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File metadata and controls

204 lines (184 loc) · 11.5 KB

Data Collection Schemas

The schema for validating reported data is available here.

The schema is separated into sections for each of the main measurement modules as well as a section for miscellaneous other data, such as the study version.


It's easy to test with a command line JSON validator like AJV. Run the extension and copy the generated aggregate data into a file, then run:

ajv validate -s pathToSchema.json -d savedSampleDataFromStudy.json

Data Documentation

This part of the document describes the data being collected by this study. This study will send a ping using the Rally platform, through Firefox, approximately once per day.

The encrypted part of the payload follows the rallymeasurement schema (here is a conforming example), with the following salient sections.


This section of the ping contains a list of websites known to be sources of authoritative or misleading information about health and politics, browsed by the user who joined the study.

  "newsAndDisinfo.pageNavigation": {
    "untrackedVisitsCount": 500,
    "untrackedAttention": 431241,
    "trackedVisitsByCategory": [
        "visitTrimmedUrl": "",
        "sourceTrimmedUrlFromReferrer": "",
        "sourceTrimmedUrlFromTransitions": "",
        "dayOfWeek": 1,
        "timeOfDay": 8,
        "classifierResults": {
          "covid-page-classifier": 1,
          "pol-news-classifier": 0
        "categoryVisitsCount": 10,
        "categoryAttention": 500,
        "categoryScroll": 400
  • untrackedVisitsCount: the number of browsed URLs that do not match the study domains.
  • untrackedAttention: the total amount of time spent paying attention to pages that do not match the study domains.
  • trackedVisitsByCategory: an array of objects, each representing a study domain visited by the user.
    • visitTrimmedUrl: the visited domain.
    • sourceTrimmedUrlFromReferrer: the domain of the referrer.
    • sourceTrimmedUrlFromTransitions: the domain of the previous page in the tab, or the opener tab.
    • dayOfWeek: an integer representing the day of the week the domain was referred.
    • timeOfDay: an integer representing the time of the day the domain was referred.
    • classifierResults: an object with properties for each of the page classifiers used in this study.
      • covid-page-classifier: an integer representing the result of the classifier that looks for COVID-related articles.
      • pol-page-classifier: an integer representing the result of the classifier that looks for political news-related articles.
    • categoryVisitsCount: the number of visits in this category (as defined by referrer, day, time, and classification).
    • categoryAttention: the sum of the lengths of the attention spans on the pages in this category, as documented in the WebScience code.
    • categoryScroll: the sum of the relative scroll depths for visits to pages in this category.


This section of the ping contains a list of platforms study links were shared on.

  "newsAndDisinfo.socialMediaLinkSharing": {
    "linkSharesByPlatform": [
        "platform": "someSocialNetwork",
        "untrackedSharesCount": 10,
        "trackedSharesByCategory": [
            "sharedTrimmedUrl": "",
            "visitSourceFromTransitions": "",
            "facebookReshareSource": "page",
            "dayOfWeek": 2,
            "timeOfDay": 20,
            "classifierResults": {
              "covid-page-classifier": 1,
              "pol-news-classifier": 0
            "shareAudience": "public",
            "categorySharesCount": 2,
            "categoryVisitAttention": 34291,
            "categoryVisitsInPageNavigationCount" : 1,
            "categoryVisitsInHistoryCount" : 1
  • linkSharesByPlatform: an array of objects, each representing a platform links were shared on.
    • platform: the name of the social network platform links were shared on.
    • untrackedSharesCount: the number of URLs shared on the social media platform not tracked for this study.
    • trackedSharesByCategory: an array of objects, each containing information about the domain of the shared URL.
      • sharedTrimmedUrl: the domain of the shared URL.
      • visitPresentInPageNavigation: whether the study recorded a visit to the shared page.
      • visitSourceFromTransitions: referrer for the page visit, as determined by the previous page in the tab.
      • facebookReshareSource: for Facebook reshares, whether the original post came from a person or page.
      • dayOfWeek: an integer representing the day of the week the link was shared.
      • timeOfDay: an integer representing the time of the day the link was shared.
      • classifierResults: an object with properties for each of the page classifiers used in this study.
        • covid-page-classifier: an integer representing the result of the classifier that looks for COVID-related articles.
        • pol-page-classifier: an integer representing the result of the classifier that looks for political news-related articles.
      • shareAudience: the target audience of the share on the social media platform.
      • categorySharesCount: the number of shares of content in this category was shared.
      • "categoryVisitAttention": for shared links that were also visited, the sum of time spent on the page during the visit.
      • "categoryVisitsInPageNavigationCount" : the number of shared links that were also visited.
      • "categoryVisitsInHistoryCount" : the number of shared links that appeared in the browsing history.


