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cmader edited this page Apr 13, 2012 · 1 revision

In order to address the problems outlined above, we define a number of potential quality issues that, after human judgement, help to identify errors and misconceptions in a given vocabulary. For each issue, we give a real-world example and outline the actual implementation. We grouped these criteria into:

  • '''Labeling and Documentation Issues'''
  • '''Structural Issues''': quality issues that can be derived from the graph-based nature of SKOS vocabularies, such as missing or misplaced relations between concepts
  • '''Linked Data Specific Issues''': quality issues that can be derived from the Linked-Data approach of organizing data on the Web

We also set up a [ github repository] containing the set of SKOS vocabularies we have already tested against the identified issues. The dataset is expected to grow as qSKOS development proceeds.

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