- the generated
file will include required step defs from imported packages, enabling reuse of step definitions across multiple packages (#16)
- converted project to build using gradle
- upgraded minimal compatibility from 2021.3 to 2022.3
- support for 213 and fixing issue from user
- patch submission included code from groovy plugin which wasn't caught.
- incompatibilities for IDEA 2020.1
- incompatibilities for 193 of IDEA
- IDEA exception around read exception, adding in default parameter names. Fixing issues around alias names for stepdefs.
- when the tests are in a non flutter top level project, the root folder checking for "test" or "test-driver" doesn't work.
- Removed dependency on java cucumber version that 2019.2 was complaining about.
- Updated to allow running features inside non test directories and without any dependencies other than Ogurets.