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155 lines (151 loc) · 12.5 KB

File metadata and controls

155 lines (151 loc) · 12.5 KB


Notes before reading:

  • There are 29 sprite slots, and 4 extended sprite slots;
  • Their table sizes are doubled: 58 bytes table for 29 sprites, 8 bytes table for 4 extended sprites. The "high byte" of the pair is often unused, I guess the producers made the tables according to the X/Y position tables, that use the second byte of the pair;
  • Extended sprites are Fred's projectiles (stones and bowling balls);
  • I consider 256 subpixels per pixel;
Address      Size      Description
$7E0006 2 bytes Controller 1 input (current) flags, format BYsS^v<>AXLR0123.
$7E0008 2 bytes Controller 2 input (current) flags, format BYsS^v<>AXLR0123.
$7E000A 2 bytes Controller 1 input (newly pressed) flags, format BYsS^v<>AXLR0123.
$7E000C 2 bytes Controller 2 input (newly pressed) flags, format BYsS^v<>AXLR0123.
$7E000E 2 bytes Controller 1 input (current) flags, format BYsS^v<>AXLR0123, maybe just a mirror of $7E0006.
$7E0010 2 bytes Controller 1 input (newly pressed) flags, format BYsS^v<>AXLR0123, maybe just a mirror of $7E000A.
$7E0012 2 bytes Controller 1 input (current) flags, format BYsS^v<>AXLR0123, maybe just a mirror of $7E0006.
$7E0014 2 bytes Controller 2 input (current) flags, format BYsS^v<>AXLR0123, maybe just a mirror of $7E0008.
$7E001C 2 bytes Camera X position.
$7E001E 2 bytes Camera Y position.
$7E003C 1 byte Graphics set, maybe[1]. A list of valid values can be found here.
$7E0040 2 bytes Game mode. A list of valid values can be found here.
$7E004A 1 byte Mirror of $7E1E12.
$7E008C 2 bytes Frame counter, maybe[1]. Resets to zero during screen transitions, and pauses when the game is paused.
$7E00D7 2 bytes [Considering a rectangle with corner 2 beign the opposite corner of 1]
Fred's hitbox corner 1 x pos.
$7E00D9 2 bytes Fred's hitbox corner 2 x pos.
$7E00DB 2 bytes Fred's hitbox corner 1 y pos.
$7E00DD 2 bytes Fred's hitbox corner 2 y pos.
$7E00DF 2 bytes Sprite platforming interaction left point x pos.
$7E00E1 2 bytes Sprite platforming interaction right point x pos.
$7E00E3 2 bytes Sprite platforming interaction left point y pos.
$7E00E5 2 bytes Sprite platforming interaction right point y pos.
$7E00E7 2 bytes [Considering a rectangle with corner 2 beign the opposite corner of 1]
Club hitbox corner 1 x pos.
$7E00E9 2 bytes Club hitbox corner 2 x pos.
$7E00EB 2 bytes Club hitbox corner 1 y pos.
$7E00ED 2 bytes Club hitbox corner 2 y pos.
$7E0622 2 bytes Stage skip password flag.
$7E0624 2 bytes Invincibility password flag.
$7E0634 2 bytes Current cutscene ID. A list of valid values can be found here.
$7E0636 1 byte Is paused flag.
$7E06E2 58 bytes Sprite hitbox type table. The value is used as a pointer in rom ($01B9D9) to define the hitbox corners related to the sprite position.
$7E0725 1 byte Fred's graphical direction, maybe[1]: #40 = facing right, #104 = facing left. It's controlled by the effective direction ($7E0CB9).
$7E0944 1 byte Fred is loaded flag. #$01 = Fred is loaded, in levels, cutscenes, Password screen, Ocean intro. Also is #$02 when is walking in cutscenes and #$03 when jumping in cutscenes.
$7E0946 58 bytes Sprite type table. Can be interpreted as a status sometimes.
$7E0980 8 bytes Extended sprite type table. Uses the values #$10, #$11, #$14 and #$15 from the sprite type table. Can be interpreted as a status sometimes.
$7E0988 2 bytes X position.
$7E098A 58 bytes Sprite X position table.
$7E09C4 8 bytes Extended sprite X position table.
$7E09CC 2 bytes Y position.
$7E09CE 58 bytes Sprite Y position table.
$7E0A08 8 bytes Extended sprite Y position table.
$7E0A11 1 byte Accumulated X subpixels.
$7E0A13 58 bytes Sprite accumulated X subpixels table.
$7E0A4D 8 bytes Extended sprite accumulated X subpixels table.
$7E0A55 1 byte Accumulated Y subpixels.
$7E0A57 58 bytes Sprite accumulated Y subpixels table.
