- Descriptive landing page
- Supabase authentication with username and password
- Page structure: Dashboard, Recipe Explorer
- Recommendation engine: 2 random suggestions based on mealType, prioritising unique cuisines.
- Recipe structure: description, ingredients, cuisine, meal type, image
- Create writable and type
- Create Supabase database
- Integrate cloud image hosting provider
- Checklist for buying ingredients
- Recipe Explorer page
- Search bar
- List of recipes
- Sort & filter
- Sort by: date created, meal type, cuisine.
- Filter by: meal type,
- Analytics: # of recipies, most popular ingredients, most cooked
- Making the application mobile responsive. Test on iPhone 12-14 and iPad formats. Pay special attention to using the application on mobile where you don't have a cursor.
- name: text
- description: text
- ingredients: [ingredient: text, quantity: text, acquired: boolean]
- instructions: text
- rating: 1-5
- Clear all feature for ingredients after you cooked the recipe.
- Add animations to uploads when they aren't completed yet.
- Show recipe image.
- Make search apply to ingredients too.
- Confirmation modal for delete recipe.
- Added rating icons
- Capitalize first letter of mealType.
- Make serialized ingredients JSONB instead of JSON.
- When on the /recipes page, logging out doesn't redirect you.
- When adding a recipe, the push to the Supabase database is giving a 400 Bad Request error.
- newRecipes isn't clearing after successful submission of recipes.
- When refreshing the page it's not loading the stored data?
- It's also calling the deletedRecipes and updatedRecipes logs, while it shouldn't.
- Resolve the ingredients having unnecessary parentheses in the stingified JSON.
- When successfully adding a recipe, field values aren't reset.
- Discrepancy between saving and editing ingredients.
- When adding a new ingredient, autofocus works on that ingredient, but then you can't tab to further buttons in the modal.
- Added rating icons
- Resolve issue of empty ingredient list being displayed (when no ingredients are added)
Added automatic focusing of new ingredients once added.
Adding images:
When creating a recipe, I can add the path to the recipeStore and in Supabase.
When then displaying that recipe's details, I can show the image based on the path stored.
Need to think about where I can best display the image. And how to make deleting and updating possible.
- Make chevron icons appear inline in the RecipeTable.
- recipeDetailsModal shows when navigating to a different page than /recipes and then back. Something is resulting in it being switched.
To build:
How to approach?
- Dedicated page with dropdown for mealType, which serves 2 options, preferably from unique cuisines.
Section "Randomizer" with "need meal inspiration?" text.
Dropdown menu with mealType options, then button to "randomize!". Could add a fun animation.
2 results are shown below the randomizer, in card format. Clicking them opens the recipeDetailsModal for those recipes.
Learned about the use of Set and Math.floor and Math.random() to generate random numbers.
- Dedicated page
- Add button to Navbar
- Create initial layout
- [] Style layout
- Integrate RecipeDetailsModal upon click of the recipe.
Import the RecipeDetailsModal and set the relevant recipe to the one being clicked.
Need to test if this allows for editing of this recipe too. Randomly suggested recipes must not reset after click.
Add ability to upload recipe when creating or editing a recipe.
Research if Supabase can do this or alternatively if I need to use a compression service, like what we'd used with MusicCareers.
Images should display on the RecipeDetailsModal and perhaps a miniature version on the recipe in the table upon double-clicking (in an expanded version of the table, like shown in the Flowbite docs).
To build:
- Improve styling on sorting icons in RecipeTable.
- categorical search and/or filter.
- Displayed ingredients during editing weren't triggering reactivity.
- sorting for the table based on clicking the columns.
- Add AlertModal to the "logout" button in the TopMenu.
Added composable AlertModal which can be re-used throughout the application.
Struggled with reactivity a lot today.
Learned that {...}
and [...]
can be used for objects and arrays respectively, but that these only make shallow copies of items. Therefore, to make deep copies, you need to use .map (if an array) or create a deepCopy function that returns
{{...object}, property: object.property ? object.property.map((i) => ({...i}))}
Additionally, $x = y
is the same as x.set(y)
Any variable in Svelte needs to be assigned to a new value for reactivity to trigger. And in a reactive block $:
the only variables that trigger are the ones that are:
- In the scope of that reactive block.
