Releases: bow-simulation/virtualbow
Releases · bow-simulation/virtualbow
Development Build
- Configurable units for all inputs and outputs (including SI and US units)
- Easier way to model the profile using line, arc, spiral and spline segments
- Option to visualize the curvature of the profile
- Option to overlay images over plots
- Plot contents can be exported as CSV files
- Input fields for numbers accept arithmetic expressions
- Better error message on failed bracing
- Different layout of the bow editor based on panels instead of dialogs
- Material properties are edited separately from the layer properties
- Improved monotonic cubic spline interpolation (width and heigh)
- Automatically convert the decimal comma to a dot for keyboard layouts that use a comma
- The number of layers is no longer limited (previously 15)
- The number of table rows is no longer limited (previously 100)
- Error when saving files to a path that contains special characters
- Missing error handling when loading and saving files
- Colors in the stress plot not always easily distinguishable
- Arrow clamp force parameter to prevent the arrow from leaving the bow too early in some cases
- Main windows are now empty until a file is loaded or created
- Allow layers to have zero height for modeling fadeouts
- Renamed 'Storage ratio' to 'Energy storage factor'
- Show minimum and maximum stresses instead of maximum absolute value
- The y-axis of the energy plot always starts at zero
- Increase resolution of images exported from plots
- New icons for the toolbar, menu actions and model tree
- Better random color generation for the layers
- Visual improvements to the limb view
- Action New File ignored modifications to already loaded files
- Remove files from Open Recent menu if they no longer exist
- Wrong default selection between static/dynamic results
- Separate component VirtualBow Post for viewing simulation results
- Separate component VirtualBow Solver for performing simulations
- Damping parameters for limbs and string
- Show kinetic energy of limbs and string at arrow departure
- Show mass of limbs and string
- Show maximum forces and stresses
- Help menu entry that opens the user manual
- File menu entry Open Recent
- Indicate in the profile, width and height plots which points are being edited
- Remember open tab and simulation mode in VirtualBow Post
- Play buttons for the output slider in VirtualBow Post
- Go to menu for the output slider in VirtualBow Post
- Option to add installation directory to PATH on Windows
- Most of the menu icons, except very specific ones
- Releases for 32 bit Windows
- AppImage releases
- Application logo
- Compile with MinGW under Windows for better simulation performance
- The profile curve now has continuous curvature, no more jumps
- Keep the blue default color on stress plots when there is only one layer
- More ticks on the y-axis of the stress plots and others
- Problem that
was not found under Windows - Short flashing of the console window when starting VirtualBow on Windows
- Support for MacOS
- Support for
based Linux distributions - Output limb curvature
- Use monotonic cubic splines for layer width and height interpolation
- Define the offsets of the limb centerline in terms of setback and handle length parameters
- Crash when loading an invalid
file from the command line - Problem with face orientation of the limb geometry in the 3D view
- Possibility to define laminated bows
- Support for 64 bit Windows
- Cancel and Reset buttons for input dialogs
- Grouping options for the energy plot
- Copy, cut and paste on all tables
- Use desktop theme icons on Linux where appropriate
- Save window sizes and reload them on startup
- Initial state
t = 0
missing from the dynamic output data - Program terminates when GUI is started with invalid file