$7E0A91 8 bytes Extended sprite accumulated Y subpixels table.
$7E0A98 2 bytes[1] Fred's animation poses. A list of valid values can be found here.
$7E0A9A 58 bytes Sprite animation table, maybe[1].
$7E0AD4 8 bytes Extended sprite animation table, maybe[1].
$7E0ADC 2 bytes Player frame counter/timer for each action/status.
$7E0ADE 58 bytes Sprite misc table 1.
$7E0B18 8 bytes Extended sprite misc table 1.
$7E0B22 58 bytes Sprite misc table 2.
$7E0B5C 8 bytes Extended sprite misc table 2.
$7E0B66 58 bytes Sprite misc table 3.
$7E0BA0 8 bytes Extended sprite misc table 3.
$7E0BAA 58 bytes Sprite misc table 4.
$7E0BE4 8 bytes Extended sprite misc table 4.
$7E0CB9 1 byte Fred's effective direction, maybe[1]: #00 = facing right, #64 = facing left.
$7E0CFD 1 byte Something related with which layer does Fred overlay. #32 = in normal game, some stuff overlay Fred; #48 = in dying animation, Fred overlays everything execpt sprites.
$7E0D84 2 bytes X speed. The low byte is the subspeed, in subpixels/frame, and the high byte is the speed, in pixels/frame.
$7E0D86 58 bytes Sprite X speed table. The low byte is the subspeed, in subpixels/frame, and the high byte is the speed, in pixels/frame.
$7E0DC0 8 bytes Extended sprite X speed table. The low byte is the subspeed, in subpixels/frame, and the high byte is the speed, in pixels/frame.
$7E0DC8 2 bytes Y speed. The low byte is the subspeed, in subpixels/frame, and the high byte is the speed, in pixels/frame.
$7E0DCA 58 bytes Sprite Y speed table. The low byte is the subspeed, in subpixels/frame, and the high byte is the speed, in pixels/frame.
$7E0E04 8 bytes Extended sprite Y speed table. The low byte is the subspeed, in subpixels/frame, and the high byte is the speed, in pixels/frame.
$7E0E94 1 byte Is on ground flag. #01 = yes, #00 = no. When set, Fred can jump.
$7E0ED0 8 bytes Extended sprite is on ground flag.
$7E0FEE 2 bytes Mirror of X speed ($7E0D84). The low byte resets to 255 when not playing.
$7E0FF0 2 bytes Last valid X position to respawn (if the player falls on a pit).
$7E0FF2 2 bytes Last valid Y position to respawn (if the player falls on a pit).
$7E0FF6 1 byte Fred's status. A list of valid values can be found here.
$7E0FF8 2 bytes X starting position in levels, Game Over screen and Password screen.
$7E0FFA 2 bytes Y starting position in levels, Game Over screen and Password screen.
$7E1000 1 byte Is smashing flag. When #01, Fred hits enemies and rocks.
$7E1010 1 byte Something related to be standing still, increments by 4 every 8 frames.
$7E101A 2 bytes Selection cursor x position (in the table, not in pixels) in the Hiscore section when the player puts its name (when beats the game).
$7E101C 2 bytes Selection cursor y position (in the table, not in pixels) in the Hiscore section when the player puts its name (when beats the game).
$7E101E 2 bytes Position on Hiscore table, after beating the game.
$7E1020 1 byte Current character slot in the Hiscore section when the player puts its name (when beats the game). Can be interpreted as name size too.
$7E1022 2 bytes Only updated in the Hiscore section when the player puts its name (when beats the game). Increases every frame, looping between #00 and #07.
$7E102E 8 bytes Player name in Hiscores (while choosing it when beats the game), each byte for each character. #65~#90 = A~Z, #32 = blank space, #46 = not writen (dot). There are other valid values too (for numbers and special characters), but inaccessible.
$7E1066 1 byte Platform in mud pointer, it's the number of the current platform to rise. Updates right when you step on these platforms.
$7E140F 1 byte Language option: #00 = brittish english, #01 = american english, #02 = spanish, #03 = german, #04 = italian, #05 = french.
$7E1485 2 bytes Width of the current level, in blocks. $7E15B6 seems like a mirror of the low byte.
$7E1487 2 bytes Height of the current level, in blocks.
$7E1491 2 bytes Is on a platform-like sprite flag. When set, Fred can jump.
