- Share your approval with your PharmaNet administrator
- PRIME will send your enrolment information to your PharmaNet administrator(s) so they can set up your
- access.
- Note: You cannot access PharmaNet without completing this step. If necessary, you can leave this blank
- and
- return to PRIME later to enter the email(s).
- Share your approval with your PharmaNet administrator
- When PRIME approved you to access PharmaNet, you were assigned a global PharmaNet ID (GPID).
- Examples of when you would need to share your GPID:
If I change work sites
If I change jobs
If my worksite has new PharmaNet software
- To share your GPID, enter the email address of your PharmaNet administrator(s) below. A PharmaNet
- administrator is the person in your workplace who sets up PharmaNet access.
- PRIME will send your enrolment information to your PharmaNet administrator(s) so they can set up your
- access.
- Note: You cannot access PharmaNet without completing this step.
diff --git a/prime-angular-frontend/src/app/modules/enrolment/pages/next-steps/next-steps.component.scss b/prime-angular-frontend/src/app/modules/enrolment/pages/next-steps/next-steps.component.scss
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2..0000000000
diff --git a/prime-angular-frontend/src/app/modules/enrolment/pages/next-steps/next-steps.component.spec.ts b/prime-angular-frontend/src/app/modules/enrolment/pages/next-steps/next-steps.component.spec.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index b6365ada65..0000000000
--- a/prime-angular-frontend/src/app/modules/enrolment/pages/next-steps/next-steps.component.spec.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-import { ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing';
-import { CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA } from '@angular/core';
-import { RouterTestingModule } from '@angular/router/testing';
-import { HttpClientTestingModule } from '@angular/common/http/testing';
-import { ReactiveFormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
-import { KeycloakService } from 'keycloak-angular';
-import { MockAuthService } from 'test/mocks/mock-auth.service';
-import { MockEnrolmentService } from 'test/mocks/mock-enrolment.service';
-import { NextStepsComponent } from './next-steps.component';
-import { NgxMaterialModule } from '@lib/modules/ngx-material/ngx-material.module';
-import { APP_CONFIG, APP_DI_CONFIG } from 'app/app-config.module';
-import { AuthService } from '@auth/shared/services/auth.service';
-import { ConfigService } from '@config/config.service';
-import { MockConfigService } from 'test/mocks/mock-config.service';
-import { EnrolmentService } from '@enrolment/shared/services/enrolment.service';
-describe('NextStepsComponent', () => {
- let component: NextStepsComponent;
- let fixture: ComponentFixture;
- beforeEach(async () => {
- await TestBed.configureTestingModule({
- imports: [
- HttpClientTestingModule,
- RouterTestingModule,
- ReactiveFormsModule,
- NgxMaterialModule
- ],
- declarations: [
- NextStepsComponent
- ],
- providers: [
- {
- provide: APP_CONFIG,
- useValue: APP_DI_CONFIG
- },
- {
- provide: AuthService,
- useClass: MockAuthService
- },
- {
- provide: ConfigService,
- useClass: MockConfigService
- },
- {
- provide: EnrolmentService,
- useClass: MockEnrolmentService
- },
- KeycloakService
- ],
- })
- .compileComponents();
- });
- beforeEach(() => {
- fixture = TestBed.createComponent(NextStepsComponent);
- component = fixture.componentInstance;
- fixture.detectChanges();
- });
- it('should create', () => {
- expect(component).toBeTruthy();
- });
diff --git a/prime-angular-frontend/src/app/modules/enrolment/pages/next-steps/next-steps.component.ts b/prime-angular-frontend/src/app/modules/enrolment/pages/next-steps/next-steps.component.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index d72283e017..0000000000
--- a/prime-angular-frontend/src/app/modules/enrolment/pages/next-steps/next-steps.component.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,454 +0,0 @@
