A nice article on sensor calibration, a few cool points:
A paper covering the impact of camera misalignment on lane keeping assist systems: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15472450.2020.1822174
A paper on misalignment correction for depth estimation:
https://cpb-us-w2.wpmucdn.com/sites.gatech.edu/dist/4/562/files/2017/01/santoro-02.pdf -
A vehicle detection system based on Haar and Triangle features used for grouping taillights: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/5164288/figures#figures
This paper provides a method to calculate the misalignment of the VCS w.r.t the CCS. See Algorithm 3. http://web.cse.ohio-state.edu/~sinha.43/publications/conf/ipsn19-smartdashcam.pdf
- estimates use forwards and lateral vanishing point (FVP) (LVP)
- manual calibration is the ground truth
- angle predictions have errors less than 7 degrees. Mean is ~2 deg.
Blog post from comma.ai about lateral planning: https://blog.comma.ai/end-to-end-lateral-planning/
From the research thus far it seems the simplist approach is to track vanishing points in the image and relate those to the relative rotation of the camera.
Paper about localizing position from a single image using pre-labeled data. Some nice graphics. The most relevent bit to us is Equation 3. https://arxiv.org/pdf/2003.10664.pdf
Slideshow on camera geometry. Descibes method to get rotation from vanishing point: https://www.cs.princeton.edu/courses/archive/fall13/cos429/lectures/11-epipolar
Calculation of rotation matrix from vanishing points and focal length; see (6): https://annals-csis.org/proceedings/2012/pliks/110.pdf
The intrinsic matrix K projects a point in camera coordinates onto the image plane. It requires three parameters:
- focal length of camera
- pixel width and height, the physical dimension of each pixel
- the image center
- Solve for K using three orthogonal vanishing points
- Get rotation directly from vanishing points once K is known
A perspective transformation can be used to model yaw and pitch misalignments as the camera moves. The 3D perspective mapping can be modelled as a modified rotation matrix as seen in this paper as Equation (5). We can assume there is a perspective change across each consecutive frame, and that the roll is always 0 deg. because the camera is fixed to the vehicle. The proposed architecture would utilize a CNN to estimate the rotation transformation parameters:
- This problem could be formulated as a classification task (0 - 360 deg.)
- Separate layers for pitch and yaw angles?
- Transfer learning with ResNet50 as shown in this article
- Fine tune on labeled training data
This paper might be a helpful aid.