$7E1D51 2 bytes Invincibility timer. The player has 120 frames of invincibility after being hit or falling in a pit.
$7E1D5B 1 byte Current level. A list of valid values can be found here.
$7E1D65 2 bytes Lives.
$7E1D69 2 bytes Health (Fred faces in the life counter, #02 = normal, #01 = tongue out, #00 = tongue out and spiked hair).
$7E1D6D 2 bytes Stones.
$7E1D71 2 bytes Bowling balls.
$7E1D75 2 bytes Score. The maximum score you can see is 042767, which corresponds to $1D75 = 15 and $1D76 = 167, any point further the addresses are updated normally, but the counter becomes 000000, and you won't get in the Hiscores. Note: the first digit on the counter is never used, there isn't a RAM address for it.
$7E1D8D 2 bytes Time. Each game second takes 64 frames, so in NTSC (60Hz), 16 game seconds = 15 real seconds.
$7E1D95 1 byte Score counter on screen, 6th digit.
$7E1D97 1 byte Score counter on screen, 5th digit.
$7E1D99 1 byte Score counter on screen, 4th digit.
$7E1D9B 1 byte Score counter on screen, 3rd digit.
$7E1D9D 1 byte Score counter on screen, 2nd digit.
$7E1DA1 1 byte Time counter on screen, 3rd digit.
$7E1DA3 1 byte Time counter on screen, 2nd digit.
$7E1DA5 1 byte Time counter on screen, 1st digit.
$7E1DA7 1 byte Live counter on screen, 2nd digit.
$7E1DA9 1 byte Live counter on screen, 1st digit.
$7E1DAB 1 byte Bowling ball counter on screen, 2nd digit.
$7E1DAD 1 byte Bowling ball counter on screen, 1st digit.
$7E1DAF 1 byte Stone counter on screen, 2nd digit.
$7E1DB1 1 byte Stone counter on screen, 1st digit.
$7E1DB3 1 byte Mirror of $7E1D95.
$7E1DB5 1 byte Mirror of $7E1D97.
$7E1DB7 1 byte Mirror of $7E1D99.
$7E1DB9 1 byte Mirror of $7E1D9B.
$7E1DBB 1 byte Mirror of $7E1D9D.
$7E1DBF 1 byte Mirror of $7E1DA1.
$7E1DC1 1 byte Mirror of $7E1DA3.
$7E1DC3 1 byte Mirror of $7E1DA5.
$7E1DC5 1 byte Mirror of $7E1DA7.
$7E1DC7 1 byte Mirror of $7E1DA9.
$7E1DC9 1 byte Mirror of $7E1DAB.
$7E1DCB 1 byte Mirror of $7E1DAD.
$7E1DCD 1 byte Mirror of $7E1DAF.
$7E1DCF 1 byte Mirror of $7E1DB1.
$7E1DD5 2 bytes Counter for how long you're holding a stone to throw (holding X). When hits #120 you burn you hand and waste the stone. This determines how far the stone can go. E.g.: if you hold for 20 frames the stone will float without y speed for 20 frames. The high byte is never used, but is updated if you poke a value bigger than #120.
$7E1DD7 2 bytes Idle timer. It's #300 when player is acting, then decrements whenever the player is idle. When reaches #00, activates the idle animation.
$7E1DEB 2 bytes Lava wave (in Volcanic 3) x pos.
$7E1DED 2 bytes Lava wave (in Volcanic 3) y pos.
$7E1DEF 2 bytes Lava wave (in Volcanic 3) pointer. It sets the x pos (at $82EC64), the timer (at $82EC5D), and the next stopping x pos (at $82EC6B). It's used right when the timer ends, then it increments in 0x06 for the next wave.
$7E1DF1 2 bytes Lava wave (in Volcanic 3) timer. When reaches zero, the wave starts.
$7E1DF3 2 bytes Lava wave (in Volcanic 3) flag for when will damage Fred. Is set when the wave is running, disabled between waves.
$7E1DF7 2 bytes Lava wave (in Volcanic 3) stopping x pos.
$7E1E0E 2 bytes Lava flood (in Volcanic 2) y pos (static).
$7E1E10 2 bytes Lava flood (in Volcanic 2) y pos (oscillating).
$7E1E12 1 byte Lava flood (in Volcanic 2) y pos in screen.
$7E1ED6 1 byte Boss HP. The Caveman boss (Quarry 3) has #15, the Tiger boss (Jungle 4) has #5.
$7E2000 2 bytes Width of the level loaded, in blocks. Is set during the level loading/name screen.
$7E2002 2 bytes Height of the level loaded, in blocks. Is set during the level loading/name screen.
$7E2004 ? bytes[1] Map16 table of tiles (low byte). It's more like the ID of the tile, e.g.: #$9f = blank tile. A list of valid values can be found here.
$7E2005 ? bytes[1] Map16 table of tiles (high byte). It's more like the properties of the tile. A list of valid values can be found here.


  1. These addresses need further research, since I'm just one and started this study just some months ago.