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Comparison of ERA knowledge graph and OSM Railway data

Comparison of ERA knowledge graph data and OSM Railway data.

Data models

Short summary of basic concepts.

RInf concepts

See also specifications of the register of Infrastructure and ERA vocabulary.

  • Operational Point is a location for train service operations with type station, passenger stop, junction, switch etc. OPs have a unique OPID, a location and a list of NationalIdentNum as parameters.
  • Section of Line is the connection between two adjacent OPs consisting of tracks of the same line with parameter SOLLineIdentification as the National line identification.
  • MaximumPermittedSpeed is as infrastructure performance parameter of a track describing the maximum permitted speed.
  • National Railway Line is a Railway line within a member state.

OSM Railway concepts

The basic elemets of OSM are nodes, ways and relations. Elements can have tags. See also OpenRailwayMap Tagging Schema and tagging of a train station.

  • stations and halts as places with railway services are mapped as
    • nodes and ways with tag railway=station|halt and key railway:ref as Station Code
    • or relations with tag public_transport=stop_area and key railway:ref as Station Code.
  • stop positions as stop positions of the vehicle are mapped as
    • nodes with tag railway=stop and key railway:ref as Station Code
  • tracks are mapped as ways with tag railway=rail and key ref as Railway line number. The connection between two adjacent stations consists of multiple tracks.
  • maxspeed=* tag is used on ways to define the maximum legal speed limit.
  • railway lines are relations of tracks with the tags type=route and route=tracks and key ref as Railway line number.

OSM data as RDF data

The OSM to RDF converter make OSM data acceesible via SPARQL queries.

The OSM railway data is loaded with the following SPARQL query:

PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX osmkey: <>
SELECT distinct ?stop ?public_transport ?railway ?name ?type ?railway_ref ?uic_ref ?railway_ref_DBAG WHERE {
  ?stop osmkey:name ?name .
  ?stop rdf:type ?type .
  { ?stop osmkey:railway ?railway . }
  { ?stop osmkey:public_transport ?public_transport . }
      {?stop osmkey:railway:ref ?railway_ref . }
      {?stop osmkey:uic_ref ?uic_ref . }
   OPTIONAL { ?stop osmkey:railway:ref:DBAG ?railway_ref_DBAG . }

Comparison of operational points

ERA KG operational points with type station or passenger stop are compared with the above OSM railway data regarding OPID and railway:ref.

RInf ops Count
total 6542
OSM data found 6195
OSM data not found 347