Replies: 3 comments
Firstly, we would like to say thank you so much for taking the time to apply for the SubQuery Grants Programme. We have reviewed your application and we require some further information to support us in determining the outcome. Could you please update your milestone document with the below information? The attached guide will support you. Clearly allocate the amount of funding requested in each milestone. For example in milestone 1 you have requested $15,000 - we require you to assign this to each resource and the number of hours they will be dedicating so we can assess the amount of effort. User stories under each milestone would be an advantage. Once you are able to update your application with the above details, we will reassess your application and be in touch with the outcome. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out. |
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We have 3 mongo collections
"_id": "string",
"owner_id": "number",
"owner_name": "string",
"repo_name": "string",
"meta": {
"id": "number",
"node_id": "string",
"name": "string",
"full_name": "string",
"private": boolean,
"owner": "Github public user info",
"html_url": "url string",
"description": "description",
"fork": true,
"url": "",
"_id": "mongo object id",
"issue_id": "number",
"issue_number": "number",
"title": "sting: issue title",
"task_url": "url string",
"repo_name": "repo full name",
"repo_id":"repo string id",
"repo_url": "string url",
"author": "Github public user info",
"pay": "number: price of current task",
"describe": "string: Describe The Task",
"createTime": "2022-01-18T07:55:08Z",
"updataTime": "2022-01-18T07:55:08Z",
"status": "finished",
"developer": "Github public user info"
"user": "Github public userinfo",
"polka": "polka account info",
"near": "near account info",
"more...": "other cryptocurrency account info" |
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Add more collections used by Bytepay
"action": "created, comment, delete, close, github issue and comment action",
"issue": {
"id": "issue id",
"title": "issue title"
"body": "issue body content"
"comment": {
"body": "most import field, we check this comment and dispatch our logic"
"sender": "github public user info, who created or sended this issue or comment"
"repository": "github public repository info, in which repso this issue and comment belong to"
"_id": "mongo object id",
"title": "open-source project nft tilte",
"price": "number",
"unit": "unit of price, can be dolloar, dot, btc or any other cryptocurrency",
"version": "project version",
"project": "github project, eg. fanux/sealos",
"total_supply": "number, total amounts in sell for this nft",
"left_amount": "how many remain could be sell",
"description": "a html rich text to describe this open-source project and nft",
"chain_id": "nft unique id on bytepay chain",
"owner": "who mint this nft",
"owner_address": "13phH6rDBchj3mpMLTojff6osxHuupF1p4Gi87P5ZPbLBtmV",
"id": "owner id, same as github user id",
"classid": "0x00000001",
"file_path": "we would backup project file, this field shows its location on our server",
"file_hash": "0x236a7c5b2e3f95457afb90db6260f818a5d70d6f9804ec1718267c75307eb581",
"file_cid": "cid on ipfs",
"buyer": "buyers array, redundancy filed for nft orders collection",
"status": 0,
"created_time": "created time"
"_id": "mongo object id",
"nft_id": "mongo object id in nft collection",
"title": "open-source project id",
"price": "number",
"unit": "unit of price, can be dolloar, dot, btc or any other cryptocurrency"
"version": "version name of project",
"project": "github project, eg. fanux/sealos",
"file_path": "we would backup project file, this field shows its location on our server",
"file_hash": "0x236a7c5b2e3f95457afb90db6260f818a5d70d6f9804ec1718267c75307eb581",
"file_cid": "cid on ipfs",
"buyer_id": "github user id, who buys this nft",
"buy_time": "time when this user bought"
} |
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Milestone 3 — Opensource product NFT
Estimated Duration: 2 weeks
FTE: 3
Costs: 15,000 USD
Milestone 2 — Transfer module, task module, informal, withdraw module
Estimated Duration: 2 weeks
FTE: 3
Costs: 15,000 USD
Milestone 1 — User account management & repo management & mnemonic management
Estimated Duration: 2 weeks
FTE: 3
Costs: 15,000 USD
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