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Ben Manes edited this page Oct 21, 2020 · 11 revisions
CaffeineSpec spec = CaffeineSpec.parse(
    "maximumWeight=1000, expireAfterWrite=10m, recordStats");
LoadingCache<Key, Graph> graphs = Caffeine.from(spec)
    .weigher((Key key, Graph graph) -> graph.vertices().size())
    .build(key -> createExpensiveGraph(key));

CaffeineSpec supports parsing a simple configuration format into a Caffeine builder. The string syntax is a series of comma-separated keys or key-value pairs, each corresponding to a builder method. This format does not support configuring builder methods with object parameters, such as removalListener, which must be configured in code.

The format supports the following builder methods. It is illegal to combine maximumSize with maximumWeight or weakValues with softValues.

  • initialCapacity=[integer]: sets Caffeine.initialCapacity
  • maximumSize=[long]: sets Caffeine.maximumSize
  • maximumWeight=[long]: sets Caffeine.maximumWeight
  • expireAfterAccess=[duration]: sets Caffeine.expireAfterAccess
  • expireAfterWrite=[duration]: sets Caffeine.expireAfterWrite
  • refreshAfterWrite=[duration]: sets Caffeine.refreshAfterWrite
  • weakKeys: sets Caffeine.weakKeys
  • weakValues: sets Caffeine.weakValues
  • softValues: sets Caffeine.softValues
  • recordStats: sets Caffeine.recordStats

A duration can be represented by an integer followed by one of "d", "h", "m", or "s", representing days, hours, minutes, or seconds respectively. Alternatively, as of v2.8.7, an ISO-8601 format string may be provided and is parsed by Duration.parse. For the purposes of a cache, all fractional values are rounded and negative durations throw an exception. Some examples of the two formats are below.

Short ISO-8601 Description
50s PT50S 50 seconds
11m PT11M 11 minutes
6h PT6H 6 hours
3d P3D 3 days
P3DT3H4M 3 days, 3 hours and 4 minutes
-PT7H3M -7 hours, -3 minutes (Unsupported)
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