The Bitshares developer community use different ways to interact with the Core API mainly by the use of the Websocket.
Some of this methods are curl
, pybitshares
, wscat
and many others.
The most used tool is wscat
, this is a great tool but it is not scriptable. I found myself pasting the same commands like login and subscribe to database, crypto and other apis over and over again.
I was after scripting wscat
since a while until @gdfbacchus asked in telegram for the same thing.
Ptython is the choice as it is probably the most used language in the bitshares community.
Simply install by:
pip install websocket-client
Confirm the install by using the
tool. This should do the same as wscat
root@NC-PH-1346-07:~# ws://localhost:8090
Press Ctrl+C to quit
> {"method": "call", "params": [1, "login", ["", ""]], "id": 2}
< {"id":2,"result":true}
> {"method": "call", "params": [1, "database", []], "id": 3}
< {"id":3,"result":2}
> {"method": "call", "params": [2, "get_objects", [["1.11.8799012"]]], "id": 4}
< {"id":4,"result":[{"id":"1.11.8799012","op":[14,{"fee":{"amount":281946,"asset_id":"1.3.0"},"issuer":"1.2.89940","asset_to_issue":{"amount":100,"asset_id":"1.3`
Create a python script that will execute the commands one after the other and get the output:
from websocket import create_connection
ws = create_connection("ws://localhost:8090")
ws.send('{"method": "call", "params": [1, "login", ["", ""]], "id": 2}')
result = ws.recv()
print result
ws.send('{"method": "call", "params": [1, "database", []], "id": 3}')
result = ws.recv()
print result
ws.send('{"method": "call", "params": [2, "get_objects", [["1.11.8799012"]]], "id": 4}')
result = ws.recv()
print result
Execute as:
root@NC-PH-1346-07:~# python
You get the results of the 3 calls inside the python script.
Check the "Long-lived connection" sample of the websocket-client documentation in order to make a script that can receive updates.