This section of the ping contains a list links seen by the user, only including links to domains known to be sources of news or health information.

  "newsAndDisinfo.linkExposure": {
    "trackedExposuresByCategory": [
        "exposureSourceTrimmedUrl": "",
        "exposureDestinationTrimedUrl": "",
        "dayOfWeek": 1,
        "timeOfDay": 4,
        "categoryExposuresCount": 10
  • trackedExposuresByCategory: an array of objects, each representing a link user was exposed to.
    • exposureSourceTrimmedUrl: the domain exposing the link.
    • exposureDestinationTrimedUrl: the domain of the link.
    • dayOfWeek: an integer representing the day of the week user was exposed to the link.
    • timeOfDay: an integer representing the time of the day user was exposed to the link.
    • categoryExposuresCount: the number of exposures to links in this category.


This section of the ping contains a record of each page visited by the user, with the user's attention and path to visited the page measured via several different methods.

  "newsAndDisinfo.methodology": {
    "measuredPageVisits": [
        "visitTrimmedUrl": "",
        "attentionDwellTime": 21079,
        "attentionDwellTimePlus": 15234,
        "attentionTimeToNextLoad": 35000,
        "attentionWebScience": 15123,
        "parentHistory": "",
        "parentLoadTime": "",
        "parentWebScience": "",
        "parentReferrer": "",
        "isHistoryChange": false,
        "parentReferrerPathPresent": false,
        "parentWebSciencePathPresent": true,
        "parentLoadTimeToHistory": true,
        "parentReferrerToHistory": true,
        "parentReferrerToLoadTime": false,
        "parentWebScienceToHistory": true,
        "parentWebScienceToLoadTime": false,
        "parentWebScienceToReferrer": true,
        "prevTTNL": 2312,
        "timeOfDayStart": 12,
        "dayOfMonthStart": 24,
        "monthOfYearStart": 6,
        "yearStart": 2022
  • measuredPageVisits: an array of objects, each representing a page visit.
    • visitTrimmedUrl: the visited domain, or "other" if the visit was to an untracked domain.
    • attentionDwellTime: the amount of time between the page loading in the browser and unloading.
    • attentionDwellTimePlus: the amount of time the page was visible to the user and focused.
    • attentionWebScience: the amount of time the user was paying attention to the page, as documented in the WebScience code.
    • parentHistory: the domain of the parent page as reported by the History API.
    • parentLoadTime: the domain of the page that loaded chronologically before this one.
    • parentWebScience: the domain of the page that WebScience judged to be the parent of this one.
    • parentReferrer: the domain of the page listed as the document.referrer.
    • isHistoryChange: whether this page visit started via a change through the History API instead of a regular navigation.
    • parentReferrerPathPresent: whether the page listed as the parentReferrer had a path. Note that the path itself is removed before reporting -- this value states whether it was ever present.
    • parentWebSciencePathPresent: same as the above, for the parentWebScience.
    • parentLoadtimeToHistory: whether the pages listed as parentLoadTime and parentHistory were the same (before removing the path for reporting).
    • parentReferrerToHistory: whether the pages listed as parentReferrer and parentHistory were the same (before removing the path for reporting).
    • parentReferrerToLoadTime: whether the pages listed as parentReferrer and parentLoadTime were the same (before removing the path for reporting).
    • parentWebScienceToHistory: whether the pages listed as parentWebScience and parentHistory were the same (before removing the path for reporting).
    • parentWebScienceToLoadTime: whether the pages listed as parentWebScience and parentLoadTime were the same (before removing the path for reporting).
    • parentWebScienceToReferrer: whether the pages listed as parentWebScience and parentReferrer were the same (before removing the path for reporting).
    • prevTTNL: the amount of time between the loading of the page chronologically before and the loading of this page (for estimating boundaries of browsing sessions).
    • timeOfDayStart: the time of day the page visit started, represented as the start of a four-hour span.
    • dayOfMonthStart: the day of the month the page visit started.
    • monthOfYearStart: the month of the year the page visit started (note that months are 0-indexed).
    • yearStart: the year the page visit started.

Miscellaneous Fields

There are two remaining relevant fields in the ping:

  • newsAndDisinfo.surveyId: a unique, randomly-generated identifier that links survey responses to data collected through Rally.
  • newsAndDisinfo.version: the version of the study that generated this ping.