Add all exported functions as default from src/api.ts
Add bundling for browser iife, cjs, and mjs minified versions
Add esbuild developer dependency
Add build scripts for iife, cjs, and mjs minified scripts
Changed package.json "files" to only include ./dist/api.js, ./dist/formats, ./dist/core, and ./dist/types
Add support for CommonJS modules through editing the "exports" package.json field
Add default export of functions in src/formats/rule/index.ts
Fix broken "rule" entrypoint on "typesVersions" in package.json
Add entrypoint "file" to package.json
Add src/formats/file/index.ts to define all public file manipulation functions
Change SupportedLifeLikeFormats type to SupportedLifeLikeReadFileFormats
Add type SupportedLifeLikeWriteFileFormats
Export types SupportedLifeLikeReadFileFormats and SupportedLifeLikeWriteFileFormats from "./file" and main entrypoints.
Change PlaintextMatrixWriteData in src/formats/file/plaintext.ts to PlaintextMatrixEncodingData
Change PlaintextCoordinateWriteData in src/formats/file/plaintext.ts to PlaintextMatrixEncodingData
Change FileFormatData in src/formats/file/index.ts to FileFormatEncodingData
Export type FileFormatData from "./file" and main entrypoints.
Add special error message for empty strings in readLifeString
Ensure false and "" in isLifeFileFormat and getLifeFileFormat when empty life string is passed in
Add to dist/ to explain different distribution formats
Add documentation for all 3 entry points into llcacodec
Add npm and yarn install commands into documentation
Bump to version 0.1.5
Update typo in with comma
Remove "simple library" clause from
Add function API list to
Add convertLifeRule to default exports of main entrypoint and rule entrypoint.
Add convertLifeRule to export of main entrypoint.
Bump to version 0.1.4
Add "" to distributed files
Add "" to distributed files
Remove "LICENSE" from distributed files, as the LICENSE file is automatically included by npm
Add documentation to src/core/set2D.ts
Add documentation to src/api.ts
Fold to be no more than 90 characters per line
Add, which gives links toward different pattern collections.
Remove pattern collection links from
Fold to 80 character line widths
Remove link to in
Add link to in
Remove "unwritten" warning from
Fixed error with plaintext with reading carraige returns
Fixed error with Life105 with the presence of empty cell blocks throwing errors.
Pushed to npm registry, Bump version to 0.1.1
Updated package.json with git repo, included files, license, bug report url, and more keywords
Restructured to contain the logo and description directly after the header
Patch bug with RLE file format not being recognized
Gifs added to
Fixed throws function, as output was returning true when not throwing and false when throwing, which is the opposite of what should have been happening
Changed all functions with "PlainText" in the name to "Plaintext" instead
Completely removed the concept of "Byte Arrays" and the functions byteArrayToASCII and pushASCIIBytes. Instead, strings are build by simply using an array of strings that are joined upon return
Changed name to just be llcacodec from llcacodec.js
Added RLE File Writing
Fixed Life 1.05 Reading
Removed public api function readLifeFileLiveCoordinates. Now all file types return coordinates, and they can be read through readLifeFile(string, format).liveCoordinates
Added public function isLifeStringFormat to check if a string conforms with a specific file format
Changed all decoded data to return the name of its format along with itself
Changed all encoding data interfaces to require the name of its format along with itself
Changed all decoded data interfaces to match the pattern (FILE_TYPE_NAME)DecodedData
Changed all encoding data interfaces to match the pattern (FILE_TYPE_NAME)EncodingData
Changed readLifeFile overload for unknown file types to not accept a second parameter
Changed RLEDecodedData to default topleft to [0, 0] and include a new field "foundTopLeft" for if a custom top left coordinate was found