Application to become an approved third party manufacturer as per HIP19. The submission of a HIP19 application does not guarantee approval. All questions must be answered, any missing information will result in delays.
Qingdao IotPi Information Technology Ltd. is a startup company focused on providing consultancy of Internet of Things. We have helped customers in building various products and solutions.
- What is your company name?
Qingdao IotPi Information Technology Ltd.
- How long has the company been in business?
5 years +
- What kind of products have you created? (list specific products)
We provide solutions to customers, including: Bluetooth Low Energy controlled smart fashion wearings NAS like ARM box LoRaWAN based gateway devices Provided Helium Full Hotspot solutions for one of my customers
- How many have you sold?
We only provide full design solutions for customers, didn't sell our own products before.
- What brought you to the Helium Network?
Being excited to learn about the decentralized idea of Helium Network, we are thrilled to be part of it.
- What is this product's model name?
- IotPi Pico Cam R1b
- Is this is Light Hotspot? Y/N (Due to the time required for the HIP19 process, new applications should be for Light Hotspots only)
- Is this model for indoor, outdoor, or both? (If there are two different models for indoor and outdoor, list them separately)
- Provide a brief description of the product:
IotPi Pico Cam R1b is a low-cost Helium Light Hotspot + IP Camera Hybrid solution, with industrial grade option (all industrial grade elements on board, mainly for Outdoor model). It has a Rockchip RK1109 SoC as its main CPU, with SX1303 as its LoRa concentrator, with RANiX RS2332 as security element , powered by a PoE interface, with a 5M pixels digital camera. This device can be installed in room (Indoor version), or outside (Outdoor version), not only provide LoRa connectivity, but also remote IP Camera monitoring capabiliies. Our LoRa Module will have an optional GPS chip onboard.
- What is your approximate price point?
- Indoor version: $200 - $300
- Outdoor version (commercial grade, w/ or w/o GPS): $300 - $400
- Outdoor version (industrial grade, w/ or w/o GPS): $500 - $700
- What is your expected production and delivery timeline?
Feburary - March, 2023
Startups welcomed! (If you're a startup, please include detailed information about your team's previous experience.)
- Have you shipped anything in the past?
- What types of products have you shipped?
- Which countries have you previously shipped regulatory approved products? (FCC, CE, etc.)
- If you are a startup, are you partnering with another company? What experience does your team have?
We have deep expertise in embedded linux development, including kernel/BSP development, embedded linux application development in C/C++/Rust We have participated in developing software for Helium Ecosystem, and we sent PRs to Helium Repos, and got
Helium Contributor
tag in discord Helium Community channel
Please list specific countries, "worldwide" or "global" are not acceptable.
US, Taiwan, Japan, Europe, Tailand, India, Korea
- How will your customers be able to contact you for support for your products?
E-mail, Discord
- How long will the company provide customer support?
1 year
- How are you planning to handle repairs and replacements?
We provide replacements parts for SoC module and LoRa module in reasonable price
- The community is concerned about devices that can be easily hacked, specifically by copying their swarm_key files. Applications should include plan for how the devices will be secured. The approved security element is an ECC608. If you would like to use an alternative security element your HIP19 will require additional review, please email the Helium Foundation ([email protected]).
- Are you using an ECC608. Yes or No?
No, this product is using RS2332 from RANiX
- Encrypted/locked-down firmware. Yes or No?
No.( Firmware includes GPLv3 software, we cannot fully encrypt and lock down the whole system. But we have encrypted and lock / verify core software with TrustZone Technology embedded in SoC)
- Encrypted storage of the miner swarm_key, either via disk encryption or hardware measures. Yes or No?
Yes, stored securely inside RS2332
- Encrypted buses, potting and other anti-tampering measures. Yes or No? (Please note, the final design will be audited against this statement. Do not answer 'yes' unless the design will have these features and a description of where they are implemented can be provided.)
Yes. RS2332 provided Environmental and physical level attack: KCMVP Level 3
- Willingness to submit a prototype for audit, and sharing those audit results publicly (pass or fail) Yes or No?
Evidence of a functioning prototype - photos/videos. Renderings are OK but physical prototypes are much, much better.
- What are your plans for software setup and configuration for the devices?
Adding hotpot via a QR code. The device will provide a Web Dashboard for controlling.
This would includes remote updates and the ability for hosts to change wifi settings, via Helium's official app or otherwise.
- Which security implementation (ECC608, TPM, TrustZone, other) are you using?
- Which LoRa chipset are you planning to use in your gateway? (We recommend you don't use the SX1301 in new designs.)
- What is the CPU?
Dual core ARM Cortex-A7
- Other Hardware Specifications:
- 256MB RAM
- 4GB eMMC
- 5M digital camera with H264/H265 encoding (3072x1728 @ 30fps)
- Giga Ethernet Interface with PoE
- Have you built and delivered radio hardware products before?
- Have you built gateways before?
- How many gateways did you make?
1000 for customers
- If you have not built gateways before, are you using a third party manufacturer or working with a partner? This is the single largest risk with most hardware ventures. If possible please provide information about your manufacturing partners and supply chain.
Shenzhen Naviecare Technology Ltd., and Taiwan Ushine Photonics
- Where are you sourcing your components from?
SoC, DDR, eMMC from WPG, LoRa from Naviecare or Ushine Photonics, rs2332 from Sales office of RANiX
- How many radio modules/ concentrators can you procure?
10K / month
Per typical KYC/AML procedures, proof of identity for major shareholders (25%+ ownership) will be expected to be provided privately to representatives from the Helium Foundation. This will be attested and publicly confirmed by those representatives. Details for this will be provided after your application has been submitted on GitHub.
- How many hotspots are you planning to manufacture and sell within the first six months of sales?
- How much money will be required up-front? How much money do you have on-hand, and how much do you have access to?
all 3K units requires $200K up-front, We get access to $100K for first batch of manufacturing.
- What is your plan for additional financing if required? (This is the second biggest risk in new hardware ventures, getting almost over the line and then running out of cash.)
We have volume customers will pay for devices up-front
Please tell us about some of the challenges that would prevent these products from becoming a reality and how you might address them.
Global supply chain crisis is the biggest challenge, we will order SoC, DDR, LoRa modules long before production. We have good connections with chips and modules suppliers. In the meanwhile, this solution is unique in current applications, requiring many software development and tests efforts. RS2332 is an new alternative solution, requires great development efforts and partnering with chip vendor.
- Contact Email (required)
[email protected]
- Website (required)
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- Discord -
sprhawk#1718 in Official Helium Community
- Other social profiles -
Paypal, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Credit Card