diff --git a/config.toml b/config.toml
index 6c278eb..730ac04 100644
--- a/config.toml
+++ b/config.toml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
baseURL = "https://cheese-cracker.github.io/"
-title = "A House of Ideas"
-copyright = "©2022 cheese-cracker"
+title = "Futuristic ideas"
+copyright = "©2024 cheese-cracker"
theme = "hugo-notepadium-mod"
summaryLength = 30
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enableRobotsTXT = true
-paginate = 7 # The number of articles in per page
+paginate = 5 # The number of articles in per page
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-# Google Analytics
-#googleAnalytics = "UA-123-45"
+# Google Analytics (Not supported anymore)
+# googleAnalytics = "G-VK520LPFV1"
# [module]
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index ccd7377..37f2e44 100644
--- a/content/about.md
+++ b/content/about.md
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giscus: false
#### About Me
-I am a Maths and Electonics&Instrumentation student at BITS Pilani. I aim to share useful notes and travelogues through this site.
-Feel free contact me at, [mail.here@mail.com](mailto:mail.here@mail.com) or a more [active email account](mailto:4chinmai@gmail.com).
+Hi, I'm a ~~Maths and Electonics & Instrumentation student at BITS Pilani~~ Software Engineer at VISA.
+In the past, I have worked on interesting personal and professional projects.
+Experimenting with new software and learning new things like [polyphasic sleeping](https://www.polyphasic.net), [computational geometry](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLubYOWSl9mIvTio-1bXWnhE9LdeXfox1z) and [accounting 101](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUkh9m2BorqmKaLrNBjKtFDhpdFdi8f7C) interest me!
+Hopefully, this site will prove useful in sharing ideas and notes.
+Feel free contact me via [email account](mailto:4chinmai@gmail.com).
+Or better yet, hit me up on [Telegram](https://t.me/cheese_cracker)!
+:computer: = ArchLinux + ~~XFCE + awesome + [awesome-copycats](https://github.com/lcpz/awesome-copycats)~~ + KDE + nvim
+### Projects
-:computer: = ArchLinux + XFCE + awesome + [awesome-copycats](https://github.com/lcpz/awesome-copycats) + nvim
+1. [WebGPLAN](https://webgplan.cheese-cracker.com): A web based Graph to Rectangular Floor Plan research tool built on GPLAN.
+2. [Logistic Growth based Game of Life](https://github.com/cheese-cracker/logistic-game-of-life): Simulates the logistic growth of cells (according to eqn) by a modified set of instructions on Conway's Game of Life. (Check out the [demo here](https://logistic-game-of-life-yb7sjahr5q-uc.a.run.app)!)
+3. [EMRLite](https://github.com/cheese-cracker/EMRLite): A complete Hospital Billing and Management Web Portal currently in use at the Le' Nest Hospital
### Posts
-- [Discrete Vs Continuous Blogpost](http://localhost:1313/posts/discrete-vs-continuous/): Exploring the concept of discrete and continuous as a mental model.
+- [Discrete Vs Continuous Blogpost](/posts/discrete-vs-continuous/): Exploring the concept of discrete and continuous as a mental model.
- [Computational Geometry Notes](/posts/compgeom/): Complete week-wise notes and resources for Computational Geometry!
- [Unix SIG Slides](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1AJCzVH-kLzTQ65O0ee3LGSMUiY7p3giB8hSb2mvRLHo/edit#slide=id.g35f391192_00): Presentation on the unix command line.
- BITS-ACM Blog - Command Line Apps: Post highlighting useful command line programs, for better productivity on the terminal.
- [Principles of Economics Notes](/posts/poe/): Simple notes outline the important concepts in the POE course.
-### Projects
-1. [WebGPLAN](http://webgplan.herokuapp.com): A web based graph to Rectangular Floor Plan tool built on GPLAN.
-2. [Logistic Growth based Game of Life](https://github.com/cheese-cracker/logistic-game-of-life): Simulates the logistic growth of cells (according to eqn) by a modified set of instructions on Conway's Game of Life
-3. [EMRLite](https://github.com/cheese-cracker/EMRLite): A complete Hospital Billing and Management Web Portal currently in use at the Le' Nest Hospital
-4. [table-flask](https://github.com/cheese-cracker/table-flask): Displays JSON array of dictionaries in neat tables for easy querying and viewing
### Hackathons
1. IBM ML Hackathon, IISc Bangalore (Runners Up) - Logistic Regression Model with custom input feature from IBM Watson APIs - NatLang, ToneAnalyzer, Discovery
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new file mode 100755
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{{- $paginator := .Paginate (where site.RegularPages "Type" "in" site.Params.mainSections) -}}
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{{- partial "pagination.html" $paginator -}}
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\ No newline at end of file
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