With the wazero runtime
- Load the wasm file:
- Instantiate the wasm module
- Call the
wasm function
👋 do not look at the source code of the function now
- Arguments:
strPos uint32, strSize uint32
(position and size of the string into the wasm memory) - Return:
(position and size of the returned value into the wasm memory ... packed in only oneuint64
That means:
- The CLI will copy the string into the wasm memory and get the position and size
- The CLI will call the wasm function with the position and size
- The CLI will read the returned value from the wasm memory
- The CLI will print the returned value
inspiration: https://github.com/tetratelabs/wazero/blob/main/examples/allocation/tinygo/greet.go
mkdir 06-wasm-cli
cd 06-wasm-cli
go mod init wasm-cli
touch main.go
package main
import (
func main() {
// Create instance of a wazero runtime
ctx := context.Background()
// Create a new runtime.
runtime := wazero.NewRuntime(ctx)
// This closes everything this Runtime created.
defer runtime.Close(ctx)
// Use WASI
wasi_snapshot_preview1.MustInstantiate(ctx, runtime)
// Load the WebAssembly module
wasmPath := "../function/demo.wasm"
wasmDemo, err := os.ReadFile(wasmPath)
if err != nil {
// Instantiate the Wasm plugin/program.
module, err := runtime.Instantiate(ctx, wasmDemo)
if err != nil {
// These function are exported by TinyGo
malloc := module.ExportedFunction("malloc")
free := module.ExportedFunction("free")
// Get the reference to the Wasm function: "hello"
helloFunction := module.ExportedFunction("hello")
// Passing parameters to the Wasm function: "hello"
// Function argument
name := "Jane Doe"
nameSize := uint64(len(name))
// Allocate Memory for "Jane Doe"
results, err := malloc.Call(ctx, nameSize)
if err != nil {
namePosition := results[0]
// Free the pointer when finished
defer free.Call(ctx, namePosition)
// Copy "Jane Doe" to memory
success := module.Memory().Write(uint32(namePosition), []byte(name))
if !success {
log.Panicf("out of range of memory size")
// Call hello(pos, size)
// Call "hello" with the position and the size of "Jane Doe" (into the memory)
// The result type is []uint64
result, err := helloFunction.Call(ctx, namePosition, nameSize)
if err != nil {
// Extract the position and size of from result
valuePosition := uint32(result[0] >> 32) // shift right bit operation
valueSize := uint32(result[0]) // AND mask operation
// Read the value from the memory
bytes, ok := module.Memory().Read(valuePosition, valueSize)
if !ok {
log.Panicf("😡 Out of range of memory size")
} else {
fmt.Println("😃 Returned value :", string(bytes))
inspiration: https://github.com/tetratelabs/wazero/blob/main/examples/allocation/tinygo/testdata/greet.go
- Have a look at the source code of the
function in./function/main.go
- Add a
function - Update the CLI to call the
function (and thehello