-import { ChangeDetectorRef, Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
-import { FormArray, FormBuilder, FormGroup } from '@angular/forms';
-import { MatDialog } from '@angular/material/dialog';
-import { ActivatedRoute, Router } from '@angular/router';
-import { AuthService } from '@auth/shared/services/auth.service';
-import { ConfigService } from '@config/config.service';
-import { ConsoleLoggerService } from '@core/services/console-logger.service';
-import { FormUtilsService } from '@core/services/form-utils.service';
-import { ToastService } from '@core/services/toast.service';
-import { UtilsService } from '@core/services/utils.service';
-import { EnrolmentRoutes } from '@enrolment/enrolment.routes';
-import { Config } from '@config/config.model';
-import { BaseEnrolmentProfilePage } from '@enrolment/shared/classes/enrolment-profile-page.class';
-import { EnrolmentFormStateService } from '@enrolment/shared/services/enrolment-form-state.service';
-import { EnrolmentResource } from '@enrolment/shared/services/enrolment-resource.service';
-import { EnrolmentService } from '@enrolment/shared/services/enrolment.service';
-import { ConfirmDialogComponent } from '@shared/components/dialogs/confirm-dialog/confirm-dialog.component';
-import { DialogOptions } from '@shared/components/dialogs/dialog-options.model';
-import { AgreementTypeGroup } from '@shared/enums/agreement-type-group.enum';
-import { CareSettingEnum } from '@shared/enums/care-setting.enum';
-import { EnrolmentStatusEnum } from '@shared/enums/enrolment-status.enum';
-import { HealthAuthorityEnum } from '@lib/enums/health-authority.enum';
-import { Enrolment } from '@shared/models/enrolment.model';
-import { EMPTY } from 'rxjs';
-import { exhaustMap } from 'rxjs/operators';
- * TODO: https://bcgovmoh.atlassian.net/browse/PRIME-2325 (Refactor common code in both PharmanetEnrolmentSummaryComponent and NextStepsComponent)
- */
- selector: 'app-next-steps',
- templateUrl: './next-steps.component.html',
- styleUrls: ['./next-steps.component.scss']
-export class NextStepsComponent extends BaseEnrolmentProfilePage implements OnInit {
- public title: string;
- public enrolment: Enrolment;
- public emailForm: FormGroup;
- public hasReadAgreement: boolean;
- public CareSettingEnum = CareSettingEnum;
- public EnrolmentStatus = EnrolmentStatusEnum;
- public HealthAuthorityEnum = HealthAuthorityEnum;
- public showCommunityHealth: boolean;
- public showPharmacist: boolean;
- public showHealthAuthority: boolean;
- public showDeviceProvider: boolean;
- public currentAgreementGroup: AgreementTypeGroup;
- public initialEnrolment: boolean;
- public complete: boolean;
- public healthAuthorities: Config[];
- public careSettingConfigs: {
- setting: string,
- settingPlural: string,
- settingCode: number,
- healthAuthorityCode: number,
- formArray: FormArray,
- formArrayName: string,
- subheaderContent: string;
- }[];
- public constructor(
- protected route: ActivatedRoute,
- protected router: Router,
- protected dialog: MatDialog,
- private changeDetectorRef: ChangeDetectorRef,
- private fb: FormBuilder,
- protected enrolmentService: EnrolmentService,
- protected enrolmentResource: EnrolmentResource,
- protected enrolmentFormStateService: EnrolmentFormStateService,
- protected toastService: ToastService,
- protected logger: ConsoleLoggerService,
- protected utilService: UtilsService,
- protected formUtilsService: FormUtilsService,
- protected authService: AuthService,
- private configService: ConfigService,
- ) {
- super(
- route,
- router,
- dialog,
- enrolmentService,
- enrolmentResource,
- enrolmentFormStateService,
- toastService,
- logger,
- utilService,
- formUtilsService,
- authService
- );
- this.showCommunityHealth = true;
- this.showPharmacist = true;
- this.showHealthAuthority = true;
- this.showDeviceProvider = true;
- this.title = 'Next Steps To Get PharmaNet';
- this.careSettingConfigs = [];
- this.healthAuthorities = this.configService.healthAuthorities;
- }
- public get careSettings() {
- return (this.enrolment) ? this.enrolment.careSettings : null;
- }
