CyberArk Privilege Cloud installation cheat sheet.
CyberArk Privilege Cloud Tools
CyberArk Privilege Cloud
CyberArk Identity connector - See section 14 below
Connector Hardware Requirements
Outbound traffic network and port requirements
Customer ID (Used in Pre-Requisites Script)
Privilege Cloud Web Portal
Privilege Cloud Vault Address
Handy command to watch the Connector Managment Logs
Connector Managment logging documentation here.
cat -wait -tail 50 'C:\Program Files\CyberArk\Management Agent\Logs\client_log.txt'
Install Secure Tunnel The credntials for the installeruser will be required.
Extract and run exe as administraotr.
The credntials for the installeruser will be required.
Us this script to generate a self-signed certificate if there in't an internal CA avalilable.
New-SelfSignedCertificate -DnsName "", "", "" -NotAfter (Get-Date).AddYears(3) -TextExtension @("{text}") -KeyLength 4096 -KeyExportPolicy Exportable -CertStoreLocation "cert:\LocalMachine\My"
#Copy the thumbprint for the certificate you have the Private Key of (usually the personal certificate of the machine unless the customer followed your instructions to build the CA from scratch)
Get-ChildItem "Cert:\LocalMachine\My"
#Set the path for where the thumbprint will be seen by RDS
$PATH = (Get-WmiObject -class "Win32_TSGeneralSetting" -Namespace root\cimv2\terminalservices)
#Execute the change
Set-WmiInstance -Path $PATH -argument @{SSLCertificateSHA1Hash="<INSERT-Thumbprint-HERE>"}
Configure the connection component to use the HTML5 GW
HTML5 Gateway
CyberArk.TransparentConnection.BooleanUserParameter, CyberArk.PasswordVault.TransparentConnection
Downlaod the PSM Health Check Script
Download .NET Core Runtime 6.0.X
.\HealthCheck.ps1 -installPath "E:\Program Files (x86)\Cyberark\PSM"
or Use this command when CyberArk has been installed on a different drive letter.
.\HealthCheck.ps1 -installPath "E:\Program Files (x86)\Cyberark\PSM"
Invoke-WebRequest -uri https://fqdn/psm/api/health
Use the follwoing command to downlaod the script. Make sure it is placed in the same folder as
cd /home/<username>/PSMP/
The follwoing commands will test outbound connectivity from the PSMP server to Privilege Cloud.
curl -v telnet://<subdomain>
curl -v telnet://<subdomain>
curl -v telnet://<subdomain>
curl -v telnet://<CyberArkIdentityID>
useradd proxymng
passwd proxymng
groupadd proxymanagers
usermod -a -G proxymanagers proxymng
vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Add the following line to the bottom of /etc/ssh/sshd_config
AllowGroups proxymanagers PSMConnectUsers
Restart the SSH service
service sshd restart
service sshd status
cd /home/localadmin/PSMP/
ls -ltr
chmod 755 CARKpsmp-1X.xx.xx.xx.rpm
chmod 755 CreateCredFile
chmod 755
PSM for SSH requirements
full address:s:PSMHOSTNAME
alternate shell:s:psm /u localadmin01 /a /c PSM-RDP
If using RDCMan
CPM Troubleshooting
This command is useful to determine what applications can’t run because of AppLocker.
Get-WinEvent -LogName "Microsoft-Windows-AppLocker/EXE and DLL" |Where-Object {$_.LevelDisplayName -ne "Information"} | Select-Object -First 200 | Format-Table
cat -Wait -Tail 50 .\pm.log
Secure Tunnel
cat -Wait -Tail 50 "C:\Program Files\CyberArk\PrivilegeCloudSecureTunnel\logs\privilege-cloud-securetunnel-service.log"
The follwoing notes are based on the How to use Add PSMApplication documenation.
Step 1: Download Privilege Cloud Tools and copy to C:\CyberArk folder on the connector soerver.
Step 2: Navigate and extract the Add-PSMApps
Step 3: Run a Powershell session as Administrator and run the follwoing sample command.
This command adds ADUC,GPMC and a GenericMMC (RSAT) console
.\Add-PSMApps.ps1 -Application "ADUC","GPMC","GenericMMC" -MscPath "C:\PSMApps\RSAT.msc" -ComponentName "RSAT" -ComponentDisplayName "RSAT" -HTML5 "OffByDefault" -PortalUrl ""
This command adds ADUC,GPMC only
.\Add-PSMApps.ps1 -Application "ADUC","DNS" -HTML5 "OffByDefault" -PortalUrl ""
Download and install microsoft edge. Ensure you select the correct operating system
Check you version of Microsoft Edge. 1XX.X.XXXX.XX and download the x86 driver version.
Extract the zip file and copy the msedgedriver.exe to the follwoing location: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Cyberark\PSM\Components\msedgedriver.exe"
Extract zip file in a temporary location. Copy all contents in the folder WebAppDispatcher-v13.0.0.87\Components And paste in C:\Program Files (x86)\Cyberark\PSM\Components This process will overwrite many files.
