Some times, you want to share some pieces of code in several bash commands.
You can put that code in another directory called lib sibling to the commands.
Say you want to provide a function called shout that capitalize the input.
shout () {
tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'
Let’s put this code in a file called mylib.
mkdir -p "${CLKCONFIGDIR}/bin/lib"
cat<<EOF > "${CLKCONFIGDIR}/bin/lib/mylib"
Then you can simply import this code in your code, using clk_import.
clk command create bash somecommand --no-open
cat <<"EOH" > "$(clk command which somecommand)"
#!/bin/bash -eu
source ""
clk_import mylib
clk_usage () {
This command does something
clk_help_handler "$@"
echo something | shout
test "$(clk somecommand)" = "SOMETHING"