- public get communityHealthEmails(): FormArray {
- return this.emailForm.get('communityHealthEmails') as FormArray;
- }
- public get pharmacistEmails(): FormArray {
- return this.emailForm.get('pharmacistEmails') as FormArray;
- }
- public get healthAuthorityFraserEmails(): FormArray {
- return this.emailForm.get('healthAuthorityFraserEmails') as FormArray;
- }
- public get healthAuthorityNorthernEmails(): FormArray {
- return this.emailForm.get('healthAuthorityNorthernEmails') as FormArray;
- }
- public get healthAuthorityIslandEmails(): FormArray {
- return this.emailForm.get('healthAuthorityIslandEmails') as FormArray;
- }
- public get healthAuthorityInteriorEmails(): FormArray {
- return this.emailForm.get('healthAuthorityInteriorEmails') as FormArray;
- }
- public get healthAuthorityPHSAEmails(): FormArray {
- return this.emailForm.get('healthAuthorityPHSAEmails') as FormArray;
- }
- public get healthAuthorityVancouverCoastalEmails(): FormArray {
- return this.emailForm.get('healthAuthorityVancouverCoastalEmails') as FormArray;
- }
- public get deviceProviderEmails(): FormArray {
- return this.emailForm.get('deviceProviderEmails') as FormArray;
- }
- public getAgreementDescription() {
- switch (this.currentAgreementGroup) {
- case AgreementTypeGroup.ON_BEHALF_OF:
- return 'You are an on behalf of user';
- case AgreementTypeGroup.REGULATED_USER:
- return 'You are an independent user';
- default:
- return '';
- }
- }
- public isEmailVisible(careSettingCode: number): boolean {
- switch (careSettingCode) {
- return this.showCommunityHealth;
- }
- case this.CareSettingEnum.COMMUNITY_PHARMACIST: {
- return this.showPharmacist;
- }
- case this.CareSettingEnum.HEALTH_AUTHORITY: {
- return this.showHealthAuthority;
- }
- case this.CareSettingEnum.DEVICE_PROVIDER: {
- return this.showDeviceProvider;
- }
- default: {
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- public sendProvisionerAccessLink() {
- if (!this.atLeastOneEmailFilled()) {
- const data: DialogOptions = {
- title: 'Missing Email',
- message: `Please enter at least one email for the Approval Notification.`,
- cancelText: 'Close',
- actionType: 'warn',
- actionHide: true,
- };
- this.dialog.open(ConfirmDialogComponent, { data }).afterClosed();
- } else {
- const data: DialogOptions = {
- title: 'Confirm Email',
- message: `Are you sure you want to send your Approval Notification?`,
- actionText: 'Send',
- };
- this.busy = this.dialog.open(ConfirmDialogComponent, { data })
- .afterClosed()
- .pipe(
- exhaustMap((result: boolean) => {
- if (result) {
- this.complete = true;
- let emailPairs = this.careSettingConfigs.map((config) => {
- return {
- emails: config.formArray.value.map(email => email.email).filter(e => e),
- careSettingCode: config.settingCode,
- healthAuthorityCode: config.settingCode === CareSettingEnum.HEALTH_AUTHORITY ? config.healthAuthorityCode : null,
- }
- });
- return this.enrolmentResource.sendProvisionerAccessLink(emailPairs.filter((ep) => ep.emails && ep.emails[0]), this.enrolment.id);
- } else {
- return EMPTY;
- }
- })
- )
- .subscribe(() => {
- this.toastService.openSuccessToast('Email was successfully sent');
- this.router.navigate([EnrolmentRoutes.PHARMANET_ENROLMENT_SUMMARY],
- { relativeTo: this.route.parent, queryParams: { initialEnrolment: this.initialEnrolment } });
- });
- this.onPageChange({ atEnd: true });
- }
- }
- public getEmailsGroup(careSettingCode: number, healthAuthorityCode: number) {
- let formArray: FormArray;
- switch (careSettingCode) {
- formArray = this.communityHealthEmails;
- break;
- }
- case this.CareSettingEnum.COMMUNITY_PHARMACIST: {
- formArray = this.pharmacistEmails;
- break;
- }
- case this.CareSettingEnum.HEALTH_AUTHORITY: {
- switch (healthAuthorityCode) {
- case this.HealthAuthorityEnum.FRASER_HEALTH: {
- formArray = this.healthAuthorityFraserEmails;
- break;
- }
- case this.HealthAuthorityEnum.INTERIOR_HEALTH: {
- formArray = this.healthAuthorityInteriorEmails;
- break;
- }
- case this.HealthAuthorityEnum.ISLAND_HEALTH: {
- formArray = this.healthAuthorityIslandEmails;