In the"-- Allowed DLLs --" section add the follwoing line
<Libraries Name="NATIVEIMAGES" Type="Dll" Path="%WINDIR%\ASSEMBLY\NATIVEIMAGES_V4.0.30319_32\*" Method="Path" SessionType="*" />
In the "-- Microsoft Edge process --" section, uncomment the Edge application and add the EdgeDrive line.
<Application Name="Edge" Type="Exe" Path="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe" Method="Publisher" />
<Application Name="EdgeDriver" Type="Exe" Path="C:\Program Files (x86)\Cyberark\PSM\Components\msedgedriver.exe" Method="Publisher" />
In the "-- Allowed DLLs --" section add NATIVEIMAGES. NOTE: this is different to the NATIVEIMAGES above.
<Libraries Name="NATIVEIMAGES" Type="Dll" Path="%WINDIR%\ASSEMBLY\NATIVEIMAGES_V4.0.30319_32\*" Method="Path" />
Administration -> Configuration Options
Configuraitons -> Connection Components
Duplicate an existing Chrome Connecton Component
Configuraitons -> Connection Components -> Connection Component ID -> Target Settings Change the value for "ClientApp" form Chrome to Edge
Configuraitons -> Connection Components -> Connection Component ID -> Target Settings -> Client Specific BrowserPath - Value = C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe RunValidations - Vaule = No EnableTrace - Value = Yes or No
This script downloads Google Chrome 64bit and executes the msi installer.
Start-BitsTransfer "" $env:TEMP\GoogleChromeStandaloneEnterprise64.msi
$chromeinstaller = "$env:TEMP\GoogleChromeStandaloneEnterprise64.msi"
msiexec.exe /package $chromeinstaller
Start-BitsTransfer "" $env:TEMP\GoogleChromeStandaloneEnterprise64.msi
$chromeinstaller = "$env:TEMP\GoogleChromeStandaloneEnterprise.msi"
msiexec.exe /package $chromeinstaller
Downlaod the Google Chrome Driver and place it in the "C:\Program Files (x86)\CyberArk\PSM\Components" folder
Edit file "C:\Program Files (x86)\CyberArk\PSM\Hardening\PSMConfigureAppLocker.xml"
<!-- Google Chrome process -->
<!-- If relevant, uncomment this part to allow Google Chrome webform based connection clients
End of Google Chrome process comment -->
<Application Name="GoogleChrome" Type="Exe" Path="C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" Method="Publisher" />
<Application Name="GoogleChromeDriver" Type="Exe" Path="C:\Program Files (x86)\CyberArk\PSM\Components\chromedriver.exe" Method="Hash" />
Start-BitsTransfer "" $env:TEMP\
$IdentityZipPackage = "$env:TEMP\"
Expand-Archive $IdentityZipPackage -DestinationPath $env:TEMP\CyberArk-Identity-Management-Suite-win64
$InstallerName = Get-ChildItem -Path $env:TEMP\CyberArk-Identity-Management-Suite-win64\CyberArk-Identity*.exe
$InstallEXE = $InstallerName.Name
Start-Process $env:TEMP\CyberArk-Identity-Management-Suite-win64\$InstallEXE
Write-Host "Finished"
Instructions below are based on this kb article.
To give the Reconcile Group the minimum permissions to change user passwords.
From Active Directory (You must have the Advanced Features view enabled) to proceed Right click on the domain > Properties
Goto the Security Tab
Click Advanced
Select Add
Click "Select a principal" at the top and search fro the Reconcile Group
Applies to: Drop Down menu > Select "Descendant User objects" at the bottom.
Scroll to the very bottom and slect "Clear All" to clear all permissions
Scroll to the top and select the follwoing permissions.
Reset Password
Read permissions
Read account restrictions
Read general information
Read group membership
Read logon information
Once complete slect OK and OK again
Domain Admin accounts, along with a list of other groups, are protected. If you change the ACL on a member of the Domain Admins group, Active Directory will eventually change the ACL back based on a secure template. This template is AdminSDHolder and is always found in the System container.
In order to grant your reconcile account the ability to change the password for members of protected groups, you must add that permission to the AdminSDHolder template
The following script modifies the AdminSDHolder template.
# This script will set the minimum permissions for the reconcile Group
# Set the AD group that will be used fo Reconcile
$ReconcileGroup = "CYBR\grp_CA_Reconcile"
# This gets the AD domain in DN format
$DistinguishedName = (Get-ADDomain).DistinguishedName
Write-host "Domain OU is =" $DistinguishedName
# This gets the AdminSDHolder DN
$AdminSDHolerDN = "CN=AdminSDHolder,CN=System,"+$DistinguishedName
Write-host "AdminSDHolder DN is =" $AdminSDHolerDN
# The follwoing command will allow the Reconcile group to rest passwords on the AdminSDHolder template
dsacls.exe $AdminSDHolerDN /G $ReconcileGroup":CA;Reset Password"
# The follwoing command well allow the Reconcile group to unlock User accounts on the AdminSDHolder template
dsacls.exe $AdminSDHolerDN /G $ReconcileGroup":RP;LockoutTime" $ReconcileGroup":WP;LockoutTime"