The this
key is only accessible through a member function (a function that belongs to a class, so a method).
is a pointer to the current object instance that the method belongs to.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
void PrintEntity(Entity* e);
void PrintEntity2(const Entity& e);
class Entity
int x, y;
Entity(int x, int y)
// we can diffentiate, the the parameter from the class variables
// x = x;
Entity* e = this;
// we can use `const` on the right side
// that way we can stop the reassigning of that pointer
Entity* const e = this;
// using const, we don't allow the change from the next line
// this = nullptr;
e->x = x;
// or simply
this->x = x;
this->y = y;
Entity& e = *this;
// we just simply dereference the pointer in this signature
// const here avoid reassigning `this`
int GetX() const
return this->x;
void PrintEntity(Entity* e)
// Do your printing