- break;
- }
- formArray = this.healthAuthorityPHSAEmails;
- break;
- }
- case this.HealthAuthorityEnum.NORTHERN_HEALTH: {
- formArray = this.healthAuthorityNorthernEmails;
- break;
- }
- case this.HealthAuthorityEnum.VANCOUVER_COASTAL_HEALTH: {
- formArray = this.healthAuthorityVancouverCoastalEmails;
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- case this.CareSettingEnum.DEVICE_PROVIDER: {
- formArray = this.deviceProviderEmails;
- break;
- }
- }
- return formArray;
- }
- public sendProvisionerAccessLinkTo() {
- let valid = true;
- this.careSettingConfigs.forEach((config) => {
- valid = valid && config.formArray.valid;
- if (!config.formArray.valid) {
- config.formArray.markAllAsTouched();
- }
- });
- if (valid) {
- this.sendProvisionerAccessLink();
- }
- }
- public onPageChange(agreement: { atEnd: boolean }) {
- if (agreement.atEnd) {
- this.hasReadAgreement = agreement.atEnd;
- this.changeDetectorRef.detectChanges();
- }
- }
- public ngOnInit(): void {
- this.enrolment = this.enrolmentService.enrolment;
- this.isInitialEnrolment = this.enrolmentService.isInitialEnrolment;
- this.initialEnrolment = this.route.snapshot.queryParams?.initialEnrolment === 'true';
- this.createFormInstance();
- this.patchForm().subscribe(() => this.initForm());
- this.enrolmentResource.getCurrentAgreementGroupForAnEnrollee(this.enrolment.id)
- .subscribe((group: AgreementTypeGroup) => this.currentAgreementGroup = group)
- this.careSettingConfigs = [];
- this.careSettings.forEach((careSetting) => {
- switch (careSetting.careSettingCode) {
- this.careSettingConfigs.push(
- {
- setting: 'Private Community Health Practice',
- settingPlural: 'Private Community Health Practices',
- settingCode: careSetting.careSettingCode,
- healthAuthorityCode: null,
- formArray: this.communityHealthEmails,
- formArrayName: 'communityHealthEmails',
- subheaderContent: `Send your approval to your private community health practice's PharmaNet administrator (e.g. office manager). If you work in more than one clinic make sure you include every PharmaNet administrator's email. Your PharmaNet administrator(s) will contact you once your PharmaNet access has been set up.`
- });
- }
- break;
- case CareSettingEnum.COMMUNITY_PHARMACIST: {
- this.careSettingConfigs.push({
- setting: 'Community Pharmacy',
- settingPlural: 'Community Pharmacies',
- settingCode: careSetting.careSettingCode,
- healthAuthorityCode: null,
- formArray: this.pharmacistEmails,
- formArrayName: 'pharmacistEmails',
- subheaderContent: `Send your approval to your community pharmacy's PharmaNet administrator (e.g. office manager). If you work in more than one clinic make sure you include every PharmaNet administrator's email. Your PharmaNet administrator(s) will contact you once your PharmaNet access has been set up.`
- });
- }
- break;
- case CareSettingEnum.HEALTH_AUTHORITY: {
- this.enrolment.enrolleeHealthAuthorities.forEach((eha) => {
- this.careSettingConfigs.push({
- setting: `Health Authority - ${this.healthAuthorities.find((ha) => ha.code === +eha.healthAuthorityCode).name}`,
- settingPlural: 'Health Authorities',
- settingCode: careSetting.careSettingCode,
- healthAuthorityCode: eha.healthAuthorityCode,
- formArray: this.getEmailsGroup(careSetting.careSettingCode, eha.healthAuthorityCode),
- formArrayName: this.getHAFormArrayName(eha.healthAuthorityCode),
- subheaderContent: `Send your approval to your health authority's PharmaNet administrator (e.g. office manager). If you work in more than one clinic make sure you include every PharmaNet administrator's email. Your PharmaNet administrator(s) will contact you once your PharmaNet access has been set up.`
- });
- });
- }
- break;
- case CareSettingEnum.DEVICE_PROVIDER: {
- this.careSettingConfigs.push({
- setting: 'Device Provider',
- settingPlural: 'Device Providers',
- settingCode: careSetting.careSettingCode,
- healthAuthorityCode: null,
- formArray: this.deviceProviderEmails,
- formArrayName: 'deviceProviderEmails',
