Acceptance Criteria:
A user should be able to create a new game: PASS
A user can invite another user to play the game: PASS
The new game will have a chessboard with chess pieces in their starting position: PASS
A user can create a game without inviting an opponent: FAIL
Acceptance Criteria:
The user who created the game will move first: PASS
A user in a game can move one of their own pieces legally on their turn: PASS
A user in a game can move one of their opponent's pieces on their turn: FAIL
A user in a game can move one of their own pieces on their opponent’s turn: FAIL
A user can end the game by checkmating their opponent: PASS
A stalemate will occur if a user has no legal moves left on their turn: PASS
Acceptance Criteria:
A user with valid and unique email should register: PASS
A user with a unique username should register: PASS
A user with a duplicate email or username should be able to register: FAIL
A user with a valid password of 8 characters or more should be allowed to register: PASS
Acceptance Criteria:
A registered user can enter their username and password to login to the home screen: PASS
A registered user can create a new game from the home screen: PASS
A registered user can continue a game from the home screen: PASS
A non-registered user can login to the home screen: FAIL
Acceptance Criteria
A registered user can create a game and enter a registered username to invite to the game: PASS
A registered user can create a game and enter a non-registered username to invite to the game: FAIL
A registered user can see the invitations they have sent out to other users: PASS
Acceptance Criteria
A registered user can open a table showing all pending invitations: PASS
A registered user can accept or reject an invitation to a game from this table: PASS
A rejected invitation is deleted from the table: PASS
An accepted invitation creates the game and then deletes the invitation from the table: PASS
Acceptance Criteria
A registered user can open a table showing all current matches: PASS
A registered user can select a specific game to play and have that game state loaded: PASS
Acceptance Criteria
A registered user has option to quit a game: PASS
A quit game is deleted from list of current matches: PASS
Acceptance Criteria
All game data associated with a user is automatically stored in the database: PASS
A user can view their game data and match history: PASS
Acceptance Criteria
A registered user can search for other registered users: PASS
A registered user can search for unregistered users: FAIL
Another registered users game data is displayed when searched for: PASS
Acceptance Criteria
A registered user can choose to unregister their account at any time: PASS
Once unregistered all game data will be deleted along with the account: PASS
Acceptance Criteria
- Once a game ends both opponents are notified that the game is over: PASS
Acceptance Criteria
- After a game is over, a registered user can view their results: PASS
Acceptance Criteria
- A registered user can logout of the system at any time and be redirected to the login page: PASS
Acceptance Criteria
- A registered user can access notification about whether their invitation was accepted or not: PASS