- Below that reactive block. Svelte cannot look in functions and thus won't update based on variables first declared nested within a function.
- Need to add servingSize to each recipe, inc. the Supabase item and the types.
- Have to add edit and delete buttons to the recipes.
- Need to think about the easiest way to edit the recipes.
- Need to make it possible to update
status of an ingredient.
I had overcomplicated the Supabase logic. I should have instead first built the basic logic for adding, updating and removing recipes using Svelte stores.
I haven't stuck to the Single Responsibility Principle and created recursiveness in a few places:
- The default value for a form submission wasn't properly reset.
- The store subscription had recursiveness, where each function that updated the store triggered the original subscription again.
- I hadn't separated the different functions: adding, updating, removing and synching local stores <> Supabase.
It was helpful to build UI tools that allowed me to easily reset the local stores and experiment with different isolated parts of the app. Therefore, it's smart to build things slowly and from the ground up moving forward. Instead when building this app I had built much of the logic without building the front-end and that resulted in issues.
I also updated the Supabase package from auth-helpers to their new -ssr package.
Modularized the Svelte components, where I separated the NewRecipeModal from the RecipeTable.svelte.
Tomorrow I should continue with creating a modal that displays the properties of every recipe and making those fields editable.
Browse page should show a list of recipes. Each recipe should be clickable and redirect to a recipe page.
Each recipe card should have: NAME | MEAL TYPE | CUISINE | RATING | (Optional images).
First thing I should solve is that the adding of tasks works, and that they display correctly in the table.
- Clicking 'add recipe' should open a modal where you can input the relevant information.
- Recipes will then appear in the list and will be dynamically searchable. You should be able to open a pop-over which opens a bigger version of the recipe upon click. From there, you can edit the fields too.
- There should be sorting based on NAME, MEAL TYPE, CUISINE and RATING.
On the browse page, users should be able to add recipes.
On the recommendation page, users should see recommendations for recipes and be able to filter accordingly.
On the browse page, a user should be able to add a recipe. On the home page, a user should too. I need to create a component for adding recipes.
The recipe add flow should be:
- Add recipe button which opens modal.
- Modal has form with fields for name, description, ingredients, instructions, image.
- On submit, recipe is added to database and user is redirected to recipe page.
- List of recipes on home page should be clickable and redirect to recipe page, has seamless editing.
Architecturally I need to:
- Create a writable store for recipes
- Create a Supabase database for recipes
- Initialize the Supabase database and set the recipe store to it
- Subscribe to Supabase updates and update the store accordingly
With respect to Supabase updates:
If the primary database I work with is the Svelte store, then I can update the Supabase db with any local changes. That way I don't need the real-time listener as the first place to input will be the local store. And I'll initialize that local store upon mount and then set up a subscribe to it which will update the Supabase db.
- Standardize form styling across Auth, /login, /reset, /register.
- Add redirects after form submission and/or success messages.
- Get modal functional on /login and /register.
- Study fetch methods more. Understand client-side logic.
Today I better learned the difference between server and client-side functions and rendering, as well as about how objects can be returned -- and how you can call an internal API using a fetch method.
Studied Supabase authentication and Sveltekit Routing today.
I want to experiment with routing using /login, /signup and /logout pages.
Separately going to set up a Svelte store for the Supabase client so that I can more easily use it inside components. This will be the easiest way to maximize Svelte's composability.
Struggling to understand the difference between the server- and client-side loading functions and how to access the data. I have experimented with creating a writable User store, which doesn't appear to be working even though I'm successfully logged in. Reason may be that it's not initiating properly and only triggering on a re-load. Need to investigate.
Additionally I need to reference Huntabyte's approach and see what he's doing differently. I can already see that the supabase-js package is imported differently as it's updated.
I've also purchased CoPilot but it's mostly annoying. I'm not sure if it's worth the money.
Working on configuring Supabase server-side auth. I'm watching a Huntabyte tutorial for it too. Needed to continue with integrating on /src/routes/+layout.svelte
for client-side calls. I need to better understand this server<>client routing infrastructure, should watch tutorials about it.
Need to think about how to architect my log-in component. Can I use a smooth component, like (this)[https://flowbite.com/blocks/marketing/login/]?