diff --git a/tests/window_management_tests/test_minimal_window_manager.cpp b/tests/window_management_tests/test_minimal_window_manager.cpp
index 35ae63d8ecc..e2e92fefca8 100644
--- a/tests/window_management_tests/test_minimal_window_manager.cpp
+++ b/tests/window_management_tests/test_minimal_window_manager.cpp
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
* along with this program. If not, see .
+#include "mir/geometry/forward.h"
#define MIR_LOG_COMPONENT "test_minimal_window_manager"
@@ -497,4 +498,107 @@ TEST_F(MinimalWindowManagerTest, can_resize_south_east_with_touch)
// Assert that the window is resized
EXPECT_EQ(window.size(), geom::Size(50, 50));
\ No newline at end of file
+struct SurfacePlacementCase
+ struct SurfacePlacement
+ {
+ /// The gravity that the window will be placed with
+ MirPlacementGravity gravity;
+ geom::Point position;
+ /// If set to std::nullopt, we expect to take up the full width of the output
+ std::optional width;
+ /// If set to std::nullopt, we expect to take up the full height of the output
+ std::optional height;
+ /// Given the rectangle of the output, returns the expected rectangle
+ std::function expected;
+ };
+ std::vector placements;
+class MinimalWindowManagerAttachedTest
+ : public MinimalWindowManagerTest,
+ public ::testing::WithParamInterface
+TEST_P(MinimalWindowManagerAttachedTest, attached_window_positioning)
+ auto const app = open_application("test");
+ auto const placements = GetParam();
+ auto const output_rectangles = get_output_rectangles();
+ std::vector windows;
+ auto const output_width = output_rectangles[0].size.width;
+ auto const output_height = output_rectangles[0].size.height;
+ for (auto const& item : placements.placements)
+ {
+ msh::SurfaceSpecification spec;
+ spec.width = item.width ? item.width.value() : output_width;
+ spec.height = item.height ? item.height.value() : output_height;
+ spec.top_left = item.position;
+ spec.exclusive_rect = mir::optional_value(geom::Rectangle{
+ item.position,
+ geom::Size{
+ item.width ? item.width.value() : output_width,
+ item.height ? item.height.value() : output_height}});
+ spec.state = mir_window_state_attached;
+ spec.attached_edges = item.gravity;
+ spec.depth_layer = mir_depth_layer_application;
+ auto window = create_window(app, spec);
+ windows.push_back(window);
+ }
+ EXPECT_EQ(windows.size(), placements.placements.size());
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < windows.size(); i++)
+ {
+ auto const& window = windows[i];
+ auto const& data = placements.placements[i];
+ auto const expected = data.expected(output_rectangles[0].size);
+ EXPECT_EQ(window.top_left(), expected.top_left);
+ EXPECT_EQ(window.size(), expected.size);
+ }
+INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(MinimalWindowManagerAttachedTestPlacement, MinimalWindowManagerAttachedTest, ::testing::Values(
+ SurfacePlacementCase{
+ .placements={
+ // Top
+ SurfacePlacementCase::SurfacePlacement{
+ .gravity=MirPlacementGravity(mir_placement_gravity_north | mir_placement_gravity_east | mir_placement_gravity_west),
+ .position=geom::Point{0, 0},
+ .width=std::nullopt,
+ .height=geom::Height{50},
+ .expected=[](geom::Size const& output_size)
+ {
+ return geom::Rectangle{
+ geom::Point{0, 0},
+ geom::Size{output_size.width, geom::Height{50}}
+ };
+ }
+ },
+ // Left
+ SurfacePlacementCase::SurfacePlacement{
+ .gravity=MirPlacementGravity(mir_placement_gravity_north | mir_placement_gravity_south | mir_placement_gravity_west),
+ .position=geom::Point{0, 0},
+ .width=geom::Width{50},
+ .height=std::nullopt,
+ .expected=[](geom::Size const& output_size)
+ {
+ return geom::Rectangle{
+ geom::Point{0, 50},
+ geom::Size{geom::Width{50}, geom::Height{output_size.height.as_int() - 50}}
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
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