- fix #63 by moving data preparation before period checks
- add option to temporal resampling to exclude window boundaries
- fix #48 by reintroducting netcdf imports
- fix #60 by importing correctly from pygeogrids
- fix #56 by allowing read_bulk keyword for ASCAT_SSM
- fix #58 by using cKDTree keyword if available
- lookup table indexing fixed, see #59
- hotfix for temporal resampling problem when time series where of unequal lenghts
- added validation framework and example on how to use it
- fix bug (issue #51) in temporal matching
- added test data as git submodule
- added calculation of pearson R confidence intervals based on fisher z transform
- ISMN reader can now get the data coverage for stations and networks
- ISMN interface can now be restricted to a list of networks
- added python3 support
- moved grid functionality to pygeogrids package, pytesmo grids are deprecated and will be removed in future releases
- include triple collocation example and improve documentation see issue #24
- fixed ASCAT verion detection for latest H25 dataset WARP55R22
- added example for Soil Water Index calculation
- moved to pyscaffold structure
- added tests for modules
- added grid generation routines
- fix for issue #15
- updated classes to work with new base classes, does not change API
- added travis CI support
- changed theme of documentation, and enabled read the docs
- added grouping module
- fixed bug that lead to old grids without shape information not loading
- added functionality to save grid as 2 dimensional array in grid.netcdf if grid is regular and shape information is given
- added readers, tests and examples for H-SAF image products H07, H08 and H14
- added resample method that makes using pyresample a easier for the dictionary structure that pytesmo uses for image data
- added colormap reader for custom colormaps
- fixed bug in grid.nearest_neighbour that caused different results on different systems. Radians are now always calculated at 64bit accuracy
- ISMN routines now read the new ISMN download format
- df_metrics.bias now also returns a namedtuple
- Reader for different versions of netCDF H25 HSAF product
- added functionality to save grid definitions to netCDF files
- Fixed Bug that masked all data if snow probabilities did not exist
- Added tests
- Added readers for netCDF H25 HSAF product
- Added readers for netCDF ERS soil moisture product
- Added general grid classes
- Performance improvements for anomaly and climatology calculation through usage of cython
- Introduced df_metrics module for convienent calculation of metrics for data saved in pandas.DataFrames