diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 1988cb5..a0d8fdc 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -17,43 +17,27 @@ Add maven dependency:
- 0.3
+ 1.0
### Setup database
There are a couple of ways to set up the things:
-// 1. Provide DataSource
-DataSource ds = // obtain ds (e.g. via JNDI or other way)
-DB db = new DB(ds);
-// 2. Provide connection supplier
-DB db = new DB(ds::getConnection);
+DataSource ds = ... // obtain ds (e.g. via JNDI or other way)
+DB db = DB.create(ds::getConnection); // shortcut for DB.builder().build(ds::getConnection)
// or
-DB db = new DB(() -> {/*sophisticated connection supplier function*/});
+DB db = DB.builder()
+ .withMaxConnections(10) // defaults to Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()
+ .build(() -> DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:derby:memory:test;create=true"));
// do things...
-// DB can be used in try-with-resources statements
-try (DB db = new DB(/*init*/)) {
- ...
-} finally {
-Note that providing connection supplier function with plain connection
like this: DB db = new DB(() -> connection));
or this: DB db = new DB(() -> DriverManager.getConnection("vendor-specific-string"));
e.g - if supplier function always return the same connection
the concept of transactions will be partially broken: see [Transactions](#transactions) section.
+db.close(); // cleaning used resources: closes underlying connection pool, executor service (if configured to do so) etc...
### Select
Use question marks:
Collection names = db.select("SELECT name FROM TEST WHERE ID IN (?, ?)", 1, 2).execute(rs -> rs.getString("name")).collect(Collectors.toList());
-// an alias for execute method is stream - for better readability
-Collection names = db.select("SELECT name FROM TEST WHERE ID IN (?, ?)", 1, 2).stream(rs -> rs.getString("name")).collect(Collectors.toList());
-// or use shorthands for stream reduction
-Collection names = db.select("SELECT name FROM TEST WHERE ID IN (?, ?)", 1, 2).list(rs -> rs.getString("name"));
or use named parameters:
@@ -75,6 +59,41 @@ Collection names = db.select("SELECT name FROM TEST WHERE 1=1 AND ID IN
Parameter names are CASE SENSITIVE! 'Name' and 'name' are considered different parameter names.
Parameters may be provided with or without leading colon.
+###### The N+1 problem resolution
+For the cases when it is needed to process (say - enrich) each mapped row with an additional data the Select.ForBatch can be used
+long res = db.select("SELECT * FROM HUGE_TABLE")
+ .forBatch(/* map resultSet here to needed type*/)
+ .size(1000)
+ .execute(batchOfObjects -> {
+ // list of mapped rows with size not more than 1000
+ batchOfObjects.forEach(obj -> obj.setSomethingElse());
+ });
+For cases where it is needed to issue any additional queries to database use:
+Stream users = db.select("SELECT * FROM HUGE_TABLE")
+ .forBatch(/* map resultSet here to needed type*/)
+ .size(1000)
+ .execute((batch, session) -> {
+ // list of mapped rows (to resulting type) with size not more than 1000
+ // session maps to currently used connection
+ Map attrs = session.select("SELECT * FROM USER_ATTR WHERE id IN (:ids)", batch.stream().map(User::getId).collect(Collectors.toList()))
+ .execute(/* map to collection of domain objects that represents a user attribute */)
+ .groupingBy(UserAttr::userId);
+ batch.forEach(user -> user.addAttrs(attrs.getOrDefault(user.getId, Collections.emptyList())));
+ });
+// stream of users objects will consist of updated (enriched) objects
+Using this to process batches you must keep some things in mind:
+- Executor service is used internally to power parallel processing
+- All batches are processed regarding any short circuits possible
and Select.ForBatch.size
are not the same but connected
### Insert
with question marks:
@@ -104,7 +123,7 @@ long res = db.update("UPDATE TEST SET NAME=:name WHERE NAME=:new_name", entry(":
###### Batch mode
For batch operation use:
-long res = db.update("INSERT INTO TEST(name) VALUES(?)", new Object[][]{ {"name1"}, {"name2"} }).batch(true).execute();
+long res = db.update("INSERT INTO TEST(name) VALUES(?)", new Object[][]{ {"name1"}, {"name2"} }).batch(2).execute();
### Delete
@@ -128,7 +147,7 @@ db.script("CREATE TABLE TEST (id INTEGER NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(255));INSERT INT
2) Provide a file with an SQL script
- db.script(new File("path/to/script.sql")).timeout(60).execute();
+db.script(new File("path/to/script.sql")).timeout(60).execute();
Can contain single- and multiline comments.
@@ -140,52 +159,47 @@ Script:
### Transactions
There are a couple of methods provides transaction support.
Tell whether to create new transaction or not, provide isolation level and transaction logic function.
// suppose we have to insert a bunch of new users by name and get the latest one filled with its attributes....
