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Simulator zh CN

Ben Manes edited this page May 16, 2022 · 19 revisions



在配置完所需要的 配置之后,在IDE中运行模拟器。或者也可以选择在命令行中使用:

# Single run, displays ascii table by default
gradlew simulator:run -q -PjvmArgs=<optional>

# Multiple runs, writes a combined report, and renders a chart
gradlew simulator:simulate -q \
  --maximumSize=<comma separated list; supports _ numeric literal> \
  --theme=<light, dark> \
  --jvmArgs=<optional> \

# In both, additional configuration may be supplied as system properties


仓库 位置 仓库 位置
AdaptSize author's simulator Address (UCSD) git repository
ARC author's homepage Cache2k git repository
CameLab project's homepage Cloud Physics git repository, lirs2 drive
Corda git repository Gradle git repository
Kaggle project's homepage LIRS git repository
LRB author's simulator Scarab git repository
SNIA project's homepage Tragen project's homepage
Twitter project's homepage UMass project's homepage
WikiBench project's homepage



║ Policy               │ Hit Rate │ Hits       │ Misses     │ Requests   │ Evictions  │ Time      ║
║ opt.Clairvoyant      │ 48.09 %  │ 21,019,597 │ 22,685,382 │ 43,704,979 │ 18,685,382 │ 2.301 min ║
║ sketch.WindowTinyLfu │ 45.25 %  │ 19,775,085 │ 23,929,894 │ 43,704,979 │ 19,929,894 │ 1.460 min ║
║ irr.Lirs             │ 38.14 %  │ 16,668,577 │ 27,036,402 │ 43,704,979 │ 23,036,402 │ 1.319 min ║
║ adaptive.Arc         │ 29.60 %  │ 12,938,241 │ 30,766,738 │ 43,704,979 │ 26,766,738 │ 1.249 min ║
║ linked.Lru           │ 20.24 %  │  8,847,982 │ 34,856,997 │ 43,704,979 │ 30,856,997 │ 1.218 min ║

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