The script to generate the list of need-to-check articles in order to dispatch tasks in our fact-checking meetup.
Run with node above v7
# Equally distribution
npm start -- -p <number of people> -n <number of articles per person>
npm start -- -x <xlsx file path> -n <number of articles per person>
npm start -- -p <number of people> -f <number of articles per person> -r <number of articles per person>
npm start -- -x <xlsx file path> -f <number of articles per person> -r <number of articles per person>
npm start -- -p <number of people> -f <number of articles per person>
npm start -- -p <number of people> -r <number of articles per person>
# Specify distribution
npm start -- -d <number of articles>:<number of people> -d <number of articles>:<number of people> ...
# Options
-p, --people Number of people to distribute articles, will be replaced by -x option.
-n, --replyorfeedback Number of articles which has no replies or reply has no positive feedbacks.
-r, --reply Number of articles which has no replies.
-f, --feedback Number of articles which reply has no positive feedbacks.
-x, --xlsx File path of attendee list downloading form kktix, use this file to rename tabs name as attendees.
-b, --backup Number of extra seats generate form xlsx file. Default is 2.
-d, --distribution Specify distribution <n:p>, not support feedback, reply and xlsx.
- Update to google drive automaticlly.