FROM according to TAG if and only if the original BUILD_BASE is from the same DOCKER_ID (i.e. use base images with same TAG).

BUILD_BASE=$(shell jq -r ".build_from.${BUILD_ARCH}" build.json)
BUILD_ORG=$(shell echo $(BUILD_BASE) | sed "s|\([^/]*\)/.*|\1|")
SAME_ORG=$(shell if [ $(BUILD_ORG) = $(DOCKER_ID) ]; then echo ${DOCKER_ID}; else echo ""; fi)
BUILD_PKG=$(shell echo $(BUILD_BASE) | sed "s|[^/]*/\([^:]*\):.*|\1|")
BUILD_TAG=$(shell echo $(BUILD_BASE) | sed "s|[^/]*/[^:]*:\(.*\)|\1|")