- Pass API instance in OpenIdConnect through to the base class.
- Proper formatting for CJK characters #169.
- Fix caching issues when refresh token is set #176.
- Fix decoding issues for different Python versions #180.
- Update OpenIdConnect to accept API instance #208.
- Added samples, and other minor bug fixes.
- Enabled Replace for Payment #144.
- Enabled Third Party Invoicing #138.
- Enabled Headers in Oauth calls #134.
- Updated requirements #126.
- Make sure the subscription start_date is in the future #125.
- Fix variable name typo in payment test #117.
- Additional Webhook Validation Checks.
- Change Live Mode Logging Warning to be Info level and use local logger. instead of root. See issue #112.
- Update TLS warning message with site information.
- Check OpenSSL version is 1.0.1 or above.
- Security test sandbox endpoint avaiable as a configuration.
- Warn if merchant server has below 1.0 version of OpenSSL.
- Update User Agent with crypto lib version.
- Full request/response logged at DEBUG level for non production environments.
- Travis tests gets deployed on new platform.
- Webhook cert patch.
- Support PAYPAL_AUTH_ALGO header for webhook validation.
- Webhook certificate chain, common name and expiry validation added.
- Resource conversion syntax more pythonic.
- Endpoint configuration made more flexible for easier custom endpoints.
- contains implemented on Resource object.
- Allow changing of logger level within projects.
- Webhook default algorithm update.
- Add Tox for unit test automation for different Python versions.
- Support PyPy.
- Sample added to demo update shipping cost during payment execution.
- Payouts cancel feature added.
- Patch version imports.
- Merge pull #84 for crypto dependency docs.
- Google appengine workaround documented.
- OpenSSL only imported when necessary.
- Dependency versions updated.
- Config.py added as source of all configuration information.
- Setup.py refactored to get information from config.
- Payouts API support added.
- Complete pep8ify of tests and samples.
- Search transactions for billing agreements patched.
- Empty billing plan fetch issue fixed for subscription sample app.
- Travis build update.
- Python 3 compatibility patch for openssl crypto verify.
- Webhook and Webhook events creation and management supported.
- Parse webhook events and return the appropriate resource.
- Verification that webhook events are unaltered and originate from PayPal.
- Update Travis and Coveralls badges and User Agent for repo renaming.
- Payment Experience customizaton feature added via API for Web Profiles.
- Update Paypal-Client-Metadata-Id header for future payments.
- Subscription API changes for searching transactions and listing billing plans.
- Add Orders API support.
- Demonstrate samples for EC parameters support (improves feature gap between REST and CLASSIC payment APIs).
- Invocing record payment, record refund and qr-code support added.
- Activate method added for billing plans.
- Merged toanant's pull request for #62 fix.
- update saved credit card in vault.
- get_access_token added to api spec.
- Patches for python 3 compatibility.
- Patch for exceptions import issue #50.
- Patch for urlparse import issue.
- Subscription (Billing Plan and Billing Agreement) API supported.
- Invoicing API support added.
- Added tests and samples for using the invoicing api via the sdk.
- PayPal Mobile Backend sample added.
- Future Payments support added along with tests and samples.
- Move from httplib2 to requests.
- Improve error reporting.
- Exceptions below http layer removed.
- Allow multiple API object in same thread.
- Remove mutable default arguments.
- Change comments to be docstrings.
- Token creation supports unicode.
- Add unit_tests using mock and patch, separate from functional_tests.
- Optimize merge_dict.
- Support OpenIDConnect for sandbox environment.
- Added support for Reauthorization.
- Fixed content-type issue with generate_token API.
- Added support for Python 2.6.
- Added support for Auth and Capture APIs.
- Added Tokeninfo and Userinfo classes to support openid_connect.
- Validate token hash on every request.
- Resolved issue with builtin function(items) in Resource class.