Create a Github repo with your jupyter notebook.
Create a ResourceGroup item. For e.g
{ "accessPolicy": "OPEN", "dataSample": { }, "itemStatus": "ACTIVE", "type": [ "iudx:ResourceGroup", "<data model types used in this sandbox>" ], "provider": "<provider id>", "location": { "address": "<city name>", "type": "Place" }, "@context": "https://voc.iudx.org.in/", "tags": [ "tag1", "tag2" ], "name": "<some name identifying this resource>", "description": "<Some description in markdown. Image links are accepted too.", "resourceServer": "<resourceServer id>", "resourceType": "MESSAGESTREAM", "label": "<Label identifying this resource>", "dataDescriptor": { }, "repositoryURL": "https://github.com/datakaveri/sandbox-ambulance.git", "referenceResources": [ { "id": "<id of a reference resource used in this sandbox>", "name": "<some name>", "description": "<Some description>", "additionalInfoURL": "<Addition info url if needed>" } ], "instance": "sandbox" }
is the url of the github repo where the code is hosted. -
List all the datasets used by this sandbox as resource items, for e.g
{ "tags": [ "tag1", "tag2" ], "type": [ "iudx:Resource", "<data model type>" ], "description": "<Description of this dataset>", "@context": "https://voc.iudx.org.in/", "label": "<Some label>", "provider": "<Provider id>", "name": "<unique name of this dataset within this group>", "itemStatus": "ACTIVE", "resourceGroup": "<sandbox resourceGroup id obtained while onboarding the above>", "downloadURL": "<Url to download this dataset>", "instance": "sandbox" }
Proceed to view the onboarded sandboxes on the UI.
Note: Instructions for onbaording these items can be found here.