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Building documentation for add ons

Primož Godec edited this page Jun 23, 2016 · 3 revisions
  1. In your project:
    mkdir doc
    cd doc
    mkdir widgets
    cd widgets
    mkdir images
    mkdir icons

  2. Add .rst documentation files to doc/widgets.
    Add .png icons to doc/widgets/icons.
    Add .png images to doc/widgets/images.

  3. In doc/ run:
    Follow instructions. This will create a makefile, make.bat, and index.rst.

  4. In uncomment line 46 and set source_encoding = 'utf-8'

  5. In orangecontrib/name_of_addon/widgets/ add (with the final URL fixed):
    # Location of widget help files.
    # Used for development.
    # You still need to build help pages using
    # make htmlhelp
    # inside doc folder
    ("{DEVELOP_ROOT}/doc/_build/htmlhelp/index.html", None),

`# Online documentation url, used when the local documentation is available.`
`# Url should point to a page with a section Widgets. This section should`
`# includes links to documentation pages of each widget. Matching is`
`# performed by comparing link caption to widget name.`
`("", "")`

6. In add as the final entry point to ENTRY_POINTS (with the final URL fixed):
`# Register widget help`
`"": (`
`'html-index = orangecontrib.name_of_project.widgets:WIDGET_HELP_PATH',),`

7. `python develop`

8. `cd doc`
`make htmlhelp`

9. Test whether F1 works on your local build and if it does, push to Github.

Widget matches documentation file comparing widget name (not file name) and documentation title (not file name). Widget name and title must be the same.