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228 lines (169 loc) · 10.9 KB

File metadata and controls

228 lines (169 loc) · 10.9 KB

June 6, 2023 version 1.5.9

  • Upgrade support to OpenCV 4.7.x and FFmpeg 6.0.x

November 2, 2022 version 1.5.8

  • Add workaround options for JDK 17+ in launch scripts (issue #28)
  • Upgrade support to OpenCV 4.6.x
  • Upgrade support to FFmpeg 5.1.x

February 11, 2022 version 1.5.7

  • Upgrade support to FFmpeg 5.0.x

August 2, 2021 version 1.5.6

  • Upgrade support to FFmpeg 4.4.x

March 8, 2021 version 1.5.5

  • Upgrade support to OpenCV 4.5.x
  • Fix support for RealSense cameras (issue #25)

September 9, 2020 version 1.5.4

  • Upgrade support to OpenCV 4.4.x and FFmpeg 4.3.x

April 14, 2020 version 1.5.3

  • Upgrade support to OpenCV 4.3.x

November 5, 2019 version 1.5.2

  • Upgrade support to FFmpeg 4.2.x
  • Add RealSense2FrameGrabber to capture images with librealsense2
  • Fix OpenCVFrameConverter error in IPCameraFrameGrabber

July 9, 2019 version 1.5.1

  • Upgrade support to OpenCV 4.1.x
  • Upgrade to NetBeans 11.0 with support for recent versions of Java SE (issue #16)

April 11, 2019 version 1.5

  • Adjust code to support latest changes in JavaCV

January 11, 2019 version 1.4.4

  • Remove no longer necessary workaround that would produce memory leaks
  • Upgrade support to OpenCV 4.0.x and FFmpeg 4.1.x

October 15, 2018 version 1.4.3

  • Upgrade support to OpenCV 3.4.3

July 17, 2018 version 1.4.2

  • Upgrade support to OpenCV 3.4.2 and FFmpeg 4.0.x

March 29, 2018 version 1.4.1

  • Fix issues with RealSense cameras (issue #15)
  • Upgrade support to OpenCV 3.4.1

January 16, 2018 version 1.4

  • Upgrade support to OpenCV 3.4.0 and FFmpeg 3.4.x

December 7, 2016 version 1.3

  • Work around stability issues on some systems (issue #4)
  • Add support for the linux-armhf and linux-ppc64le platforms, libdc1394 on Windows, and librealsense on Linux x86
  • Upgrade support to FFmpeg 3.2.x
  • Fix Javadoc links for externally referenced classes

May 15, 2016 version 1.2

  • Upgrade support to OpenCV 3.1.0 and FFmpeg 3.0.x
  • Lower Maven prerequisite in the pom.xml file to 3.0 (issue bytedeco/javacpp#93)

October 25, 2015 version 1.1

  • Upgrade support to FFmpeg 2.8.x
  • Upgrade all Maven dependencies and plugins to latest versions, thus bumping minimum requirements to Java SE 7 and Maven 3.0

July 11, 2015 version 1.0

  • Upgrade support to OpenCV 3.0.0 and FFmpeg 2.7.x

April 4, 2015 version 0.11

  • Adjust code to support latest changes in JavaCV
  • Upgrade support to OpenCV 2.4.11 and FFmpeg 2.6.x

December 23, 2014 version 0.10

  • Upgrade support to OpenCV 2.4.10, FFmpeg 2.5.x, and FlyCapture 2.7

July 27, 2014 version 0.9

  • Upgrade support to FFmpeg 2.3.x
  • Remove platform property from pom.xml, replaced with the platform.dependency one in JavaCPP Presets (javacv issue #10)

April 28, 2014 version 0.8

  • Move from Google Code to GitHub as main source code repository
  • Upgrade support to OpenCV 2.4.9 and FFmpeg 2.2.x
  • Upgrade to NetBeans 8.0 and work around conflict between opencv_highgui and
  • Rename the com.googlecode.javacv.procamcalib package to org.bytedeco.procamcalib
  • Removed old NetBeans project files that cause a conflict when trying to open as a Maven project (issue javacv:210)

January 6, 2014 version 0.7

  • Upgraded support to OpenCV 2.4.8 and FFmpeg 2.1.x
  • VideoInputFrameGrabber now uses 640x480 as default image size to prevent "videoInput.getPixels() Error: Could not get pixels."

September 15, 2013 version 0.6

  • Upgraded support to OpenCV 2.4.6.x and FFmpeg 2.0.x
  • Upgraded to NetBeans 7.3.1
  • Upgraded to ARToolKitPlus 2.3.0 (issue javacv:234)
  • Fixed drawing issues with MarkerDetector.draw()

April 7, 2013 version 0.5

  • Upgraded support to OpenCV 2.4.5 and FFmpeg 1.2

March 3, 2013 version 0.4

  • Upgraded support to OpenCV 2.4.4 and FFmpeg 1.1

November 4, 2012 version 0.3

  • Upgraded support to OpenCV 2.4.3 and FFmpeg 1.0

July 21, 2012 version 0.2

  • Upgraded support to OpenCV 2.4.2 and FFmpeg 0.11

May 27, 2012 version 0.1

  • Started using version numbers, friendly to tools like Maven, and placing packages in a sort of Maven repository

May 12, 2012

  • Upgraded support to OpenCV 2.4.0
  • Added pom.xml and assembly files for Maven support and changed the directory structure of the source code to match Maven's standard directory layout

March 29, 2012

  • Renamed a few more Settings properties to reflect better their meanings

February 18, 2012

  • Renamed some Settings properties here and there to correct typos and reflect better their meanings

