OpenMRC is an open source MISRA (Motor Industry Software Reliability Association)-C rule checker, developed as an Eclipse CDT plugin. The following is an overall steps to use OpenMRC.
OpenMRC has a two-step usage:
- At the first step, OpenMRC obtains the C source code for Vehicle software, and then it builds the AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) by using the C-AST parser bundled in Eclipse CDT.
- At the second step, OpenMRC traverses all of the AST elements in order to check violations of MISRA-C: 2004 Guideline Rules, and produces violation messages. The messages are shown in the Eclipse CDT views (see the TableViewer page below).
Based on the violation messages, a vehicle software developer continuously updates their source to achieve the vehicle software's functional safety.
- OpenMRC provides the Preference page that can selectively check the MISRA-C Rules. In the Preference page, all rules are categorized and a developer can select/deselect the rules.
- Tae-young Kim (Chonbuk National University, Master Student, [email protected])
- Seunghyeon Kang (Chonbuk National University, Undergraduate Student, [email protected])
- Sangjin Nam (Chonbuk National University, Undergraduate Student, [email protected])
- Suntae Kim (Chonbuk National University, Advisor Professor, [email protected]) - please contact here !
- Youngnamg University - Vehehicle Funcional Safety Research Center
- This research was supported by the MSIP(Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning), Korea, under the ITRC(Information Technology Research Center) support program (IITP-2017-2016-0-00313) supervised by the IITP(Ins! titute for Information & communications Technology Promotion)