Query cached RINF API data.
- run:
- run:
dotnet build RInfQuery.fsproj
USAGE: RInfQuery
[--help] [--OperationalPoints.Line <dataDir> <country> <line>] [--SectionsOfLine.Line <dataDir> <imcode> <line>]
[--Compare.Line <line>] [--Compare.Line.Remote <line>] [--Compare.Lines <maxlines>]
[--Graph.Route <dataDir> <ops>] [--Graph.Line <dataDir> <line>]
--OperationalPoints.Line <dataDir> <country> <line>
get OperationalPoints of line from file OperationalPoints.json in <dataDir>.
--SectionsOfLine.Line <dataDir> <imcode> <line>
get SectionsOfLine of line from file SectionsOfLine.json in <dataDir>.
--Graph.Route <dataDir> <opIds>
get path of route from <opIds>, ex. "DE HH;DE BL"
(assumes Graph.json and OpInfos.json in <dataDir>).
--help display this list of options.
Compute the route from Hannover to Berlin:
RInfQuery --Graph.Route ../../rinf-data/ "DE000HH;DE000BL"
Output as table (with links to the ERA Knowledge Graph):
From | To | Line | Distance |
DE000HH | DE95411 | 1730 | 17.1 |
DE95411 | DE00LOE | 6107 | 71.2 |
DE00LOE | DE0BSPD | 6185 | 155.3 |
DE0BSPD | DE000BL | 6107 | 9.0 |
Output of operational points of route visualized with BRouter-Web.