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You'll need a GitHub account before following these steps. Create an account and login before you continue here.
- At the top of any post on this site, click the Edit Page button. This will take you to GitHub to edit the document.
- On the GitHub page that loads, click Fork this repository.
- Edit the file to add a solution or propose other changes.
- Use markdown formatting to format your writing.
- If you'd like, add your name to the
variable at the top of the post.
- When you are ready to submit your changes, click Propose file changes at the bottom of the screen.
- On the next screen, click Create pull request.
- Wait for an organizer to review your changes. They will either provide feedback or accept your work right away.
- Brag about it on the ChiPy Slack Algorithms Channel! If you aren't a member of our Slack group, sign up here.