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Exercises and solutions for Chapter 6

The data for the exercises is within the compGenomRData package.

Run the following to see the data files.


You will need some of those files to complete the exercises.

Operations on genomic intervals with the GenomicRanges package

  1. Create a GRanges object using the information in the table below:[Difficulty: Beginner]
chr start end strand score
chr1 10000 10300 + 10
chr1 11100 11500 - 20
chr2 20000 20030 + 15



gr <- GRanges(seqnames=c("chr1","chr1","chr2"),

  1. Use the start(), end(), strand(),seqnames() and width() functions on the GRanges object you created. Figure out what they are doing. Can you get a subset of the GRanges object for intervals that are only on the + strand? If you can do that, try getting intervals that are on chr1. HINT: GRanges objects can be subset using the [ ] operator, similar to data frames, but you may need to use start(), end() and strand(),seqnames() within the []. [Difficulty: Beginner/Intermediate]


# For each genomic interval, return...
start(gr) # ...its start position
end(gr) # ...its end position
strand(gr) # ...its strand
seqnames(gr) #...its sequence name
width(gr) # its calculated interval from start to end (inclusive)

gr[strand(gr) == "+"] # Retrieve intervals (rows) on + strand using logical operation
gr[seqnames(gr) == "chr1"] # Retrieve intervals on chr1 using logical operation
  1. Import mouse (mm9 assembly) CpG islands and RefSeq transcripts for chr12 from the UCSC browser as GRanges objects using rtracklayer functions. HINT: Check chapter content and modify the code there as necessary. If that somehow does not work, go to the UCSC browser and download it as a BED file. The track name for Refseq genes is "RefSeq Genes" and the table name is "refGene". [Difficulty: Beginner/Intermediate]


library(rtracklayer) # load necessary package
# start a session at the nearest gateway
session <- browserSession("UCSC",url = '') 
genome(session) <- "mm9" # mouse genome assembly

## CpG islands on chr12
CpG.query <- ucscTableQuery(session, 
                        track="CpG Islands",
                        range=GRangesForUCSCGenome("mm9", "chr12"))
## get the GRanges object <- track(CpG.query) # works OK # glimpse GRanges object

## RefSeq Genes on chr12
RSG.query <- ucscTableQuery(session, 
                        # track="RefSeq Genes", # error for Unknown track: RefSeq Genes
                        track="NCBI RefSeq", # apparently renamed
                        range=GRangesForUCSCGenome("mm9", "chr12"))

## get the GRanges object 
# track(RSG.query) # Error in stop_if_wrong_length(what, ans_len) : 'ranges' must have the length of the object to construct (1598) or length 1
# Due to error, instead retrieve table data frame
RSG.df <- getTable(RSG.query)
# And then convert data frame into GRanges object <- GRanges(
  seqnames = RSG.df$chrom, # alternative to [] to select columns from df
  ranges = IRanges(start=RSG.df$txStart, 
  strand = RSG.df$strand,
  name = RSG.df$name,
  name2 = RSG.df$name2,
  exonCount = RSG.df$exonCount)  # glimpse GRanges object
  1. Following from the exercise above, get the promoters of Refseq transcripts (-1000bp and +1000 bp of the TSS) and calculate what percentage of them overlap with CpG islands. HINT: You have to get the promoter coordinates and use the findOverlaps() or subsetByOverlaps() from the GenomicRanges package. To get promoters, type ?promoters on the R console and see how to use that function to get promoters or calculate their coordinates as shown in the chapter. [Difficulty: Beginner/Intermediate]

solution: <- promoters(, upstream = 1000, downstream = 1000) <- unique( # another way to remove duplicates
n_prom <- length( # number of unique promoters

prom_CpGi1 <- findOverlaps(,, select = "first") # only select first overlap
n_prom_CpGi1 <- length(na.omit(prom_CpGi1)) # remove NAs and count number of first overlaps with unique promoters

# compute percentage of promoters that overlap a CpG island(s)
perc_overlap <- n_prom_CpGi1/n_prom * 100
  1. Plot the distribution of CpG island lengths for CpG islands that overlap with the promoters. [Difficulty: Beginner/Intermediate]


