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Alex Peck edited this page Sep 20, 2022 · 17 revisions

ConcurrentTLru implements expire after write. Items are evicted a fixed duration after creation or most recent update. As such, ConcurrentTLru is a time aware least recently used (TLRU) cache.


The ConcurrentTLru API is identical to ConcurrentLru, but with a couple of small differences to facilitate time-based expiry.


int capacity = 666;
TimeSpan ttl = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5); // items expire after 5 minutes
var lru = new ConcurrentTLru<int, SomeItem>(capacity, ttl);

Removing Items

lru.Policy.ExpireAfterWrite.Value.TrimExpired(); // remove all expired items

How it works

ConcurrentTLru uses the same core algorithm as ConcurrentLru, described here. In addition, the TLru item eviction policy evaluates the age of an item on each lookup (i.e. TryGet/GetOrAdd/GetOrAddAsync), and if the item has expired it will be discarded at lookup time. Expired items can also be discarded if the cache is at capacity and new items are added. When a new item is added, existing items may transition from hot to warm to cold, and expired items can be evicted at these transition points.

Note that expired items are not eagerly evicted when the cache is below capacity, since there is no background thread performing cleanup. Thus, TLru provides a mechanism to bound the staleness of read items, and there is no forceful eviction of stale items until capacity is reached.

Why is ConcurrentTLru slower than ConcurrentLru?

On every lookup, item age is calculated and compared to the TTL. Internally, this results in a call to Stopwatch.GetTimestamp(), which is relatively expensive compared to the dictionary lookup that fetches the item.

It is possible to get a considerable speedup using Environment.TickCount. However, this is based on a 32bit int that can only be used reliably for 49.8 days.

Method Runtime Mean Ratio
DateTimeUtcNow .NET 6.0 24.545 ns 1.00
EnvironmentTickCount .NET 6.0 1.624 ns 0.06
StopWatchGetElapsed .NET 6.0 16.349 ns 0.67
DateTimeUtcNow .NET Framework 4.8 57.072 ns 1.00
EnvironmentTickCount .NET Framework 4.8 1.577 ns 0.03
StopWatchGetElapsed .NET Framework 4.8 25.015 ns 0.44

Stopwatch is used by default because it is the fastest method that gives reliable expiry in all cases.

If your process is guaranteed to run for less than 49.8 days, you can create a TLru with TickCountLruItem and TlruTicksPolicy like this:

public sealed class CustomTLru<K, V> : TemplateConcurrentLru<K, V, TickCountLruItem<K, V>, TLruTicksPolicy<K, V>, TelemetryPolicy<K, V>>
    public CustomTLru(int capacity, TimeSpan timeToLive)
        : base(concurrencyLevel, capacity, EqualityComparer<K>.Default, new TLruTicksPolicy<K, V>(timeToLive), default)