January 8, 2012

  • Should now have an easier time automatically finding OpenCV libraries inside standard directories such as /usr/local/lib/, /opt/local/lib/, and C:\opencv\, even when they are not part of the system configuration or PATH
  • New PS3EyeFrameGrabber from Jiri Masa can now grab images using the SDK from Code Laboratories

October 1, 2011

  • Fixed DC1394FrameGrabber and FlyCaptureFrameGrabber to behave as expected with all Bayer/Raw/Mono/RGB/YUV cameras modes (within the limits of libdc1394 and PGR FlyCapture)

August 21, 2011

  • Upgraded support to OpenCV 2.3.1
  • OpenCVFrameGrabber now detects when CV_CAP_PROP_POS_MSEC is broken and gives up calling cvGetCaptureProperty()

July 5, 2011

  • Upgraded support to OpenCV 2.3.0
  • Fixed OpenKinectFrameGrabber and FFmpegFrameGrabber

June 10, 2011

  • New OpenKinectFrameGrabber to capture from Microsoft's Kinect stereo camera using OpenKinect
  • The Unix scripts now check for a 64-bit JVM in priority

May 11, 2011

  • Changed Marker.getCenter() back to the centroid, because it has better noise averaging properties and gives in practice more accurate results than the actual center
  • Added hack to OpenCVFrameGrabber.start() to wait for cvRetrieveFrame() to return something else than null under Mac OS X
  • Added to the scripts -Dapple.awt.fullscreencapturealldisplays=false Java option required for full-screen support under Mac OS X
  • Removed from the scripts the default -Dsun.java2d.opengl=True Java option, because since NVIDIA Release 260 family of drivers, most video drivers under Linux do not have good OpenGL support anymore
  • FFmpegFrameGrabber now works properly on Windows with newer binaries
  • New VideoInputFrameGrabber to capture using DirectShow, useful under Windows 7 where OpenCV and FFmpeg can fail to capture using Video for Windows
  • GeometricCalibrator now reports the maximum errors in addition to the average (RMS) errors

April 7, 2011

  • Added a format property to camera settings, mostly useful for FFmpegFrameGrabber, where interesting values include "dv1394", "mjpeg", "video4linux2", "vfwcap", and "x11grab"
  • Added hack to make sure the temporarily extracted library files get properly deleted under Windows

February 19, 2011

  • Upgraded to the latest version of JavaCV based on JavaCPP instead of JNA, featuring better performance
  • Tried to fix image format conversion inside FlyCaptureFrameGrabber, but this is going to require more careful debugging

November 4, 2010

  • Renamed the package namespace to com.googlecode.javacv.procamcalib, which makes more sense now that JavaCV has been well anchored at Google Code for more than a year, piggybacking on the unique and easy-to-remember domain name, but this means you will need to manually edit any old XML settings.pcc files and rename the namespace of the classes inside
  • CanvasFrame now redraws its Canvas after the user resizes the Frame
  • Added check to DC1394FrameGrabber so that a "Failed to initialize libdc1394" does not crash the JVM
  • FrameGrabber now selects the default grabber a bit better
  • Included Mac OS X 10.6.4 binaries for ARToolKitPlus compiled by Christian Parsons

July 30, 2010

  • Fixed crash that would occur in CanvasFrame for some video drivers

May 30, 2010

  • Fixed loading problem with the frameGrabber setting
  • Fixed speed setting problem with the FlyCaptureFrameGrabber

April 16, 2010

  • Modified a few things to get better default behavior of gamma correction
  • Camera setting triggerFlushSize now defaults to 5 (only affects OpenCVFrameGrabber and FFmpegFrameGrabber)
  • Fixed missing updates when changing some settings

April 8, 2010

  • Added support for OpenCV 2.1

April 5, 2010

  • Some bugs fixed for FFmpeg

March 21, 2010

  • Added to camera settings a deviceFile field that can bring up a file dialog
  • Added triggerFlushSize to indicate the number of buffers to flush for cheap camera that keep old images in memory indefinitely
  • The size and spacing of markers inside MarkerPatterns can now be adjusted separately in X and Y
  • Fixed distortion problem with color calibration when running with OpenCV 1.1pre1

February 13, 2010

  • Added FFmpegFrameGrabber to capture images using FFmpeg 0.5
  • Fixed corruption of distortion coefficients that could occur

December 22, 2009

  • Sync with new JavaCV, no functional changes to ProCamCalib itself

November 24, 2009

  • Fixed some crashy crashy behavior
  • Added R2 correlation coefficient for color calibration as indicator of good accuracy
  • useMarkerCenters now uses the actual physical center of each marker instead of the centroid

October 19, 2009

  • Added color calibration

October 14, 2009

  • Upgraded JavaCV to work with OpenCV 2.0 in addition to 1.1pre1
  • Added a missing exception "catch", which allowed a failed calibration to go unnoticed

October 2, 2009

  • Fixed a bug in JavaCV that prevented loading distortion coefficients
  • Added a stack dump on OpenCV error for easier debugging

August 26, 2009

  • Added gamma settings for Cameras and Projectors

August 19, 2009

  • Sync with new source of javacv and procamcalib
  • There is no functional changes to ProCamCalib itself

August 11, 2009

Initial release


This project was conceived at the Okutomi & Tanaka Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology, where I was supported for my doctoral research program by a generous scholarship from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of the Japanese Government. I extend my gratitude further to all who have reported bugs, donated code, or made suggestions for improvements (details above)!