prom_CpGi <- findOverlaps(, # get ALL overlaps
ol_CpGi_prom <- unique(prom_CpGi@to) # select 'to' vector with row numbers of CpG islands overlapping with promoters and then remove duplicate row numbers
CpGi.lengths <- width([ol_CpGi_prom]) # subset the CpGi GRanges with an overlap and get the width of each range
hist(CpGi.lengths, xlab = "Lengths (bps)", breaks = 10) # make a histogram of lengths
  1. Get canonical peaks for SP1 (peaks that are in both replicates) on chr21. Peaks for each replicate are located in the wgEncodeHaibTfbsGm12878Sp1Pcr1xPkRep1.broadPeak.gz and wgEncodeHaibTfbsGm12878Sp1Pcr1xPkRep2.broadPeak.gz files. HINT: You need to use findOverlaps() or subsetByOverlaps() to get the subset of peaks that occur in both replicates (canonical peaks). You can try to read "...broadPeak.gz" files using the genomation::readBroadPeak() function; broadPeak is just an extended BED format. In addition, you can try to use the coverage() and slice() functions to get more precise canonical peak locations. [Difficulty: Intermediate/Advanced]


#coming soon

Dealing with mapped high-throughput sequencing reads

  1. Count the reads overlapping with canonical SP1 peaks using the BAM file for one of the replicates. The following file in the compGenomRData package contains the alignments for SP1 ChIP-seq reads: wgEncodeHaibTfbsGm12878Sp1Pcr1xAlnRep1.chr21.bam. HINT: Use functions from the GenomicAlignments package. [Difficulty: Beginner/Intermediate]


#coming soon

Dealing with contiguous scores over the genome

  1. Extract the Views object for the promoters on chr20 from the file available at CompGenomRData package. Plot the first "View" as a line plot. HINT: See the code in the relevant section in the chapter and adapt the code from there. [Difficulty: Beginner/Intermediate]


# first get a file with the promoter locations on chr20
transcriptFile <- system.file("extdata",
feat20.grl <- readTranscriptFeatures(transcriptFile, # see CompGenomR
                            remove.unusual = TRUE)
feat20.grl # glimpse GRangesList object with exons, introns, promoters, TSSes on chr20 <- feat20.grl$promoters # get promoters from the features

bwFile <- system.file("extdata",
# import the H3K4me3 data for the chr20 promoters as RleList object <- import(bwFile,, as = "RleList")
myViews <- Views(, as(,"IRangesList")) # get subsets of coverage
# there is a views object for each chromosome

# plot the coverage vector from the 1st view
plot(myViews[[1]][[1]], type="l")
  1. Make a histogram of the maximum signal for the Views in the object you extracted above. You can use any of the view summary functions or use lapply() and write your own summary function. [Difficulty: Beginner/Intermediate]


hist(viewMaxs(myViews[[1]]), xlab = "Maximum H3K4me3 signal")
  1. Get the genomic positions of maximum signal in each view and make a GRanges object. HINT: See the ?viewRangeMaxs help page. Try to make a GRanges object out of the returned object. [Difficulty: Intermediate]


#coming soon

Visualizing and summarizing genomic intervals

  1. Extract -500,+500 bp regions around the TSSes on chr21; there are refseq files for the hg19 human genome assembly in the compGenomRData package. Use SP1 ChIP-seq data in the compGenomRData package, access the file path via the system.file() function, the file name is: wgEncodeHaibTfbsGm12878Sp1Pcr1xAlnRep1.chr21.bam. Create an average profile of read coverage around the TSSes. Following that, visualize the read coverage with a heatmap. HINT: All of these are possible using the genomation package functions. Check help(ScoreMatrix) to see how you can use bam files. As an example here is how you can get the file path to refseq annotation on chr21. [Difficulty: Intermediate/Advanced]


#coming soon
  1. Extract -500,+500 bp regions around the TSSes on chr20. Use H3K4me3 ( and H3K27ac ( ChIP-seq enrichment data in the compGenomRData package and create heatmaps and average signal profiles for regions around the TSSes.[Difficulty: Intermediate/Advanced]


#coming soon
  1. Download P300 ChIP-seq peaks data from the UCSC browser. The peaks are locations where P300 binds. The P300 binding marks enhancer regions in the genome. (HINT: group: "regulation", track: "Txn Factor ChIP", table:"wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3", you need to filter the rows for "EP300" name.) Check enrichment of H3K4me3, H3K27ac and DNase-seq ( experiments on chr20 on and arounf the P300 binding-sites, use data from compGenomRData package. Make multi-heatmaps and metaplots. What is different from the TSS profiles? [Difficulty: Advanced]


#coming soon
  1. Cluster the rows of multi-heatmaps for the task above. Are there obvious clusters? HINT: Check arguments of the multiHeatMatrix() function. [Difficulty: Advanced]


#coming soon
  1. Visualize one of the -500,+500 bp regions around the TSS using Gviz functions. You should visualize both H3K4me3 and H3K27ac and the gene models. [Difficulty: Advanced]


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