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File metadata and controls

150 lines (103 loc) · 4.7 KB


View and upgrade Mac App Store (mas) apps.

mas outdated mas upgrade

building ~/Brewfile alias

brew bundle dump --force

Record a shell session

script screen.log

TODO Try to replace the python script with a bash script. Then delte ./default.nix If we haven't done this then on linux must run 'nix-shell' to get the proper host config.

---- TODO ---- See if in function reload can use 'spin'

---- TODO ---- Move bashrc.symlink to ./bash

---- TODO ---- Consider replacing the python script with a bash script. Then delete ./default.nix If we haven't done this then on linux must run 'nix-shell' to get the proper host config.

---- TODO ---- Rename this init.pathfile to or

---- TODO ---- Add this to some global setup/update script pip3 install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel

---- TODO ---- After running in particular the 'brew clean' step it messes up virtualenv symlinks. And you must run this on each virtualenv to recreate the symlinks.

find ~/.virtualenvs/my-virtual-env/ -type l -delete virtualenv ~/.virtualenvs/my-virtual-env

---- TODO ---- add brew, cask, chrome, etc examples from

---- TODO ---- switch task runner from gulp to python? pip install watchdog

---- TODO ---- should seperate jina_script compile and install_dotfiles

---- TODO ---- add an open or opendir alias that will open current or given dir in system's finder.

---- TODO ---- Bring iterm settings into dotfiles.

Pending Github issues

NixOS/nix#1866 skim-rs/skim#78 skim-rs/skim#77

Other TODOs

Maybe: Tweak tool -> typing -> Ctrl key position -> Swap Left Win key with Left Ctrl key

  • might want this on say ncl keyboard to mimic Super+x,c,v combo on mac

On keyboards where Super is tougher to reach than Ctrl (usually ctrl,fn,super,alt order keyboards)

gnome: Switch Ctrl and Super keys (prob now is in emacs want to use new-Super key as standard-Ctrl, so..) emacs: Switch Ctrl and Super keys

TODO symlink all configs in linux/config to ~/.config, but only on linux. cp ~/.config/terminator/config ~/src/dotfiles/linux/config/terminator/

TODO skim issues - code some rust? skim-rs/skim#78 skim-rs/skim#77

TODO cua-mode for sublime

  • probably acheived using "keybinding contexts", ie. only listen for these commands when a region is higlighted

---- TODO ---- Fix Alt-C on Mac 53:NOTE: On OS X, Alt-c (Option-c) types ç by default. In iTerm2, you can send the right escape sequence with Esc-c. If you configure the option key to act as +Esc (iTerm2 Preferences > Profiles > Default > Keys > Left option (⌥) acts as: > +Esc), then alt-c will work for fzf as documented.

TODO Copy fish PATH to bash. from fish: must format the space delimited to colon delimited, then inject: bash -c "export PATH=$fmt_path"

TODO create a global .agignore file for ag searches also check if rg has the same.

TODO create a sublime commands file for easy goto readme and stuff

TODO That doc book generator for dotfiles and mac setup. gitbook. also krypton support ref?

TODO python event loop manager

---- TODO ---- Vinyl - cloud file system can use this with tibra data so large data files can reside off git. then project is copied somewhere, then when at location, it downloads what is required.

---- TODO ---- My Ideal history

  • All commands enetered in any terminal should be added, in order of runtime, to a global shared history file.
  • However the current history of any given shell should only be those commands that were run in it. (Up arrow search should pull from local history)
  • However if we search in one shell for a command just run in the other, we should be able to find it. (history search should pull from the global file)
  • TODO Only successful commands should be saved in history. (or reallly i think i mean those commands run without spelling error)
    • but still allow pressing up to modify typo in last command
    • delete only after a certain # lines, or cronjob.
    • errord cmd history line numbers must be saved to another file so we know which lines to delete later on cleanup.

  • some other approach

---- TODO ---- Add Christmas tree to terminal greeting schedule Thanksgiving+1 to Jan/Feb End