- Fix an issue where spans started with null names sent no name field. Now string.Empty will be sent instead #154
- Fix an issue where using this SDK with v8.3.0+ of the BugSnag Unity Notifier would cause an exception while trying to resolve the BugsnagUnityWebRequest wrapper #151
- Add support for Unity V6. #148
- Updated BugsnagUnityWebRequest to remove deprecation warnings and add new PostWwwForm methods introduced in Unity 2022.2 #148
- Fix an issue where DateTime.Now was used instead of DateTimeOffset.UtcNow during initialisation #146
Fix an issue where config.Endpoiunt was incorrectly used in the delivery class #143
Fix an issue where Span.droppedAttributeCount was incorrectly implemented. #140
Add configurable limits to custom attributes. #137
Add TracePropagationUrls to the configuration window. #136
- Fix an issue where the access to the finished span queue in the tracer was not thread safe. #132
Allow setting a fixed Span Sampling probability. #128
Allow setting custom span attributes. #124
Changed internal Span references to WeakReferences to avoid memory leaks. #127
Use API key subdomain as default Performance endpoint. #129
Added the service name resource attribute. [#130] (#130)
- Fix an issue where TracePropagationUrls was incorrectly named and typed. #126
- Fix an issue where spans with MakeCurrentContext set to false and passed as a parent would be added to the context stack. #122
- Fixed issue where creating a span in a background thread caused an exception (mono or IL2CPP Dev builds only) #117
Added error correlation functionality so that when a compatible version of the Bugsnag Unity Error Notifier is used, it can get the current SpanContext and attach it to error reports. #112
Added the trace parent header to requests made via the Bugsnag request wrapper and allow configuration via new TracePropagationUrls property. #109
Added methods to generate anonymous id value #92
- Fixed issue where the net.host.connection.type span attribute was not present in all spans #114
- Discard open spans when app is backgrounded #105
Fixed issue where spans could not be ended with a custom end time. #106
Fixed issue where custom spans with the SpanOption IsFirstClass set to false still had it reported as true. #107
- Fixed issue where the p value header was being parsed without specific formatting instructions, meaning that when running in different locals, it could be parsed incorrectly. #101
- Fixed issue where the span attribute android_api_version was sent as a int attribute instead of a string #99
- Added Apple privacy manifest due to IO api usage. Please see the Unity documentation for more information. #94
- Fixed issue where http status code was reported as a string attribute instead of an int attribute #93
Added support for WebGL builds. #77
Added methods to enable manual creation of SceneLoad and Network spans. #81
Fixed issue where the Android version code and iOS bundle version were incorrectly labelled #76
Fixed issue where some unity version required meta files within the macos bundle #80
- Added support for MacOS builds. #72
- Fixed issue where the attribute os.version was incorrectly reported. #72
- Allow Network request span customisation via callbacks. #70
- Official 1.0 release for GA