-User latestUser = db.transaction(TransactionIsolation.SERIALIZABLE, db1 ->
- // here db.equals(db1) will return true
- // but if we claim to create new transaction it will not, because a new connection is obtained and new DB instance is created
- // so everything inside a transaction (in this case) MUST be done through db1 reference since it will operate on newly created connection
- db1.update("INSERT INTO users(name) VALUES(?)", new Object[][]{ {"name1"}, {"name2"}, {"name3"} })
- .skipWarnings(false)
- .timeout(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
- .print()
- .execute(
- rs -> rs.getLong(1),
- ids -> db1.select("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id=?", ids.peek(id -> db1.procedure("{call PROCESS_USER_CREATED_EVENT(?)}", id).call()).max(Comparator.comparing(i -> i)).orElse(-1L))
- .print()
- .single(rs -> {
- User u = new User();
- u.setId(rs.getLong("id"));
- u.setName(rs.getString("name"));
- //... fill other user's attributes...
- return u;
- })
- )
- .orElse(null)
+Logger LOG = getLogger(); //... logger used in application
+User latestUser = db.transaction()
+ .isolation(Transaction.Isolation.SERIALIZABLE)
+ .execute(session ->
+ session.update("INSERT INTO users(name) VALUES(?)", new Object[][]{{"name1"}, {"name2"}, {"name3"}})
+ .skipWarnings(false)
+ .timeout(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
+ .print(LOG::debug)
+ .execute(rs -> rs.getLong(1))
+ .stream()
+ .peek(id -> session.procedure("{call PROCESS_USER_CREATED_EVENT(?)}", id).call())
+ .max(Comparator.comparing(i -> i))
+ .flatMap(id -> session.select("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id=?", id).print(LOG::debug).single(rs -> {
+ User u = new User();
+ u.setId(rs.getLong("id"));
+ u.setName(rs.getString("name"));
+ // ...fill other user's attributes...
+ return user;
+ }))
+ .orElse(null)
-As the rule of thumb: always use lambda parameter to do the things inside the transaction
-###### Nested transactions
-This must be used with care.
When calling transaction()
method createNew
flag (if set to true
) implies obtaining new connection via DataSource
or connection supplier function provided at the DB
class [initialization](#setup-database) stage.
If provided connection supplier function will not return a new connection - then UnsupportedOperationException
is thrown:
-DB db = new DB(() -> connection);
-db.transaction(TransactionIsolation.SERIALIZABLE, db1 -> db1.transaction(true, db2 -> ...))
-// throws UnsupportedOperationException
-Using nested transactions with various isolation levels may result in deadlocks:
+###### Nested transactions and deadlocks
+Providing connection supplier function with plain connection
like this: DB db = DB.create(() -> connection));
or this: DB db = DB.builder().withMaxConnections(1).build(() -> DriverManager.getConnection("vendor-specific-string"));
e.g - if supplier function always return the same connection
the concept of transactions will be partially broken.
+The simplest case:
-DB db = new DB(datasourceInstance);
-db.transaction(TransactionIsolation.READ_UNCOMMITED, db1 -> {
- // do inserts, updates etc...
- long someGeneratedId = ....
- return db1.transaction(true, TransactionIsolation.SERIALIZABLE, db2 -> db2.select("SELECT * FROM TEST WHERE id=?", someGeneratedId).list(rs -> rs.getString("name")));
-// nested transaction will be done over newly obtained connection but will not able to complete or see the generated values before enclosing transaction is committed and will eventually fail
+DB db = DB.create(() -> connection); // or DB.builder().withMaxConnections(1).build(ds::getConnection)
+db.transaction().run(session1 -> db.transaction().run(session2 -> {}))
+// runs forever since each transaction tries to obtain new connection and the second one cannot be provided with new one
-Whenever desired transaction isolation level is not supported by RDBMS the IllegalArgumentException
is thrown.
### Logging & Debugging
Convenient logging methods provided.
@@ -209,40 +223,11 @@ This will print out to standard output two lines:
Calling print()
on Script
will print out the whole sql script with parameters substituted.
Custom logging handler may also be provided for both cases.
-### Helper: Queries
-For cases when it is all about query execution on existing connection with no tuning, logging and other stuff the Queries
helper class can be used:
-Connection conn = ... // somewhere previously created connection
-List names = Queries.list(conn, rs -> rs.getString("name"), "SELECT name FROM TEST WHERE id IN (:ids)", new SimpleImmutableEntry("ids", new long[]{1, 2, 3}));
-There are plenty of pre-defined cases implemented:
- for list selection
- for single object selection,
- calling StoredProcedure
which returns a ResultSet
- call a StoredProcedure
either with results or without,
- to execute various updates,
- to execute atomic queries and/or scripts
There is an option to set up the connection with helper class to reduce a number of method arguments:
-Connection conn = ... // somewhere previously created connection
-// all subsequent calls will be done on connection set.
-List names = Queries.list(rs -> rs.getString("name"), "SELECT name FROM TEST WHERE id IN (:ids)", new SimpleImmutableEntry("ids", new long[]{1, 2, 3}));
-List names = Queries.callForList(rs -> rs.getString(1), "{call GETALLNAMES()}");
-Note that connection must be closed explicitly after using Queries
### Built-in mappers
All Select
query methods which takes a mapper
function has a companion one without.
Calling that mapper
-less methods will imply mapping a tuple as String
alias to Object
-// DB
-DB db = new DB(datasourceInstance);