- subheaderContent: `Send your approval to your device provider's PharmaNet administrator (e.g. office manager). If you work in more than one clinic make sure you include every PharmaNet administrator's email. Your PharmaNet administrator(s) will contact you once your PharmaNet access has been set up.`
- });
- }
- break;
- }
- });
- }
- protected getHAFormArrayName(healthAuthorityCode: number): string {
- switch (healthAuthorityCode) {
- case HealthAuthorityEnum.FRASER_HEALTH:
- return "healthAuthorityFraserEmails";
- case HealthAuthorityEnum.INTERIOR_HEALTH:
- return "healthAuthorityInteriorEmails";
- case HealthAuthorityEnum.ISLAND_HEALTH:
- return "healthAuthorityIslandEmails";
- case HealthAuthorityEnum.NORTHERN_HEALTH:
- return "healthAuthorityNorthernEmails";
- return "healthAuthorityPHSAEmails";
- case HealthAuthorityEnum.VANCOUVER_COASTAL_HEALTH:
- return "healthAuthorityVancouverCoastalEmails";
- }
- return "";
- }
- public addEmptyEmailInput(settingCode: number, healthAuthorityCode: number) {
- let emailsArray = this.getEmailsGroup(settingCode, healthAuthorityCode);
- this.addEmail(emailsArray);
- }
- public removeEmail(settingCode: number, healthAuthorityCode: number, index: number): void {
- let emailsArray = this.getEmailsGroup(settingCode, healthAuthorityCode);
- emailsArray.removeAt(index);
- }
- protected initForm() {
- if (!this.communityHealthEmails.length) {
- this.addEmail(this.communityHealthEmails);
- this.addEmail(this.pharmacistEmails);
- this.addEmail(this.healthAuthorityFraserEmails);
- this.addEmail(this.healthAuthorityInteriorEmails);
- this.addEmail(this.healthAuthorityIslandEmails);
- this.addEmail(this.healthAuthorityNorthernEmails);
- this.addEmail(this.healthAuthorityPHSAEmails);
- this.addEmail(this.healthAuthorityVancouverCoastalEmails);
- this.addEmail(this.deviceProviderEmails);
- }
- }
- protected createFormInstance(): void {
- this.emailForm = this.buildEmailGroup();
- }
- protected nextRouteAfterSubmit() {
- let nextRoutePath: string;
- if (!this.isProfileComplete) {
- nextRoutePath = EnrolmentRoutes.PHARMANET_ENROLMENT_SUMMARY;
- }
- super.nextRouteAfterSubmit(nextRoutePath);
- }
- protected addEmail(emailsArray: FormArray, email?: string): void {
- const emailForm = this.fb.group({
- email: ['', []]
- });
- emailForm.patchValue({ email });
- emailsArray.push(emailForm);
- }
- private buildEmailGroup(): FormGroup {
- return this.fb.group({
- communityHealthEmails: this.fb.array([], []),
- pharmacistEmails: this.fb.array([], []),
- healthAuthorityFraserEmails: this.fb.array([], []),
- healthAuthorityInteriorEmails: this.fb.array([], []),
- healthAuthorityIslandEmails: this.fb.array([], []),
- healthAuthorityNorthernEmails: this.fb.array([], []),
- healthAuthorityPHSAEmails: this.fb.array([], []),
- healthAuthorityVancouverCoastalEmails: this.fb.array([], []),
- deviceProviderEmails: this.fb.array([], []),
- });
- }
- public atLeastOneEmailFilled(): boolean {
- let emailFilled = false;
- Object.keys(this.emailForm.controls).forEach((emailArrayKey) => {
- const emailArray = this.emailForm.controls[emailArrayKey] as FormArray;
- Object.keys(emailArray.controls).forEach((emailKey) => {
- let emailControl = emailArray.controls[emailKey] as FormGroup;
- if (emailControl.controls['email'].value && emailControl.controls['email'].value !== "") {
- emailFilled = true;
- }
- });
- });
- return emailFilled;
- }
diff --git a/prime-angular-frontend/src/app/modules/enrolment/pages/pharmanet-enrolment-summary/pharmanet-enrolment-summary.component.html b/prime-angular-frontend/src/app/modules/enrolment/pages/pharmanet-enrolment-summary/pharmanet-enrolment-summary.component.html
index 86bff046c6..b8ff88dd56 100644
--- a/prime-angular-frontend/src/app/modules/enrolment/pages/pharmanet-enrolment-summary/pharmanet-enrolment-summary.component.html
+++ b/prime-angular-frontend/src/app/modules/enrolment/pages/pharmanet-enrolment-summary/pharmanet-enrolment-summary.component.html
@@ -7,31 +7,33 @@
- Share your approval with your PharmaNet administrator
- PRIME will send your enrolment information to your PharmaNet administrator(s) so they can set up your
- access.
