- Star the project!
- Answer questions that come through GitHub issues
- Report a bug that you find
- Share a theme you've built with Timber. This helps transfer knowledge about best practices, etc. Add it to the Showcase list
- Tweet and blog about the advantages (and criticisms) of the project and Twig
- Browse contrib opportunities for areas of WordPress/PHP/code you know well to consider, build or document.
Pull requests are highly appreciated. More than fifty people have written parts of Timber (so far). Here are some guidelines to help:
- Solve a problem Features are great, but even better is cleaning-up and fixing issues in the code that you discover.
- Write tests This helps preserve functionality as the codebase grows and demonstrates how your change affects the code.
- Small > big Better to have a few small PRs that address specific parts of the code, than one big PR that jumps all over.
- Comply with standards We follow WordPress coding standards -- which sometimes deviate from PSR-2 and others.