If not done already, please follow the instructions to install kind.
You will have a local Kubernetes cluster with four nodes, running inside four containers.
curl -Lo cluster.yml https://raw.githubusercontent.com/chornberger-c2c/isovalent-cilium-lab/main/kind/cluster.yml
kind create cluster --name cilium --config cluster.yml
If not done already, please follow the instructions to get the cilium and hubble utilities.
Cilium and hubble will be installed on this local Kubernetes cluster.
cilium install
cilium hubble enable --ui
cilium hubble port-forward &
cilium hubble ui &
cilium connectivity test
=> This creates namespace cilium-test which we will use later on!
We test the connection from the first pod in namespace cilium-test to https://cilium.io and get a positive return code.
BACKEND=$(kubectl get pods -n cilium-test -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}')
kubectl -n cilium-test exec -ti ${BACKEND} -- curl -Ik --connect-timeout 5 https://cilium.io | head -1
HTTP/2 200
apiVersion: cilium.io/v2
kind: CiliumNetworkPolicy
name: cilium-test
namespace: cilium-test
endpointSelector: {}
- toEndpoints:
- matchLabels:
io.kubernetes.pod.namespace: kube-system
k8s-app: kube-dns
- ports:
- port: "53"
protocol: UDP
- matchPattern: "*"
or go to https://editor.networkpolicy.io/ and do it manually
- "Create new policy" (empty page bottom left)
- "Edit" icon in the middle of the page => enter a namespace and a policy name
- "Egress Default Deny"
- "Allow Kubernetes DNS"
- "Download"
Apply locally
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/chornberger-c2c/isovalent-cilium-lab/main/cilium-network-policies/egress-default-deny.yml
Observe the change
kubectl -n cilium-test exec -ti ${BACKEND} -- curl -Ik --connect-timeout 5 https://cilium.io | head -1
curl: (28) Connection timeout after 5001 ms
command terminated with exit code 28
hubble observe --output jsonpb --last 1000 > backend-cilium-io.json
=> The connection to https://cilium.io won't work, as we configured "Egress Default Deny" in our first policy.
apiVersion: cilium.io/v2
kind: CiliumNetworkPolicy
name: cilium-test
namespace: cilium-test
endpointSelector: {}
- toEndpoints:
- matchLabels:
io.kubernetes.pod.namespace: kube-system
k8s-app: kube-dns
- ports:
- port: "53"
protocol: UDP
- matchPattern: "*"
- toFQDNs:
- matchName: cilium.io
- ports:
- port: "443"
or go to https://editor.cilium.io and do it manually
- "Flows upload"
- "Upload flows"
- "Add rule"
- "Download"
Apply locally
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/chornberger-c2c/isovalent-cilium-lab/main/cilium-network-policies/allow-cilium-io.yml
kubectl -n cilium-test exec -ti ${BACKEND} -- curl -Ik --connect-timeout 5 https://kubernetes.io | head -1
curl: (28) Connection timeout after 5001 ms
command terminated with exit code 28
=> Timeout indicates that the connection to https://kubernetes.io doesn't work, as of "Egress Default Deny".
kubectl -n cilium-test exec -ti ${BACKEND} -- curl -Ik --connect-timeout 5 https://cilium.io | head -1
HTTP/2 200
=> Positive return code shows that the connection to https://cilium.io works, as of our applied policy.