Given a SHACL shape string, gives back the TypeScript types.
You also need to give an @vocab ontology alias.
import { Converter } from '[email protected]/mod.ts'
// NPM module will be created when this all is more stable and finished.
const response = await fetch('[email protected]/shapes/Person.ttl')
const personShacl = await response.text()
const converter = new Converter()
const context = {
'label': 'rdfs:label',
'type': 'rdf:type',
'name': 'foaf:name',
'thumb': 'dbo:thumbnail'
const typeScriptTypes = await converter.transform(personShacl, 'dbp', context)
// Returns this as a string
export type selfPhilosopher = {
label?: string | Array<string>;
thumb: string;
type: string;
birthPlace?: Array<selfLocation>;
birthDate?: Date;
export type selfLocation = {
type: string;
name: string;