- Note: You cannot access PharmaNet without completing this step. If necessary, you can leave this blank
- and
- return to PRIME later to enter the email(s).
+ Share your approval with your PharmaNet administrator
+ PRIME will send your enrolment information to your PharmaNet administrator(s) so they can set up your
+ access.
+ Note: You cannot access PharmaNet without completing this step. If necessary, you can leave this blank
+ and
+ return to PRIME later to enter the email(s).
@@ -49,7 +51,7 @@
@@ -146,7 +148,8 @@
diff --git a/prime-angular-frontend/src/app/modules/enrolment/pages/pharmanet-enrolment-summary/pharmanet-enrolment-summary.component.ts b/prime-angular-frontend/src/app/modules/enrolment/pages/pharmanet-enrolment-summary/pharmanet-enrolment-summary.component.ts
index 271f11e483..68c8b4fca3 100644
--- a/prime-angular-frontend/src/app/modules/enrolment/pages/pharmanet-enrolment-summary/pharmanet-enrolment-summary.component.ts
+++ b/prime-angular-frontend/src/app/modules/enrolment/pages/pharmanet-enrolment-summary/pharmanet-enrolment-summary.component.ts
@@ -48,6 +48,8 @@ export class PharmanetEnrolmentSummaryComponent extends BaseEnrolmentPage implem
public currentAgreementGroup: AgreementTypeGroup;
public initialEnrolment: boolean;
+ public isNextStep: boolean;
+ public isEnrolmentComplete: boolean;
public complete: boolean;
public healthAuthorities: Config[];
@@ -232,7 +234,8 @@ export class PharmanetEnrolmentSummaryComponent extends BaseEnrolmentPage implem
this.toastService.openSuccessToast(`Email was successfully sent to ${emails.join(", ")}`);
- this.emailForm.reset();
+ this.router.navigate([this.EnrolmentRoutes.PHARMANET_ENROLMENT_SUMMARY],
+ { relativeTo: this.route.parent, queryParams: { initialEnrolment: this.initialEnrolment, complete: 'true' } });
@@ -266,12 +269,15 @@ export class PharmanetEnrolmentSummaryComponent extends BaseEnrolmentPage implem
public getTitle() {
- if (!this.initialEnrolment) {
- return 'Share my Global PharmaNet ID (GPID)';
- } else if (this.complete) {
- return 'PRIME Enrolment Complete';
+ if (this.isNextStep) {
+ return 'Next Steps to Get PharmaNet';
+ } else {
+ if (!this.initialEnrolment) {
+ return 'Share my Global PharmaNet ID (GPID)';
+ } else {
+ return 'PRIME Enrolment Complete';
+ }
- return 'Next Steps to Get PharmaNet';
public getAgreementDescription() {
@@ -349,6 +355,8 @@ export class PharmanetEnrolmentSummaryComponent extends BaseEnrolmentPage implem
this.isInitialEnrolment = this.enrolmentService.isInitialEnrolment;
this.initialEnrolment = this.route.snapshot.queryParams?.initialEnrolment === 'true';
+ this.isNextStep = this.route.snapshot.url.some(v => v.path === "next-steps");
+ this.isEnrolmentComplete = this.route.snapshot.queryParams?.complete === 'true';
.subscribe((group: AgreementTypeGroup) => this.currentAgreementGroup = group)