Colin Mahony June 2, 2016
###User Group 1: BEC practitioners
Priority: Immediate
- intimate knowledge of specific climates
- know the “smell” of these climates
- knowledge organized by BEC system
- flying blind in climate change
- information either too general or too technical
- variable acceptance of anthropogenic global warming (mirrors general public)
- climate science literacy generally low
Specific research questions:
- Basic information on local projections
- Where are the climates going/coming from? novelty
Broader impressionistic knowledge:
- How do BEC units relate to each other quantitatively?
- Scale of climate change
- How does climate change compare to differences between BEC units?
- How does climate change compare to natural variability?
- What does historical climate change look like?
###User Group 2: BEC students
Priority: Immediate
- Learning BEC from the Top down
- Qualitative not quantitative
- Accepting of anthropogenic global warming
- Climate science literacy is variable
Specific questions:
- What are BEC units?
- What do the BEC units look like?
- How do the BEC units relate to each other?
###User Group 3: General public
Priority: Future
- interested in climate change
- Ignorant of BEC system
- Variable climate science literacy
- Whimsical interest in tool