title_meta : Unit 3 title : Estimating measurement error in categorical variables description : "Evaluating misclassification without a gold standard" attachments : slides_link : http://jpsmonline.umd.edu/pluginfile.php/4813/mod_folder/content/0/SURV730-Unit-3-slides-2016-summer.pdf?forcedownload=1
--- type:NormalExercise lang:r xp:100 skills:7 key:39a225af5a
In your workspace you will find two crosstables from the slides:
: The crosstable between an interview and reinterview from a "large, national [United States-DLO] survey on drug use" (Biemer 2011, p. 56)tab_gender_GP
: The crosstable between "gender" (gndr) and "discussing health with GP" (dshltgp)
First we are going to calculate some categorical data-association measures from these crosstables. On the right you see code for doing that for the measures discussed in the slides as well as two new ones (Yule's Q and φ). There are many more, which I won't get into but some are discussed in the references below:
- Yule's Q is explained on the Wikipedia page about "Goodman & Krusal's gamma" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goodman_and_Kruskal%27s_gamma#Yule.27s_Q
- The phi coefficient has its own wikipedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phi_coefficient
- John Uebersax's page has a good overview of various association measures and their interrelatedness: http://www.john-uebersax.com/stat/agree.htm
*** =instructions
- Look up the
(φ) andYule
(Yule's Q) association measures online; - Verify that the base code to the right gives the same estimates as are given for
in the slides; - Adjust the code to the right to estimate association between
using thetab_gender_GP
table; - Verify that you get the same results as in the slides.
*** =hint
- Replace
in the code to the right; - In the call to
, which uses Poisson regression to get at the log-odds ratio coefficient from a table, you may need to adjust the variable namesQuestion 1
andQuestion 2
to correspond to the names in thetab_gender_GP
*** =solution
# These are all from psych library:
tab_gender_GP %>% cohen.kappa
tab_gender_GP %>% tetrachoric
tab_gender_GP %>% phi
tab_gender_GP %>% Yule
# Different ways of getting the log-odds ratio from a table
# Calculate it by hand
my_log_odds_ratio <- function(tab) {
odds_ratio <- (tab[1, 1] * tab[2, 2]) / (tab[1, 2] * tab[2, 1])
tab_gender_GP %>% my_log_odds_ratio
# Using a Poisson model for the counts
# (useful when you want to use svyglm from the survey package
# to get design-based complex sampling standard errors)
tab_gender_GP %>% as.data.frame %>%
glm(Freq ~ gndr * dshltgp, data = ., family = poisson) %>%
# As a loglinear model
# (useful when you want to test margins, can also use the survey
# package's loglinear function to adjust for complex sampling)
# Note that the logodds ratio is 4*the loglinear interaction param.
tab_gender_GP %>% loglin(margin = list(1:2), param = TRUE)
*** =sample_code
# These are all from psych library:
tab_marijuana %>% cohen.kappa
tab_marijuana %>% tetrachoric
tab_marijuana %>% phi
tab_marijuana %>% Yule
# Different ways of getting the log-odds ratio from a table
# Calculate it by hand
my_log_odds_ratio <- function(tab) {
odds_ratio <- (tab[1, 1] * tab[2, 2]) / (tab[1, 2] * tab[2, 1])
tab_marijuana %>% my_log_odds_ratio
# Using a Poisson model for the counts
# (useful when you want to use svyglm from the survey package
# to get design-based complex sampling standard errors)
tab_marijuana %>% as.data.frame %>%
glm(Freq ~ Question.1 * Question.2, data = ., family = poisson) %>%
# As a loglinear model
# (useful when you want to test margins, can also use the survey
# package's loglinear function to adjust for complex sampling)
# Note that the logodds ratio is 4*the loglinear interaction param.
tab_marijuana %>% loglin(margin = list(1:2), param = TRUE)
*** =pre_exercise_code
options(digits = 4)
*** =sct
test_student_typed("tab_gender_GP %>% cohen.kappa")
test_student_typed("tab_gender_GP %>% tetrachoric")
test_student_typed("tab_gender_GP %>% phi")
test_student_typed("tab_gender_GP %>% Yule")
test_student_typed("tab_gender_GP %>% my_log_odds_ratio")
incorrect_msg = "There is a mistake in the Poisson regression (call to glm): you need to include the interaction between gender and GP.")
incorrect_msg = "I was looking for the correct log-odds ratio value (0.416..) in your output and could not find it. So something is still missing.")
test_output_regex("dshltgp\\.gndr", incorrect_msg = "There is a mistake in the loglinear model (call to loglin): you need to include the interaction between gender and GP.")
incorrect_msg = "I was looking for the correct loglinear model interaction estimate (0.104..) in your output and could not find it. So something is still missing there.")
--- type:MultipleChoiceExercise lang:r xp:50 skills:7 key:8e9ece5b36
All of the measures you calculated gave the association between two variables. What did these associations correspond to in terms of the concepts discussed in the previous unit?
*** =instructions
: criterion correlation,tab_gender_GP
: criterion correlationtab_marijuana
: test-retest reliability,tab_gender_GP
: test-retest reliabilitytab_marijuana
: criterion correlation,tab_gender_GP
: test-retest reliabilitytab_marijuana
: test-retest reliability,tab_gender_GP
: criterion correlation
*** =hint Pretend the categorical association measures are correlations and check the slides for unit 2.
*** =sct
test_mc(correct = 4)
--- type:NormalExercise lang:r xp:100 skills:7 key:24549c4cdc
The antireli
data frame contains the "tolerance scale" from the 1987 General Social Survey discussed in Hagenaars & McCutcheon (2002).
The code to the right runs the two-class example given in the slides.
More description of this type of latent class modeling is in the Biemer book as well as in this introductory text.
*** =instructions
- With three dichotomous indicators, two classes is the maximum amount of information we can extract from these data. Verify this by fitting a three class model and encountering a problem.
- The "one class" model is actually a model of complete independence between the three indicators. Compare the AIC and BIC values of the one class and the two class models. Which model fits the data best?
*** =hint
- Change the nclass = 2 argument to a different number
- Check the output for the AIC and BIC and pick the model with the lowest value
- Check the output for alerts, warnings, etc.
*** =solution
poLCA(cbind(Y1, Y2, Y3) ~ 1, data = antireli, nclass = 1)
poLCA(cbind(Y1, Y2, Y3) ~ 1, data = antireli, nclass = 2)
poLCA(cbind(Y1, Y2, Y3) ~ 1, data = antireli, nclass = 3)
*** =sample_code
# This calls the poLCA function to fit a latent class model
# on the three indicators Y1, Y2, Y3
# with two classes (nclass = 2).
M2 <- poLCA(cbind(Y1, Y2, Y3) ~ 1, data = antireli, nclass = 2)
*** =pre_exercise_code
antireli <- read.csv("http://daob.nl/files/SURV730/antireli_data.csv")
options(digits = 4)
*** =sct
incorrect_msg = "There is a mistake in the Poisson regression (call to glm): you need to include the interaction between gender and GP.")
incorrect_msg = "I was looking for the correct log-odds ratio value (0.416..) in your output and could not find it. So something is still missing.")
test_output_regex("dshltgp\\.gndr", incorrect_msg = "There is a mistake in the loglinear model (call to loglin): you need to include the interaction between gender and GP.")
incorrect_msg = "I was looking for the correct loglinear model interaction estimate (0.104..) in your output and could not find it. So something is still missing there.")